
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Yes this silly little foodie blog was supposed to be our usual HA HA times in restaurants be it pricey or dingy as long as blah blah "we are together".

But lately, like the computer in 2001 Space Odyssey, it's almost having a LIFE OF IT'S OWN. (Enter dramatic  DAN DAN DAN music).

Well, before, we would just document our usual foodie night out dates (hence the name ERICJAZ FOODIES)... But then it suddenly featured my family... then it had KIDDIE meals (with the 2 little lords)... then with friends... then our meals on family trips (be it here or in zimbabwe).... then with the greatest bloggers I know.... and  then we had giveaways....

Then what I really did not expect to have in this silly little foodie blog (yes far greater than the unexpected giveaways) was that I would feature DESSERTS in its own blog posts.

Why do that you may ask? Well even though most of the restaurants we have been to have their own special sweets and desserts, most of it would often be overshadowed by the deliciousness of their entrees. It is very rare that even after savoring the steaks, burgers, etc., etc., that I would be blown away more by "after show" than the main event.

And that is why we have THIS.

In honor of those grubs that are SO good... SO delicious... SO heavenly and wonderful that they have bragging  rights to have their own "mark in this silly little foodie blog.

(Yeah... yeah... my silly little foodie blog may not be a sufficient platform for bragging but still, my imaginary friends love this so THEY may count... tee hee!)

So after my Starbucks Special Cookie and Yamato's Cronuts...




Warning : Insane selfies.

Sorry... these desserts may have their own features but not without a hitch right? Ha ha ha ha!

After mentioning to one of the coolest bloggers in the metro, Richard Co (TALES FROM THE TUMMY) that I have read a LOT about the ever famous Quezo De Bola cheesecake made by INDULGENCE BY IRENE, I was delightfully surprised when I received a text from him informing that he has a special "treat" for me on a rainy Tuesday.

I got out of the office VERY late but I still braved the rains and crazy traffic because I was really so curious how this famed cheesecake actually tastes like...

It's time to stop dreaming Toto... I will now have a taste of OZ...

in Quezo de Bola form!!! Tee hee!

After my usual high carb dinner, I excitedly ripped open the red box and admired the special sweet treat I have inside from INDULGENCE BY IRENE....

Why hello there Quezo de Bola Cheesecake... My name is Jazmin... Oh you smell SO good.... I'm sorry but you will be in my wide tummy after an hour...

Okay fine... An hour and a half.... Tee hee!!!

I can't help but admire how this round yellow piece of nirvana from INDULGENCE BY IRENE looks like... It seems so simple but also very compact with goodness... 

This Quezo de Bola Cheesecake by INDULGENCE BY IRENE may be packed with wonderful topping but it still seemed so creamy and fluffy.... 

But as they say, the proof is in the cheesecake!!! Time to slice up this baby and take a big bite out of it.... 

As expected, this Queso de Bola Cheesecake by INDULGENCE BY IRENE  was loaded with the topping but it was still soft and somewhat buttery to the slice. 

Even after a few hours after I picked it up on a cold and rainy night, the Queso de Bola cheesecake was not mushy nor damp (as what other desserts would be after taking it home). It still helD up proudly on it's own. 

Oh Cheesecake... You're going to get it now!

HOWEVER... My mom and sister suddenly got a whiff of the diabolical thing I was about to do (yes they think that stuffing myself with desserts at 11:00pm is a crime to my immensely big body) and they decided (or FORCED themselves) to join me in my cheesecake party just so that I won't get fatter than I already am.

Yeah yeah... excuses excuses...

My sister, the doctor, grabbed what was supposed to be my first forkful from my INDULGENCE BY IRENE dessert without even considering my needs first.TO THINK she was supposed to have more EQ than me being a doctor and all! Ha!

Oh well.... She IS my sister anyway and as they say, SHARING IS CARING, so I guess I could spare a few bites from my Queso de Bola Cheesecake....

Plus I needed a photographer since my husband was asleep already... Tee hee!

1st view...

Second View... 

LAST view.... 

Into my mouth I bid you famed Cheesecake bite.... 

I told my sister to immediately catch my expression after I take in my first forkful of the Queso De Bola Cheesecake from INDULGENCE BY IRENE and I don't know if either I enjoyed my dessert too much or my sister was really as evil as me because THIS is what she captured!!!!


OH WOW. If I was not able to meet personally the lovely IRENE CO, wife of Richard Co, I would have guessed that she was an angel who created this nirvana like dessert while playing her harp.

THE CHEESECAKE WAS SOOOO DELICIOUS I THINK I'M GOING TO... (enter all kinds of verbs here).

You would THINK that since it was made from Queso de Bola that it would be so cloying and cheesily overpowering but really, the taste of that Pinoy delicacy did rule the majestic dessert but the flavors were mild, enticing -- with the right amount of cream and "sharpness" that you would expect from your Noche Buena staple. 

In my opinion, after taking in big forkfuls of  the rich and creamy dessert you would be positive that THIS is how a true cheesecake should taste like -- not how they do it in New York or in that so called "factory"... This special treat from INDULGENCE BY IRENE is the real thing that you would not get tired of and even crave for it serving after serving.... 

And just as Jean Valjean (Les Miserables) would shout out... "ONE BITE MOOOOOOORE!!!"

(Well I didn't WRITE the whole thing so I'm pretty sure that was how Victor Hugo really intended it to be... He he he he!)

... and in no time....


I should have taken this with coffee...

Oh well! I'm sure there would be LOTS of opportunities for that after tonight... He he he he!!!

I doubt if my friends read this silly little food blog (even my husband DOES not!) so it would be safe for me to declare that I know where I will buy my Christmas gifts for loved ones this year.... Would really like to share the nirvana I felt for their holidays!

And if you're craving for it right now, do not befriend me and wait for Christmas... Call the numbers above and place your orders. You can thank me later on....

If you're hottie Tom Rodriguez, I hope it is with a kiss and a hug... Tee hee!!!

LET'S EAT!!!! 

Check out more heavenly eats from INDULGENCE BY IRENE
by going to their Facebook page! INDULGENCE BY IRENE (FACEBOOK)

Disclaimer : ERICJAZ FOODIES is not liable for any nightmares caused by my hideous picture up above...

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