
Thursday, December 5, 2013


I am a girl of routine. Call it boring, lazy, or just plain dull but I love following a schedule and my husband knows that if my usual "agenda" is not followed to a T, I'll be grumpy and gnarling the whole night.

So for one Friday, my husband and I already set a date with one of our new favorite foodie couple, Albert and Suet, to meet at Robinson's Magnolia. However, a storm decided to loom it's way towards Manila (not Yolanda... yet) that we were already having doubts if the dinner will push through or not. But then I thought, it's FRIDAY. We were meant to meet up with friends! So by hook or by crook, we shall push through. Besides, Albert suggested we go for Thai that all bets are off. I love that cuisine so much that I would almost drop everything when Thai is on the menu (I said "almost" because what if I was carrying a baby? Tee hee).

Anyway, even if there were already rains and thunderstorms it's off to Thai Bistro we go because we know we will be surely in for a night of great company and delicious food!  Now if that will not make you commit to my kind of schedule, then I don't know what will.

Except of course if it's a date with me....

Fine I'm just kidding. No need to call the mental institution or anything... :)


Welcome... welcome.... 

THAI BISTRO is very spacious with dainty exotic interiors. You would think that you entered a spa to get a thai massage. 

As usual Albert and Suet, the masters of military time, were 30 minutes early. Ha ha ha ha! It was a good thing that even if it was raining hard, traffic was forgivable and we were able to arrive at THAI BISTRO on time! I was telling them about our travel when this picture was taken.

... and this lady was eavesdropping! Ha ha ha ha!

Me and Suet!

Yub and Albert!

Yub and his desire to become THAI BISTRO's model!

Albert ordering up!

First on the table was some THAI BISTRO Tom Yum Talay (Hot and sour seafood soup P155.00) which had a fruity bite. I know this is not really Japanese ramen but the soup is so good you would like to take a big slurp out of it after your uno taste. 

Albert ordered the THAI BISTRO Ravioli (P295.00) which is definitely a must order in the restaurant!

Initially I was apprehensive at trying out something with the word RAVIOLI in a Thai restaurant but as I pierced the thin rice paper wrapping, out came the sesame beef and the shitake mushrooms!

Such a delicious dish from THAI BISTRO!!

When I'm in a thai restaurant I always make sure to order their pad thai, my favorite. THAI BISTRO's version (P320.00) does not disappoint! The dish was artistically plated with an "egg-net" encasing the noodles.

We gave the THAI BISTRO noodles a quick mix and it let out such a wonderful aroma of pork in brown sauce loaded with bean sprouts, peanuts, and the works!

Yub was again targeting the chicken pandan for his dish but he suddenly felt adventurous and ordered the THAI BISTRO Satay Duo (P360.00) which were 2 skewers each of pork and chicken.

My husband loved this THAI BISTRO dish and declared each bite to be more tasty than the last. He didn't need to dip it in the cucumber relish and peanut sauce.

But still old habits die hard so he still ordered some of his usual THAI BISTRO Chicken pandan. Ha ha ha ha!

As for Albert, he ordered HIS favorite in THAI BISTRO! Unfortunately, I forgot the name but you get the picture of what this is...Steamed fish with a very flavorful sour soup that is perfect on rice!! SO good! 

When I'm in a thai restaurant, my usual habit is to order my favorite bagoong rice (THAI BISTRO's Khao Kluk Kapi P315.00). Even if Yub detests this, I still ordered it by my lonesome because going to a Thai restaurant without this beauty is unfathomable! 

Isn't it just wonderful (sniff sniff!)

Since I'm owning that THAI BISTRO bagoong rice, the others just ordered some garlic fried!


A table filled with such scrumptious THAI BISTRO food!!! My mouth is watering at the very sight of it!

I guess this guy is drooling at the sight of me instead.

HA HA HA! Kidding.

My plate! My wonderful THAI BISTRO plate!!!

I'm not sure if this was my first or second helping of the THAI BISTRO beef ravioli and fish!

If I was not TRYING to diet, I would've finished all of this THAI BISTRO Bagoong rice....

I'm not sure if I was able to control myself though when I got home. 

Hmmm.... if I didn't know any better, these 2 are texting each other... in secret. 

As to when their couple night dinner would be?

Ha ha ha ha! Kidding! Looking forward to another foodie night out with the Santillanas!!!


Ground Floor Unit 187, Robinsons Magnolia, 
New Manila, Quezon City
02 7036910, +63 9178381696  

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember the time we had lunch at Wildflour? It was also raining hard.
