
Sunday, October 5, 2008


It's our very first post! And what better way to celebrate this than to share with you the first restaurant that me and my husband had our FIRST official date... at CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN or CPK!!!!

For our 9th year anniversary as Boyfriend and Girlfriend (yeah we're already married but celebrate this momentous occasion just to have a reason to eat), we went to the resto where Eric claimed the pasta was like their "chami" in Lucena. 

Believe me, he meant that as a compliment.

So off to CPK we go to pig out and celebrate our undying (cough cough) love... eeew!!!!

Eric, or Yub as I always call him, loves pizza but is not really adventurous in the toppings... so it's always PEPPERONI for him. He loved the chewy dough of the pizza and enjoyed his order... angrily.

I don't think I could be happy with just an order of pasta so I had a plate of bread with their hummus!

AND.... an order of their special CHAMI... I'll get back with the names soon.

It's not obvious with this picture but he enjoyed his pizza very much. Too much that I think he wanted to marry this after I die and go to heaven.

I hate pictures of me eating so Yub took one from behind.



This was VERY good and the only reason I was not able to finish it was because I did not get any help from my husband here.

Happy 9 MAG-un years!!!

ERICJAZ foodies!

I'll get back to the name of this dish soon...

THIS WAS SO GOOD! Too bad I don't know how to use the macro yet during this time!
Finished in no time though!'

Yub was just faking it... Did not try a bite of this appetizer since he's a very picky eater!

He loved it... he just LOVED making faces as well.

Hopefully I'll be able to load all of our food adventures... Think about 200 worth of FACEBOOK albums! Ha ha ha ha! Coming soon!


  1. do you seriously like the food at CPK?

  2. Hi Dragonrower! Though I haven't really tried everything in their menu, I really love what we have been regularly ordering the times when we eat there. Their pizza crust is oven baked just right and the sauce compliments the toppings. Though I find their pasta choices kinda limited, my default order always satisfies :)
