
Thursday, January 20, 2022


I don't know if it's the pandemic or that I'm turning into a grumpy senior citizen (tee hee) but I really didn't feel the holidays coming up. Sure there were the usual decorations, lights, and chilly weather, but I don't know. It's just not the same.

Of course, shy and suplada me really preferred staying at home or going out with family and/or super close friends. So I can't really blame the covid again on that. In fact, it's one aspect of the pandemic that I preferred -- having an excuse not to see the people I so don't like (tee hee).

Maybe because of work din that I wasn't able to feel the holidays? I got some assignments that got me sort of busy, but still, I was thankful naman because my work is a blessing. So I'm not really blaming that. Truth be told, my work gave the season a little more excitement because I had the funds to order what I liked. Ha ha ha ha! So yeah.. that's not the reason. 

Whatever it is, I'm glad that come the actual day of Christmas we got all that we wished for -- family was together, food was soooo damn awesome, we were all crazy laughing and happy, we got the gifts that we wanted (plus more), EVERYBODY agreed to take a lot of pictures (hay sobrang challenge with my family yan ha ha ha ha), AND that we all felt the love blessings around us.

It was really a blessed day to celebrate the coming of our Lord. So it may be different from before, but I'm not complaining. We all don't have a choice but to accept the situation these days and just make the most out of it. So party on!  As what I would always say, it's the best Christmas celebration yet! 

Many burp moments pa! He he he he he!


November 12, 2021

As always, the Christmas season officially starts for me once I've had my Toffee Nut Latte from Starbucks. Yep! It's already tradition!!!!!

THAT... and hearing the song of Jose Mari Chan! He he he he he!

November 22, 2021

Normally, we would set up our Christmas tree at December. I asked Mom if it's okay that we set up much earlier than that para naman masulit ang Christmas tree and decors. 

Yay. She agreed and even asked Kuya Jon to buy a new tree! Wohoo!

One Sunday lunch, we all set it up together. 

December 11, 2021

The following weekend, the annex girls of TAPE had a Tagaytay gimik as Ms. Josie' Christmas gift to us!

We had lunch at Bag O' Beans, had a hot bath in this kawa, had a 1 hour massage, had late merienda of pizza and pasta, then had more pictures.

It was a very fun day! 

So much fun! Hope I'll be able to blog it ha ha ha ha ha!

Reason why we call ourselves annex ladies, because our new location is the annex.. Ha ha ha ha ha! Would have loved to stay in the orig TAPE building BUT, covid protocols made us move.

Saya lang because the place is so wide and we got the restroom to ourselves. Bwa ha ha ha ha!

Next weekend, we had a munting pameryenda for our staff and gave out their bonuses. Like their shirts? I gave them that. H ehe he heh e!

That Friday, we had a Christmas exchange gift at the office. 

Then, we had our Christmas party that Saturday. Supposedly I was going to the studio but since I had my booster shot that morning, I was excused to stay home na lang. 

Could you see me from behind??? He he he he!

They gave us funds of P1,000 na lang to order food. I got Yoshinoya.... Yummmm!

Yihiii! I won GCS nga pala (P3,000 and P15,000)! Yay! Thanks EAT BULAGA!

That weekend too we had a join celebration for Andrei and Cio. I invited The Virreys, and dun nagexchange gift na kami. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

BGP Mariane and Manong Fred also dropped by one night to give their Christmas gifts. It was a fun night that finished mga 1am na. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Days nearing Christmas, I dragged the boys to go to Powerplant Mall because we needed to do our yearly picture by their big tree.

We cannot NOT have a picture by the Rockwell tree because we've been doing so since 2009. Ha ha ha ha ha! I just found it nice that we did it na every year. 

Of course, it became our family night na din. We had dinner at Din Tai Fung, did some last minute shopping, AND had coffee at CBTL. 

As always... such a fun time with the guys. 

It's CHRISTMAS eve day and we need to do a lot of work!!!!

Shooky I'm sure is going to boss us around. Ha ha ha ha!

Setting up our CHRISTMAS table. The theme I thought for this year is white Christmas. Did I do it right? He he he he!



Hmmmm... I think we did a pretty good job in the table set up!

Oops! Forgot to put the name!

Mati did this for me. H aha ha ha ha!


The kiddie table also had their own set up.

Don't worry, they were still near us. He he he he!

For our little drummer boy!

Mommy has been doing some preparations of her own. 

Now it's time to get the party started!!!!

That night we dressed up and attended online mass.

We heard the mass officiated by Fr. Gerry :) 

Anthony I'm sure is serious with prayer.... as for Yub, sleepy! Ha ha ha ha ha!

After the mass, we had a quick pictorial! Tee hee!

The Yappy Bunch!

Lola with her apos and the birthday sign that we haven't taken down yet.

Andrei and his "walang patawad" sa bunny ears. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Kuya Jay with the kiddies!

Mommy by the beautiful table set up and with asungots!

Kuya Jay and Cio by the table!

After our pictorial ( ha ha ha ha ), it's time to set up the table and cook the food for Noche Buena!


Kuya Jon cooked the roast beef and he did it soooo perfectly!!

This was sooooo good and tender!

Ate Jit requested for the chicken! She also did the mashed potatoes.

 Mommy makes the BEST stuffed chicken EVER.

Thanks Mommy for our Noche Buena!

Although most of us cooked and ordered, syempre, it's still Mommy who was the head of it all. He he he he he!

Wohoooo! Let's goo!

Check out our spread!

For appetizers we had some cheese and cured meats....

We had a Sushi Platter!

Garden Salad!

Cheesy Mashed Potatoes!

Garlic Spaghetti (I made this... ahem ahem!)

Truffle Spaghetti (which I also made!)


Stuffed Chicken!!!!!

NOT Chicken Galantina. I promise that my Mom's stuffed chicken is on a another level. He he he he he!

Kuya Jon's roast beef!

Yep! Perfectly pink. 

And for dessert.... 

Puto Bumbong rolls with cheese!

This was sooo good!

Ate Jojit brought cake!!!!

Somebody got extra hungry agad. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Naaah... They're also recreating when little Mati got so hungry that he ate pasta ahead of us. He he he he he!

Time to eat! WOHOO!

After praying...


The kiddies crowded around their lola.

(Humihingi ng pera... ha ha ha ha)

Here is the adult table.

Kuya Jon and Mommy.... 

Ate Jit and Anthony!

Kuya Jay and Karen!


Awwww... Cio is alone at the kiddie table. Tee heee!


My super delicious plate of food!

Nom... Nom.. Nom...

The happy Yub with his 2nd or 3rd place of steak!

After dinner, we had our traditional family Christmas program.

We sang first some Christmas songs.

You may find it baduy, but I really enjoyed it!!!! It's like when we were kids. He he he he he!

After singing, we started off the talent show.

Rocio played about 4 beautiful pieces.

Andrei later complained that she's having a concert na and nobody might not listen to him anymore. Ngeeeeeee!

Up next was Mati's turn and since had a very angelic voice, he sang!

We were surprised when Cio and Andrei stood up and did back up for Mati.

It added a lot of laughs that we somehow suspected if they did it to sabotage Mati's performance. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Up next was Andrei who played drums. Now HE had a mini concert talaga. 

The best part was when played the drums on BUTTER and we all danced.

Sorry. Won't be posting the videos and embarrassing pics because we really danced to him. 

Kuya Jon told a scary story!

That night, I learned a trivia... Did you know that in the olden times families would tell horror stories come Christmas eve? Why do you think A Christmas Story (by Charles Dickens) involved ghosts? :) 


Anthony and Ate Jojit sang a romantic song....

While the Yub sang See Saw by Suga!

Mid way he just lip synched..... badly. Ha ha ha ha!

While the "judges" were tabulating the scores, it's time to open gifts!!!!!!

Gave Cio a Tata stuff toy and bluetooth earphones!

I gave Andrei a powerbank!

For Kuya Jon, gave him a hard drive!

Mati naman got ultraboost from meeeeeh!

Gave Mommy an air fryer!

As for ate Jit, gave her a BTS Jungkook box, a Cooky stuff toy, AND a usb!


Time to announce the winners...

Anthony is 3rd prize....

Rocio and Mati tied for second!

Halaaaaaahhhh... Who will win?????


Sorry losers. Ha ha ha ha ha!

It's okay... We all got bonus naman. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Happy na si fake Suga. Ha h aha ha ha!

Yayyyy! I got my bonus from Mommy and Daddy!

Check out what I got from Mati's friend, Jaira!

Yayyy! Shookie has a little friend na.

Christmas eve celebration... DONE!



The next day we woke up soooo late and just went straight for lunch. 

Had the best early lunch because we had the leftovers from last night: ham, egg, garlic rice, and the molo soup!!!!!

Sooo yum! I think I had about 3 more servings!

Well there you go, another Christmas season over. 

We all really had an awesome Christmas eve that was full of music, laughs, gifts, and togetherness. It was really fun! He he he he he! Looking forward for the next year. Yub and I talaga will practice na. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I don't think Christmas is something that I will ever outgrow. No matter how old I am, I will: 

Always set up decors...
Always sing songs loudly...
Always have exchange gifts with family/close friends...
Always prepare our traditional food for Noche Buena...
Always have hotel hopping...
Always remember Daddy (because he initiated and planned our celebrations before)...

And most importantly....

Always remember that Christmas is not just a "happy holiday"... because it IS the birth of Jesus Christ.

Kaya magpapakabait ako. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!






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