
Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Last Christmas, my sister read that it was going to be Ms. Lisa Macuja's last ballet performance in THE NUTCRACKER and thought it would be something that we should not miss. She told my Mom who agreed and called up her sisters to invite them to watch the show. When my sister told me of their plans I was really hesitant because lazy me thought that it was supposed to be my relaxing day Sunday. But then my sister pulled the usual blah blah of "When is this going to happen again... " speech that I joined their little "entourage" and dragged somebody with me.

No, not my husband. I love him and all but the ARTS is not in his "most favorite" list. Actually, you could use it to torture him or get valuable information. He he he he!

I meant my little Andrei! Initially I thought of having the 2 boys with me because I wanted to inject some culture in their veins. But like his Dad, Mati violently protested so I was left with a very willing Andrei whose sudden enthusiasm to watch it was so cute.

So it's now time for THE NUTCRACKER!

We were all early in the ALIW theatre to watch THE NUTCRACKER!

We had a pretty good view of the stage.

Waiting for the show to start!

Rocio and my sister in law Karen (aka LAKBAY MESA)!

My mom and her sisters, Tita Fer, Ninang Saling, and "Ms. Boots Anson Roa"... He he he he!

My Ate jit and Kuya Jon!

Me and my handsome date! I love dressing up for the theatre and ballet! At the same time, doesn't Andrei look dashing? 

He insisted on wearing a tie!

Andrei and Rocio got curious at the musicians getting ready for the show so they went down to the "orchestra pit".

At this point I was really excited that Andrei is appreciating what's going on around him. I love that he's very curious of what will happen in THE NUTCRACKER.

The lights dimmed and prima ballerina Lisa Macuja gave some friendly reminders so that everyone could enjoy the show.

And then we witnessed... magic.

The NUTCRACKER was very enchanting! 

And it was just a different kind of experience to see our prima ballerina perform!

I'm no ballet expert but the way that Ms. Macuja moved was so smooth and graceful. 

She explained in the documentary that THE NUTCRACKER was her hardest dance piece because of the staccato dance steps on tippy toes.

If it was indeed hard for her, we did not notice it because her NUTCRACKER dance was almost fluid-like and so sharp!

She almost got a standing ovation after every performance at THE NUTCRACKER. Well she truly deserved it!

I initially thought that Andrei might fall asleep during the show. But lo and behold, he was awake the whole time and even asked a lot of questions about THE NUTCRACKER.

Before every act of THE NUTCRACKER they would always post on the LED screens the summarization of the story. Andrei requested that I read it all to him because he was really interested on what would happen next. 

At the end of THE NUTCRACKER... 

... there were tears of joy from our prima ballerina.

... it was her last performance...

... and THIS bade her good bye.

The NUTCRACKER! We were all fascinated of its music and dancing. I am now glad that I traded my Sunday siesta for this.

UH yes.To ME that's important.


If you get a chance, do watch THE NUTCRACKER with your kids come Christmas time. Trust me, you will feel that the holidays will never be the same without it. 

It may not be Ms. Lisa Macuja performing though.

After the show, we looked at THE NUTCRACKER's mini - display.

The different posters of THE NUTCRACKER.

Hmmm... Now Andrei I know I said you were wide awake during the show but this makes you look like you had 3 cups of espresso!

I love that we were able to go out with my Mom's sisters on this enchanting night! :)

I had the best date too!

Somebody who did not yawn, complain, or demand that we go home pronto like his... nevermind. Ha ha ha ha ha!

We then had the "BESTEST" dinner afterwards in our new favorite restaurant, LAU CHAN! 

A VERY perfect night indeed!

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