
Friday, April 19, 2013


When I was still in College, my friends and I did not just confine ourselves to making "tusok tusok the fishballs" (spearing sticks into fishballs). When we have extra allowance in our pockets, we would usually go to Glorietta to have lunch in Streetlife, DC Diner, Mcdonalds, and, when there is a special occasion, T.G.I.FRIDAYS! 

We always feasted on their Chicken Fingers because not only was it our favorite, but it was also the cheapest item in their menu! Ha ha ha! But hey, every time we go there, it was always a riot and whatever our order was, be it Chicken Fingers or just 1 bottomless iced tea to share, we always Thank Gulay there is Fridays!!!

"In here it's always Friday."

Really??? Fer sure? Because if that was true then I will stay here because I am a normal person who just detest weekday/workdays! He he he he!

Our friend was in town from Bacolod and when deciding where to meet up, I suggested T.G.I.FRIDAY'S  for old time's sake. 

Only this time, we will not crowd all 9 of us in our friend's Corolla to go to Glorietta. Because now, we will crowd ourselves in a jeepney (tee hee) and go to T.G.I.FRIDAY'S Bonifacio High Street!

Oh YEAAAH we are so sosy you know! Kidding!

Dear Marie Jorollan with the authoritative voice from College! Think newscaster "Anne Curry" quality! She was always a blast to chat with because of her dry and sarcastic humor. And even if she is the one of the most clever ladies I know, she still puts up with silly ol' me who loved teasing her immensely. Ha ha ha ha ha!  

"Ms. Anne Curry" immediately requested to have our table inside spic and span in a jiffy since it was getting hot outside.

pecial guest from Bacolod,  Ms. Anneleine "Carrots" Monroy-Alemany. Believe me, this lady was legendary in Assumption College. Not only was she pretty, crazy, smart, but she has the LOUDEST voice I know. It was always a party whenever she is around. So fun!

By the way, I passed Accounting because of her. Now don't ask how. Hehehe!

We have also dear Michelle Mendoza - Peralta who GIVES life to the party! Why? Even if she lived in Paranaque during that time, we always drove there (yup all nine of us in one car) and she would feed our hungry mouths then letus have our chika sessions at her place. She was SO good at organizing events as well and Michelle was the leader in that aspect of the group! He he he he!

If you're asking who the Chinese guy is, well I just picked him up in the corner because he looked 
GO-OOD! He he he!

... and to the others, BGP Marian, Heidi, Perlie, Ann, and Agot who were no-shows, don't worry, you guys WILL shoulder the bill for us. Ha ha ha ha! Kidding!

My poor Chinese stalker was the lone wolf in the pack but don't worry, his loneliness was cured by CANDY CRUSH!

FINALLY! Thanks to Marie's booming voice, we got an immediate table at ... T.G.I.FRIDAYS!

First on the table was T.G.I.FRIDAYS Chicken Finger BLT (P325.00). Sandwich was heaping with fillings it was impossible not to get a lock jaw with it. But, my Chinese stalker was able to get a huge bite, no effort.

What the......? 

But come to think of it, the sandwich has T.G.I.FRIDAYS' special Chicken Fingers so who would NOT risk getting a lock jaw with that delectable meat?

Not me. In between gossiping, I bit away! 

Just because we had a guy at the table, my friends ordered T.G.I.FRIDAYS' Swiss Burger (P485.00). I was able to get the half piece of this and I loved the peppers on top of the patty. Everything was as juicy as it could ever be! Now THAT was a good thing because at least my College friends mistook the drool on the side of my lip as beef juices.....

YUMMY in my tummy!

My husband however, steered clear of this because he does not eat vegetables and the peppers touched his meat. He even made this horrendous face when I asked him to get some.

Good! More for me then! Mmmmmmm!

T.G.I.FRIDAYS' Quezo Fondido (P295.00) was as cheesy and gooey as it looked. The big plus was that it had loads of salsa and bacon bits. Truly yum!

Mareng Carrots trying out the fries with the Quezo Fondido. I think this was the only time she was serious throughout our dinner.

And just because we need some veggies to counter all that carbs and meat, we ordered T.G.I.FRIDAYS Caesar Salad (P395.00). Plate was chilled and greens were crunchy! I loved their Caesars salad! It veni vidi vici'd for me! 

Table was heaping already with food but did you think we stopped?


One of  the first dishes in T.G.I.FRIDAYS which I got a taste back then was their Mushroom Chicken and Mushroom (P595.00). Honestly, I did not liked this dish before and I felt it was all hype. I found everything bland and just EEEWY (that's my kolehiyala lingo for you! Boo). But after having it now as an adult (a paying adult at that) this suddenly tasted better. I think I could order this myself next time BUT with the Chinese stalker paying for me. 


T.G.I.FRIDAYS Buffalo Wings (P295.00). Sorry, I liked the "Chili-er" version... Tee hee!

Let us DIG IN!!!

Halfway with our grub!

Of course we should have a pic with the Chinese guy I picked up!

Ain't I sweet to this guy I just met?

Ha ha ha ha! I'm kidding okay? I was actually getting money from his wallet at that time. :P

And the piece de resistance! T.G.I.FRIDAYS Chicken Fingers (P295.00)

Yipeee!!! One bite and it brought back instant memories as to how ANGELIC we were during College!!!

My plate!

Guess who ordered this T.G.I.FRIDAYS Gold Medal Strawberry Milkshake (P175.00)?

If you guessed my husband, then CHING CHING CHING! You are correct!

What the...?

Dessert was T.G.I.FRIDAYS Mocha Mud Pie (P285)!

It was supposed to be served with almonds but we had it on the side. Good call because as per Marie, it smelled like it came from an Indian restaurant. It's true! I don't know why though... 

However we still kept on getting a whiff of it afterwards every now and then. 

THAT part I don't know why as well. Hahahaha!

Let's forget the diet and just dig in to the wonderful dessert!

My Chinese stalker was happy because while we gabbed, he watched basketball!

Oh I was SO full after all that food!

And, call it a tradition, but everytime we eat at T.G.I.FRIDAYS, we celebrate as if it was Carrots' birthday!

And we surprised her ONCE more with a song!

Early last year, we celebrated her "birthday" in Yakimix.... you could tell we had a blast....

Hi Perlie and Heidi!

By the way, the Toyota Corolla which I mentioned earlier where we all squeezed into like those "clowns", that was Perlie's. Hahahaha! We were so glad her parents did not mind. It was even brand new at that time. Tee hee!

... and this one was back in 2009. Ha ha ha ha ha! We always get the best of laughs here and I am thankful that T.G.I.FRIDAYS peeps are so accomodating with our crazy wish!!!

Since it's tradition, we just HAD to celebrate again her visit as if she was having a birthday! 

And they were ever so nice to give Mareng Carrots a mini-dessert with candle for her to blow on!

Happy "Visit" Mareng Carrots! We love having you here in Manila with us. Could you stay for life here pretty please????

The T.G.I.FRIDAYS birthday giveaway was extra good! I loved the whipped cream and fruit loops on top of the vanilla ice cream with caramel! YUM! This is worth celebrating a birthday every Fridays now!

Our bill!!! Not bad right?

ALWAYS a great time with my College friends! We may have lost track or had some hits and misses with each other but there is really nothing like going back to the peeps who were there when life was simple and just carefree. I truly consider these friends my ultimate comfort zone!! Plus, they give me the loudest of laughs!!!

And to the others, BGP (Best Gal Pal) Mariane, Heidi, Perlie, Ann, and Agot, you were dearly missed.

Expect the bill in a few days from us. HAR DE HAR HAR!

By the way, this was US during our Senior College retreat (l-r, Marie, Perlie, ME!!, Heidi, BGP Marian, Michelle, Ann, Agot, and Carrots)!!

Such a great time with my College friends and it was oh so fun reminiscing about our crazy years together when we were harassing everyone in our all-girl private school.

After all the good byes and promises to meet up once again when everyone is free, me and the hub got thinking...

Yes! We guess in T.G.I.FRIDAYS, it WAS sorta like Friday everyday...

Because with their good food and a promise of a great time, you're assured of wonderful days ahead.

Just like what every weekend brings to everyone.

As for my College friends, I reached my quota for laughs for several days. Thanks for the fun time as always!!! When's the next run?


T.G.I. Friday's / TGIF
Bonifacio High Street
Bonifacio High Street, The Fort, 9th Ave.
Fort Bonifacio, Taguig
(02) 856-2996

And in our original hang-out...

T.G.I. Friday's / TGIF
Glorietta 3
3/F Glorietta 3, Ayala Ave cor Pasay Rd
Ayala Center, Makati
(02) 752-7685


  1. I love Fridays! I loved your review too.

    1. Wow thanks!!! It was a whole lot of fun eating in FRIDAYS and writing about it afterwards as well. I'm glad you liked my silly little foodie entry. I hope you could check out the other blog posts as well! Thank you again!!! :)

  2. I'm also one of their avid fan because I always enjoy their food.

    1. Hiya Willa! I agree! Same great food which means same great time! Thank you for taking the time to read my post :)

  3. So the chicken fingers aren't dry anymore?

    1. Hiya Karen! Personally I didn't find it dry. I liked it! Although, I did shamefully drown it in their honey mustard sauce. So maybe that's why I didn't notice anything. Hehehe! thanks for reading!

  4. WOW!! You guys had a great time!!!!

    1. Hiya Tara! We really did! And it helped so much that the food in TGIFRIDAYS were good! We only had a few leftovers to take home at that! :)

  5. Wow! Looks like you a fun night. I havn't been to TGIFridays for a more than a decade. Haha perhaps because its not a place for a wallflower like me =p But, its nice to be refreshed with what they offer.

    1. Hiya Stacy! Yes we did!! Not only were my college friends so hilarious but food was awesome that it made us stay in the resto even while we were gabbin' away! Like you, it has been years since we stepped in TGIFridays, I just suggested it for old time's sake. I'm glad we did because we all had a great time! Ah yeah they have this promo right now... We may try it as well! Thanks for reading :)
