
Friday, October 18, 2013


(March 29, 2013)

My husband fetched me from work one Friday evening and I think I got out a wee late that's why we cannot go to a mall anymore.

So this would be our "quick bite for dinner and go home" date...

Sort of like a QUICKIE! YEAAAH!

A "quickie" with bagoong rice? Now may I say THAT seems tasty but nasty at the same time depending on how you look at it? Ha ha ha! 

Oh well... Men are from Mars and Girls are from Venus I know.

Anywho, so we passed by Wilson avenue and was about to go to our usuals when MY THAI caught my eye.  I have always wanted to try the little Thai restaurant that could but never got to because we would always pig out in PHO HOA instead (Check that out HERE)! So this time, we will detach ourselves from the usual clasps of vietnamese pho and have for ourselves some exciting Thai food!

Oh wow... Quickies have never been this good! Tee hee!


MY THAI was very cozy inside and even though the restaurant had a number of diners, we did not feel cramped or.... violated? 

Tee hee! Kidding!

I wondered aloud to the MY THAI waitress if those were real cabinets that roll out and she said that it was "all an illusion....".

Actually she said it was just plastered there but I wanted a bit of "magic" tonight. Ha ha ha ha ha!

MY THAI meynuh one!


MY THAI meynuh trois!

I am such a sucker for bagoong (shrimp paste) rice that once I stepped inside a thai restaurant, my bloodhound senses would sniff out an order. So most definitely, I got MY THAI's Bagoong Fried Rice (P230.00).

Unfortunately, my very stuffy hubby detests so I'm always left to contend with this dish usually good for 3 to 4 servings by just me lonesome. 

I really don't get my husband's aversion to bagoong fried rice when you got everything you need from the food pyramid at every spoonful -- there's the veggies... then the meats... then the fruits... and a very tasty carbs!

And MY THAI's bagoong fried rice is such a winner! Before mixing though, I begged Yub to get some of just the rice so I won't be tempted to finish it all. Once he got his share, I dove right in!

Wow! I loved  MY THAI's Bagoong Fried Rice because the meat was very tender and perfectly seasoned. The rice had the right amount of fish paste in it so nothing was too salty or cloying per bite! Perfect!

This MY THAI dish will be more delicious with the addition of chili powder.

Ka pow!

My husband loves lumpia and would naturally order it at any restaurant if they have it. So most naturally we got MY THAI's Spring Rolls (P155.00). 

I'm not much of a lumpia fan but I always dig in when in a Thai or Vietnamese restaurant because I loved the veggies they included in the roll. Plus, the dipping sauce is always a winner in my book over catsup!

... or is it ketchup? Hmmmm....

As much as I would love to order the more exciting viands in the menu, I would still have to think of my husband and his certain "finicky-ness". The only dish that he could eat in a Thai restaurant would always be Fried Chicken wrapped in Pandan leaves. Since I usually eat anything, this would be fine with me. 

Each MY THAI Chicken pandan was packed with meat that was so tasty and very juicy. If you think this is just a bite sized portion of the dish, think again. I think I was just able to eat 1 and a half of this because it was more than enough for me. My husband gladly finished everything.

Let's eat at MY THAI!

My husband eating his MY THAI spring rolls. See? He ordered an extra helping of plain rice! Lots of great grains on the table!

Attacking my MY THAI food with gusto!

My plate! My gorgeous MY THAI plate!

Burp! I'm done! I just took home some of my MY THAI Bagoong Rice leftovers.

My husband still felt like picking on the spring rolls and chicken!

Our MY THAI bill! Pretty reasonable right considering that the food was delicious and we sort of ate for 3!

Would love to go back here soon for another Thai fix!


204 Wilson St., Addition Hills, San Juan
Metro Manila, Philippines

Phone Number
(+63 2) 726-4917


  1. There's always a My Thai wherever we go for dates, but we haven't tried it out yet. The boyf isn't a fan of Thai cuisine kasi. He only eats the chicken (too)! Haha.. He likes bagoong fried rice though. But whenever I eat in Thai restos, I don't order bagoong fried rice but tom yum and pad thai. Yun lang he finds them "too Thai" for his taste. Haha! Kaya we veer away from Thai restos more often than not. *sigh*

    Anyway, I'll get to try My Thai soon enough! :)

    1. Hiya Sumi! I think this calls for a double date! Ha ha ha ha! We share a big plate of Bagoong Fried Rice while the guys could enjoy their chicken! Tee hee!!! :) Thanks for the comment! :)
