
Tuesday, March 21, 2023


I know it might be too late by the time I post this, but I cannot just ignore CHRISTMAS especially that we had another blessed celebration this year. 

Of course, I would have preferred for my Dad and BGP Mariane to be with us, still, we are celebrating the birthday of Jesus and it always bring a feeling of gratitude and comfort in my heart. Happy too that we have a new member in the family to party on during this holiday season. 

So with that, thankful we are once again together for Christmas, thankful that we did our usual traditions (most especially the picture by the tree... tee hee) and most of all, thankful FOR ALL THE FOOD. Ha ha ha ha ha!

May be a belated Merry Christmas coming from ERICJAZ FOODIES, but still, here we are. He he he he he!

ENJOY! I know we did!

YOOO to the HOO!!!


Christmas eve day, we went to Powerplant Mall for a very important reason. 


Now don't judge because we do this every year since 2008!!!!!

Yeahhhh... We'll forget about the Christmas rush and the many things we have to do at home because THIS is ultra important!!!

Tee hee!


We rushed home to do the table setting for our Noche Buena.


Even Suga is happy.

Yep! Me and the boys did a good job!

The buffet table is ready too!

AND the kiddie table!

After a short rest, it was time to get ready for Christmas mass.

Check out Cable not wanting to leave my side. She also growls at anyone who goes near me. 

Christmas mass at the church in Powerplant Mall!

We went there early to secure seats because it could get really crowded.

Yep. We always hear mass as a family. We hope to carry that tradition with the boys.

After the mass, I'm happy my family obliged to have a picture taken by the tree. He he he he!

Powerplant Mall always had a wonderful set up during the holidays. 

He he he! Photobomber!

Tee hee... This may be better than our morning pic. So happy that we were able to secure not just one but 3 pictures by our favorite Christmas tree (babaw no???)

Going home, decided to do a photo like how they do the influencers do it in IG....

Yeah we're getting there. 

Back at home....

We immediately start preparing for our Noche Buena!

YIIIIIHIIII... The Gatdula girls... GUTOM NA!

And finally....


Check out our grub!


We had Sushi and Sashimi platters....

So fresh!

We got so sawa after this. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Mommy's stuffed Chicken!

This is another traditional dish during the holidays. One whiff or taste of this brings me to many Christmases ago!

Mommy's Morcon which was sooo yum too! Especially after 2 or 3 days!


The super juicy and fatty steak!!!

Kuya Jon cooked them PERFECTLY!

For dessert we got Puto Bumbong Rolls.... 


Sooo.... much... food......


Kuya Jay and very pretty Pia!!! 

We're so happy to celebrate our first Christmas with her! :) 

Ate Jojit and Anthony!!!

Kuya Jon and Mommers!

Me and the Yubhub!

For the kiddie table...

Andrei... Cio... and Matiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

My plate!!!!

My super full and OH EM GEE PLATE!!!!!

Check out the name cards my boys did, they added a short description of the person. 

This one's mine.

OH they love me so much.

In the middle of dinner, we all had a toast!

Is it just me or is Suga extra happy while joining the toast?

I think I'm still drunk.

Ate Kai, Pia's super awesome sister, gave special catfood for Yoongie and Senna. Yep. They ate sooo happily that night with their Noche Buena too.

After dinner, we proceeded with our traditional talent show.

Cio went first and played the violin. 

Andrei was next and played the drums.

We all sang to the tunes he drummed to. 

Mati sang as well!

Then came our OTHER favorite part....


Here's Mommy's loot...

Kuya Jay and Pia...

(Guess who gave Kuya Jay the Goodyear shirt??)

My gift for Pia!!!!!!

For the guys....

My gift for Mommy....

My gift for Kuya Jon...

My gift for ate Jit...

My gift for Cio....

My gift for Matiiii!

My gift for Andrei.....


And basta I gave gifts to everyone!

After opening our gifts, we checked out our Christmas socks!

Each one has a name AND a red envelope with moneyyyyy from Mommy!!!!!

Everyone got one (yes even the crummy YUb!)

Yayyy! Mine! All mine!!!!!

And that's it.

Another Christmas ends. 

Even if we have shed tears for those we have lost, we are thankful for new members of the family. 

Like I would always say, sometimes we don't feel Christmas is coming because of what's happening with the times.

BUT.... when you're with family who share in the love and devotion to our birthday celebrant, Jesus Christ, then everything will be awesome in the end.








  1. Yun oh finally may entry na for Christmas 2022 yung New Year post na lang kulang haha. Thank you for this Bestfriend! Woke up sick 2day with fever so Rest Day muna so perfect timing 2 see this.

    I gets ur point... sometimes it's hard 2 celebrate given da state of da world or if we think about da People we lost or missed so much. But we have no choice but to keep moving forward. Khit sobrang hirap we need 2 continue living not just for ourselves but for our loved ones family & friends.

    Sabi nga life is precious because our time is not unlimited. "It is scarcity that makes a simple rock a gem stone".


    1. Hulloooo best friend Kyle!!!!!

      O di ba ang late ng reply ha ha ha sorryyyyyyyyy!!!

      Hay super busy lang kasi sa work... Hopefully nga lahat magawa ko. I really love documenting silly little things happening in my life kaya sana din magawa ko lahat!

      Thank you! Your words were like a big hug today!

      God bless always dear best friend! Hope to see and chat with you soon!
