
Sunday, September 22, 2013


It's the second day of our wonderful F1 HOTEL MANILA STAYCATION and yes, yes, as much as I want to sleep in since it is a Sunday and all, I don't want to waste another fun-filled day for the little lords.

Before I blow my horn to wake up the little rugrats, check out our exciting first day at F1 HOTEL MANILA by going HERE!!

While my little lords were sleeping soundly like little kittens in F1 HOTEL MANILA.... 

... my husband was looking out at our spectacular view and daydreaming about the usual guys stuffs (like having a private jet or an 8-pack abs OR being married to ME... he he he he!)

We normally wake up at 9:30am on Sundays to go to church, have breakfast, cause massive destruction in either Ortigas or San Juan, then meet up with my family for lunch. But we were in F1 HOTEL MANILA so all bets are off on what we will be doing for the day.

One thing is for sure though... it was time to WAKE UP!

So we finally got everyone dressed and trooped down once more to have breakfast at F CAFE! 

Breakfast was a diverse collection of all usual morning staples which you would crave for. And since I always believed in the saying that you should EAT LIKE A KING/QUEEN in the morning, then I will be trying everything that F CAFE dares to serve me. 

See my plate? That's my Filipino serving.... The kids were carbo loading because they wanted to practice for the swimming olympics later on. 

And like I said, my husband is wanting to have an 8 pack tummy (he he he he) but he is trying to do so with plates and plates of extra crispy bacon!

I would add those pics later on when I get home. HA HA HA HA!

I'm not really a charitable diner and I would always give the lowest rating possible because I believe in always improving on the service. But with F CAFE of F1 HOTEL MANILA, I cannot help it. Every nook and corner just made me satiated and satisfied! It also helped that the restaurant manager and waiter were always eager on hand to ask if we were doing okay in our table. 

So all number 5 it is! Just to be clear though, it is Andrei, yes, Andrei who wrote my name for me. That kid should really improve on his handwriting.... (tee hee!)

After our very hearty breakfast, it was raining.

But did it stop the kids from enjoying the 3 pools of F1 HOTEL MANILA?

NO way.

Judge me all you want... They are going to get wet anyway. Besides, I wanted them to experience taking a bath in the rain. I think every kid should feel that at one point in their lives.

Mati enjoyed having the F1 HOTEL MANILA pool to himself!

... but not for long. Ha ha ha ha!

I guess other parents share the same sentiment as me!

So Andrei played ball and made new friends again.

As for me, the ever devoted, dutiful mommy (tee hee), the splatter of the rain was like a lullaby and the extra cold weather enveloped my whole lazy self... so I went ahead and took a mini-shnoooze.....

Good thing my husband was there. I would have been fired if I was a lifeguard on duty. HA HA HA HA!

After an hour or two, it was time to wash up for little Andrei. I wrapped him once more in the heated towels of F1 HOTEL MANILA and gave him a tight hug. Because that's what you should do to your little shivering wet boys --  give them a real, long, snug, hug!

As an added bonus for you, give them a wee kiss on their wet cheeks too! 

After taking a bath and packing up, we had a few more minutes to spare before we checked out so we did what we would usually NOT do when we were at home...

Mati -- Watch TV in the morning! 
(He could only watch at the strike of 12:00pm)

Andrei -- Play PSP! 
(He could only play after writing on his journal).

Me - Go online with my tab while my belly was all big and hanging out!!! 
(well... I don't even know what excuse to give...  I think I was already inhaling with all my might here.  HA HA HA HA HA! Oh I know! I'll use the I-had-2-kids-that's-why route. Tee hee!
Never fails!) 

After our bags were promptly picked up by the F1 HOTEL MANILA bell boy (is that what you still call them these days?), we did our usual tradition of taking pictures around the room....

Here we are in the bedroom...

Here's Mati covering his Daddy up while Andrei covered HIS eyes!

Here's Mati making one last prank call to the front desk which we had to say sorry for later on....

Ha ha ha ha!

(Hello? Is there an I.P. Freely there?)

Here's us saying goodbye to our room one last time...

GOOD BYE Room 1006 of F1 HOTEL MANILA! We will miss you!

You may find it weird or something but I feel a certain sadness when saying good bye to the rooms which took us in on our weekend vacations. I sometimes feel that they are our immobilized nanny for the 2 days because it took care of us and made sure that we had a grand but relaxing time.  Maybe that is why I just HAVE to always remember what our room number was with a picture. So we will never forget them.

Yes I'm a sentimental weirdo. There you go. Ha ha ha! 

My little Mati took several pictures of his toy around F1 HOTEL MANILA and said that he will also blog about it. You may check his thing at THE IRON MATI! He already has a journal of all his (mis)"adventures" but he wanted to have it online as well. 

If you want your boys to have a journal too, make it as a condition BEFORE he gets to play any electronic gadget. It worked for me! He he he he!

Checking out in F1 HOTEL MANILA was such a breeze!

It's a good thing because if it took just a minute more longer, we would have extended our stay for another day!

After checking out at F1 HOTEL MANILA, we roamed around once more and discovered that they also have a spa and wellness center which was open from 10:00am to 5:00am the next day.

The kindly attendant let us in to take a look. 

At first glance I was so sorry that my husband and I were not able to get the special massage since we were with the boys. 

I know that we could have the massage in the room but our schedule was just jampacked. Besides, if we were going to have the massage we sure want to experience it in their tranquil and peaceful Spa!

Not to worry. This F1 HOTEL MANILA spa is something to come back for. DEFINITELY.

Oh yes. Something to come back for indeed. Ha ha ha!

We also dropped by the F1 HOTEL MANILA's Fitness center which was open for 24 hours!

The F1 HOTEL MANILA Fitness Center may be modest in size but it has all that you need to get you sweating when you exercise there.

My husband and I totally saw ourselves panting and running or biking at the F1 HOTEL MANILA gym equipment but we were too busy doing our OTHER favorite exercise....

EATING. duh! 

It definitely piqued the curiosity of my little boys!

I was especially amused how little Andrei really went at it.


So after that, I guess, it's SAYONARA to F1 HOTEL MANILA!

Besides having such an enjoyable time at F1 HOTEL MANILA, I was particularly excited to meet the other food bloggers whose works I have come to read and (cough) stalk.

My boys Andrei and Mati also made new friends like the pretty little Rain of Richie (THE PICKIEST EATER) and Rina (RINA'S RAINBOW)!

Thank you so much to F1 HOTEL MANILA's Mr. Mikco Maiquez, Mr. Tony Q. Co - Director of Operations, and Ms. Cindy Brual - Director Sales and Marketing for having ERICJAZ FOODIES!!! You will surely see us with a vengeance to take a taste once more of your Christmas specials!!!!

Mati and Andrei cannot wait to go back!!!

And of course, ultraelectromagneticpop thanks to dear Spanky Enriquez (JUICE.PH) for inviting TEAM YAP (EricJaz Foodies, Mati, and Andrei) for this wonderful staycation in F1 HOTEL MANILA! You got yourself 2 new little fans! 

We initially thought at F1 HOTEL MANILA was just a place for businessmen or expats to stay in while they're doing their thing at the Fort. But definitely F1 HOTEL MANILA is also the perfect hub for your family staycation for the weekend! My little Mati and Andrei are already asking when we will be back at F1 HOTEL MANILA!

TO THINK that one of their favorite places in the Metro are Serendra and Bonifacio Hi street for the open spaces which they could run around, go on their bikes and even fly their kites in (yup we did that all before). But, even if these are all a stone's throw away from F1 HOTEL MANILA, the 2 little lords totally forgot about it and just had the grandest of fun staying in.

We'll DEFINITELY see you once more F1 HOTEL MANILA!

32nd St, Taguig City 1634
(632) 928 9888

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