
Sunday, January 31, 2021


Good-bye 2020!!!!

Based on the posts and comments of other people, many were happy to say adieu to the year that was. Some would even go far as wanting to  get rid of 2020 saying that it's the worst year ever.

I understand and respect where the strong emotions are coming from especially with the pandemic. My family also experienced losses because of it. Still, I want to (try) to look at the bright side and appreciate what we still all have: family, close friends, our humor (ahem... tiktok vids??), a roof above our head, our means to earn, our lives, our food, and of course, our faith.

2020 is the year the we could all do without. Still, I want to recognize that because of 2020, we all learned something, appreciated what we had, treasured those who matter, and renewed/strengthened our faith.

2020 may be a bad year but remember that there were still smiles, there was still love, and we still had each other. To me, it would still count as a good year.

Yun lang it will be the "leastest" of all good years. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Sharing with you our celebration in welcoming the New Year. Let's all hope and pray that 2021 will be better, even for just a bit.

EOW POZH 2021!!!!!



Thank goshness that I won't be cooking a lot of food like I did last Christmas. So after meeting up with the BGP, I set up the table when we got home in the afternoon.

Ok ba??/ Sayang lang that the tivoli lights were not so visible.

The head of the table view!

Like my set up??? :)

While Andrei and I were fixing the table, Mati and the Yub were blowing up the HAPPY NEW YEAR sign.

We also had one for Christmas but after my aunt died, we felt that out of respect for Mommy, we won't put it up.

Okay lang next year na lang!!! He he he he he he!


And the fam are here!!! Sayang lang that my eldest Kuya and family spends New Year at his wife's side.

Normally we would go to church, but because of the pandemic, we had online mass.

Ok lang, I'm still as angelic and holy as ever.

Tee heee!

Hindi daw bagay my sister said! Che.

Our simple set up.

We tuned in to Fr. Dave (Sta Maria Goretti) for our New Year mass. 

Listening to Fr. Dave's wise words during the sermon and praying for the year to come. 

After the mass, it was time to light up some fireworks!!!

Don't worry these are just fountains and illuminators. Nothing dangerous.

Starting up with a magic wand!

There's always something so mesmerizing about this lusis.

The others got their wands too.

With my boys!

The big guy enjoying his lusis!

We gave some to the guards too.

Go Kuya Jon!

Andrei fired up one fountain para pampagana.

I don't think I'll EVER get tired of fountains.

The bunso also had his RC run around the street.

2 lusis pa si Kuya Jon o! Huy sayang!!!! ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding. 

Finally it's time to eat!!!!!

Do you like our spread???

We love it too! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Check out the grub!

Molo Soup!

This has been a long time family favorite from the days of yore! I requested this talaga from Mommy!


This is the only thing I made tonight. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ako lang din ata kumain.


We ordered this from Las Paellas. 

Ate Jojit's Tomato and Garlic Pasta!

This was actually soooo good! Very simple yet it went so well with the other food.

Kuya Jon's Salmon with Miso Glaze and Wasabi Cream sauce.

This was SUUUUPERRRRR delishes!! As in I really requested this from Kuya Jon because I remembered how awesome it was the last time. 

Beef Morcon!!!

This is another family holiday tradition.

Naku when Mom cooks this, the aroma just warms up the whole house.

This is what I will always call, "Amoy Christmas!!!"


Our appetites want Lechon but since we know we won't be able to finish it, Crispy Pata na lang! He he he he he!

Bone in Ham!!!

Because the holidays are not complete without ham!!!!!

The desserts!!!!

Fruit and Cheese.... and hotdog....

(Actually this may go for appetizer but I'm lazy to do that na).

Krispy Kreme Donuts!!!

Because sa New Year's, dapat may bilog palagi (besides me).

Strawberry Shortcake!!!!

Thank you Mommy for this wonderful spread!

We appreciate talaga how you always put in a lot of effort in making our Christmas and New Year dinners more memorable!

We ordered a Sushi Platter from GYOSHIN JAPANESE FOOD and since it was their first year, they got overwhelmed by the orders.

Good thing that even if our original orders were not available, GYOSHIN made an effort to make up!!!!!! I was so grateful for their customer service. Resked na lang muna yung totoong order namin. Ha ha ha ha ha!


These don't look bad either!

Ayannnn... It now fit so well on our table!


Great thing too is that since there were no raw ingredients in the replacement sushi, we were able to eat it again tomorrow! He he he he he he!

So di ba? Meant to be! He he he he he!

Check out  GYOSHIN JAPANESE FOOD! Love their sushi! So affordable but the quality is tops!

Syempre since we're going to have something special for our late dinner, I got a New Year's treat to my meanie cat, GBF!!!!

Stupid cat!!! Tee hee!!!

Jussst kidding!!!!!  I love this lazy rescue cat.

My Kuya got him as a kitty crying in the streets tapos Andrei called him "GBF" or "Giant Beardo Face."

Naku!!! If we're close you'd know how pathetic I am because I'm always like "Iuuwi ko sa cat ko..." when I see leftover meats. Ha ha ha ha ha!

In the office I always get the leftover meats and sometimes get from the clean ones. BWA HA HA HA AH HA! I slice it up pa for him.

Tapos when I get home, GBF would always be like "Oh the fat idiot is home again...."


He he he he he!



Here's ate Jit and Mati recreating their Holiday table shot every year. This started when Mati was a little hungry toddler pa.


The food was not yet complete but my big guy was rarin to eat. Ha ha ha ha haa!

Before digging in, Mati led the prayer to give thanks for the food. 


Mati is so focused on the grub!

Time to finally sit at our table and eat all the food!

Like my set-up?

Kuya Jon and Mommers!!!!!!

Ate Jojit and Anthony!

Yep! That's what it says on their place settings.

Ay si Andrei talaga put JOJIT EH!

Yub and the bunsoy!!!!

Me and the pogi big guy!

Time to get sloshed!

Here's a toast to the end of 2020 and the start of a new one!

Ay nakakainis mukha ni Yub! Grrr!

Andrei really loved the Sushi.

Check him out meticulously picking the ones he liked.

Everyone already got their food pero it's like nothing was touched. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

My view!!!!!


I loved everything on my plate! Yan tuloy I had 2nd servings pa!



Chatting after eating.

THIS will be our lunch and dinner for MANY days to come! Ha ha ha ha! It's okay! Masarap naman siya e.

Instead of cleaning up, we all went outside first to light up our firecrackers!

Hayaan nyo na... Lusis for us are firecrackers. Ha ha ha ha!

We then lit up another fountain!


He he he he! Let's suspend clean-up first and enjoy this Filipino New Year tradition.


Fountain galore!



Our finale!

WELCOME 2021!!!!

(My phone is advanced by 30 minutes by the way... He he he he he)

Mesmerized with the fountain!

Afterwards, we greeted the New Year with cake and coffee at the terrace.

It was fun!! Missed Kuya Jay and family.

We then had a pictorial session by our Happy New Year sign. Ha ha ha ha!

Mommy and the guys....

Anthony and Ate Jit!

Syempre, kami ang madami! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Serious and respectable shot...

Andrei's favorite shot...

Our peace and Mr. Pogi shot...

Our TW0-O-TWO-ONE shot!

Our "props" shot!

Sige isa pa!

And my personal favorite, the drunk shot! Ha ha ha ha ha!

I always laugh when I see this.

Since they were not here during Christmas, we had another round of exchange gifts. 

Gave Anthony a hard drive (as what he wrote on his wish list). 

Ate Jit asked for Joe Malone perfume.

So expensive kaya I just got my favorite imitation of it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! (Yun kaya gamit ko bakit ba).

I got dress from Ate Jit! Yayyy!

After our exchange gift, we saw this....

Wow! Napadaan si "Santa!"

Actually, it was Ate Jojit and Anthony who discovered this while taking pictures.

Here's my red envelope with my name on it!

Wohoo! Thanks Mommy!!!

And Daddy din syempre!

Gifts for the bunsoy!

We haven't opened all of our Christmas gifts from friends and relatives as we only opened those we received from within the family.

To be honest, I still have many unopened gifts up to now!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! It's not that I don't appreciate it. More like, I'm already so grateful in the act of giving that finding out what the actual gift is just next best.

We told the boys that we're going to give them the ampaos from relatives. So cute that they're loving the simple TV tissue box from my officemate that they finished assembling it first before getting their cash.

Sometimes talaga what matters more are the simpler things.

Wooohooo! My office Kris Kringle gift!

Yes. Just opened it now. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

My Christmas wish!

Ayan.... They got their envelopes na!

The boys always give their envelopes to me. I put half of it in the bank while half I keep until they want to buy something.

Naku if I don't, Andrei will immediately zero his wallet! Ha ha ha ha ha! 

Kay Mati I don't have any problems. He spends sensibly!

Kwentu- kwentuhan again after!

The next day, I woke up around 10am na!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Kuya Jay and fam had lunch with us. They requested the leftovers from last night because they know that it was soooo good (especially the soup and salmon!).

As usual, it's kwentuhan and eating galore for us!

Afterwards we played "Pinoy Henyo!"

Tee hee! Swak na swak pa with what I'm wearing!

After eating, they also got their ampaos from the special wall!

Happy and thankful smiles all throughout!


I'm sure you many of you would agree that our New Year's Eve celebration had many differences compared to before. Still, we all tried to be positive and have it like our awesome fun from the past years. 

If this pandemic taught me something, is that it's not the grandeur of the celebration nor the whopping price of the gifts. It's really having the people you love around you all happy and healthy.

Syempre if there's good food, that's extra plus points na. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

(Belated) Happy New Year!!! We hope that your night was as full of love and happiness as ours!







  1. Heya Bestfriend!

    Yun oh finally na post na din yung ganap sa New Year & got 2read it even though its almost mid March already ��

    Im currently here in Coffee Bean at BGC. Came from a business meeting this afternoon that just ended & also will be meeting someone in the area for dinner.

    Im here 2 kill time haha so I checked out ur blog while waiting & having coffee. Coincidentally you featured pla Coffee Bean BGC on ur February 15th blog post haha & now Im here. Is it Fate I dont know LOL.

    Ingat Ms. Jaz!


    1. Hulooooo dear Kyle!

      Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!!! O di ba... many months! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Don't hate me. I haven't blogged for soooo long because got busy with work. Sorry sorry. Friends pa din tayo pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

      Pagbigyan na ang senior citizen ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

      I hope you're taking care of yourself when you're out. Naku me din we always go out pero with the delta medyo scary lang. Talagang now, work and hope na lang ako.


