
Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I think we have stressed it pretty often how we always want to be practical (read: kuripot/stingy) on most things. Don't get me wrong. We do indulge once in a while and we do not have this masochistic inclination to just pervertedly deprive ourselves but we do get our joyest of joys if we are able to save on some THINGS.

Take for example. Our love for eating out. People may remark that we eat out TOO much and do not save anymore. (Let us hide those "people's" names under "elders"... ha ha ha!) But we always say that we do not shop for expensive items and we would still keep a portion of our salary in the bank, so yes, we are entitled to at least release a week's woes in restaurants.

In our defense, at least we are making our tummies and mouths happy. And I'm sure there's a doctor out there who would say that is a good thing. Not counting of course that eating is a necessity and all but you know what I mean. Happy body parts means happy life.

Or something like that. Har de har har!

That is why we love discovering restaurants that give us a great munchy quality to our light wallets. And SUZU KIN is definitely one of them. Yub discovered this restaurant while in Makati and he cannot believe that for a price less than P200.00 you get yourself a heaping plate filled with the usual Japanese favorites.

The SUZU KIN branch in San Juan where we used to eat already closed down but I'm comforted that they still have one in North Edsa while the original one in Makati stayed put.

So yey for us! At least we know we have somewhere to run to when we're craving for Japanese but also keep the voices in our head, who reminds our need to save, happy.

Oh yes. We live in Mandaluyong by the way. Har de har har!


Waitress in sultry and breathy voice..

"Wilkam to SUZU KIN......."

SUZU KIN in Luna Mencias, San Juan, seem to be a house converted into a restaurant. The place is always quiet and very cozy.

(Jazmin - Luna Mencias branch has closed already so you may go to SUZU KIN Makati or North Edsa for your cheap Japanese fix.)

SUZU KIN meynu on the wall!

Yub was pretty excited! SUZU KIN in Makati was one of his favorite restaurants and he was ultra happy that they already had a branch nearby our place. 

As for me, I am... THE WALRUS! Chu chu chu chuuu! 

But seriously, after our first meal in SUZU KIN we were hooked and became regular customers already. I think this was the time where we forgot eating in other Japanese restaurants (such as Zaifu, Teriyaki Boy, and Sumo Sam) because we got our usual favorites at half the price!

I was trying to save today so just water for the JazMeister!

Our favorite in SUZU KIN is their ALL DAY EVERYDAY meal which is hysterically priced at P123.00! Yes! For only P123.00 you get a plate of almost everything! There's chicken, tempura, salted anchovies, pork, tuna, steak, miso soup, and plain rice!!!

If you want to convert your carbs to fried rice you could do so for an additional fee!


(He he he! I'm just acting out the hype on that last part... tee hee)

Me and Yub usually share the SUZU KIN All Day Every Meal and if I'm extra hungry, I'll just get for meself an extra order of Yakimeshi rice (P68.00).

I loved their Yakimeshi rice because there was nothing sticky nor too dry about it. It is packed with Japanese flavor plus the  meats and veggies were not stingy (unlike us) at all!!!

SUZU KIN miso soup comes free with the All Day Every day meal and I am quite satisfied with it. Don't look for the usual soup with the mild flavors of miso, nori, and soft tofu. What you get is something similar with the broth of nissin's ramen, add a dash of miso, then some fried tempura flakes. 

Cheap. Yes. Delicious? YES. I like it. The soup is a fair slurp along with the other Japanese grub.

Ain't this SUZU KI plate fit for a King? Or a very cute Queen?

Or a Princess... cough cough Jazmin! Tee hee!

Oh I'm just kidding. You need not send hate mail over that.

By the way, I think this was the time when I was practicing my "reserved" smile. Note that if you haven't met me in person, based on these pictures (don't count the walrus), I seem to be a very Maria Clara being.

I always get to eat the bean sprouts because my husband does not eat veggies. The SUZU KIN tuna steak is saucy and since the garlic makes it extra salty, the fish is perfect with the yakimeshi rice.

The SUZU KIN fried anchovies are worth a chomp as well!

I think the SUZU KIN breaded pork is what I least liked in this plate because it is sort of bland. I guess my husband agrees with me on this because he always gives it to me as "my share".

Tsk tsk tsk... Can you feel the love tonight? Uh-uh.

My palate may be very simple because I just utterly L.O.V.E SUZU KIN's Kani Salad (P105.00) because it is drowning in Japanese mayonnaise! Oh I am just obsessed with it! I could eat this with rice and this alone!

I'm licking my screen now by the way.... Not a lovely sight so it's good this blog does not have video.

When I am in a Japanese restaurant, I consider it sacrilege if I don't order or at least get a taste of their tekka maki (P161.00). And I loved what they have in SUZU KIN because the tuna seem fresh and the rice was not the usual cheap quality you get from other "low priced" Japanese restos. 

I don't know about the other SUZU KIN branches but in the San Juan establishment they let me get a half order of this (6pcs for P80.00) instead of the full order of 12 bites. I am positive that is a real good deal especially if I'm with some Mark Anthony Fernandez lookalike who wouldn't touch anything raw. At least I get my sushi and other goodies too without popping open my tummy.


(Like my demure smile?)

I made a mess of my SUZU KIN Kani Salad and even asked for extra mayo... 

Just the way I liked it! He he he he!

My husband and I each get one SUZU KIN tempura!

The same goes for me. I get 1 tempura... the rice... the sushi... and SUZU KIN Kani Salad.

Life is ARIGOTOingly GOOD!

I have been always criticized for eating so slow. But I just cannot NOT tell the tale of how my beautiful day went. Believe me you might learn something from it.... 


And in no time.

Wait I'm not done yet. Because if I were, that chicken bone will be sucked up dry.

Tee hee!


9753 Kamagong Street, 
Corner Sampaloc Street, 
San Antonio, Makati City
6328967143, 6328619108

K Zone Arcade, 
Shell Petrol Station, Quezon Avenue, 
Near MRT GMA-Kamuning Station, 
South Triangle, Quezon City

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