
Friday, November 27, 2020


One weekend, the boys needed to go to St. Lukes hospital for a consultation. After their much needed check-up, the guys got hungry and asked for some lunch PRONTO.

We thought... hmmmm... where should we eat in BGC that we cannot have for delivery (since it might be a long while before we go out again)?

The bunsoy Andrei suggested GENKI SUSHI. It was after all one of their favorite restaurants and Japanese food was not the same if it was not dine-in. 

So to GENKIE SUSHI we go. We also realized that since the bunsoy NEVER goes out. His wish is our command this time.

And we're (sorta) glad that we did!!!

Find out why!!!!! 


Tuesday, November 24, 2020


One morning, the Yub and I had this deep craving for ramen that we mustered up all our courage to go out. Though we understand and follow all rules with regards to the quarantine, we felt that this is the time to go out. We're just going to be extra careful and since some venues allowed in-store dining, we're going.

With our big guy Mati!

Friday, November 20, 2020


With the current pandemic that's going on, let me ask you this:

How did you cope?

Of course others would give the noblest of answers by answering "with prayer", or "with my family" or "by sharing our blessings." As for me, I'm sure you know that besides that, my quick (and very trivial) answer would be:

WITH FOOD!!!!!!!!!!

You guys all know that my family's love language is FOOD. When there is a special event, "LET'S EAT TO CELEBRATE!" is our usual battlecry. The place doesn't have be fine-dining or expensive. As long as the food is delicious and we were able to create wonderful memories with it, we'll go back to the place again and again.

So during this pandemic, since we're not able to go out and do our usual gimiks, we would just order food for delivery. And woah, I hope you don't mind me saying this but FOOD REALLY SAVED US.

My family and I love going out! As in, date night, family night, movie night, celebration night, etc etc, not to mention the getaways. So to be confined suddenly in one place seemed so nerve racking for us. We then resorted to just ordering food for delivery (even if my Mom cooks regularly at home) to have that feel of "going out." Alas, many stores were closed and it was hard to get a rider to accept our delivery services. I swear when somebody receive our orders I couldn't help but gush my thanks to the rider. Kulang na nga lang e yakapin ko. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Sharing with your the restaurants that "saved us" during the quarantine period. I would also like to give my utmost appreciation and salute to the delivery guys who answered our needs during that hungry time!!!!!!


Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Ever since the pandemic started, my family and I dutifully stayed at home. Save for work and other essentials, there's no going out for us.

The great thing was I had such a great family that I didn't mind the solitary life with them. I didn't yearn for our usual mall gimiks, or out of town trips -- as long as we're all together (eating, doing chores, praying the rosary, having movie nights, etc), I'm happy.

Yun lang the Yub didn't agree. He REALLY wanted to go out and fast. BWA HA HA HA HA! So di siya masaya sakin ganern??? Che!

Kidding! In his defense, he has been religiously working at home for 4 straight months now, only going out for grocery runs. So yeah, he felt like having a bit of a social life even for just a few hours.

That weekend, the boys were in Antipolo with my brother's family so I didn't have that guilty feeling of going out without them. With that, the Yub jumped at the opportunity and excitedly invited me out for a mini-date in Powerplant Mall.

To be honest, if given the choice I'd rather stay at home and chill. At the same time I wanted to be practical and just save money. The Yub though was very insistent and declared that he will treat me to ANYTHING. Minsan lang naman daw.

E DI SIGE! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! Basta I already raised my points ah (nagpapilit... he he he he).

FINALLY after 4 months, we're out on a date!

Monday, November 9, 2020


Once upon a time before the pandemic....

It was the Yub's birthday week and as much as we wanted to have loads of celebrations (like what we would do before), we didn't have a choice but to end it after a week because the Covid-19 situation was making everyone nervous.

For the last official celebration though, the Yub and I decided that since it's most likely that we'll not go out in a LOOOOONG time, we should go somewhere that is best eaten at the actual restaurant and not just via take out. So burgers or anything fast food is out of the question (Drats! It's going to be my treat pa naman). Ha ha ha ha!

With that, the obvious choice was RAMEN because soup and noodles were always best consumed as soon as it was served. Also, even if they have all of the Ramen kits in the market, it's still not the same as when you have the actual chefs cook it for you. 

And of course if there was one place where we'll have Ramen it's going to be our favorite  -- MENDOKORO RAMENBA!!!

To think that our dinner there would be our last family outing in a loooooooooooooong time (like 4 months and counting).


WOHOO! We're out for some Ramen!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2020


Once upon a time nearing the pandemic...

When we learned that PANDA EXPRESS was going to open in the Philippines, we got so excited because it's one of our favorite restaurants in the US. Even if we should be savoring burgers, steaks, pies, etc, there, we would always make room for this fast-food Chinese giant because not only were the prices affordable but the food was really good! It's a big plus too that it was everywhere! Ha ha ha ha ha!

After it opened, we were not able to go to PANDA EXPRESS in SM Megamall yet because we saw the torturous long lines. Normally we're fine with lining up, but these days, we're just not in the mood. Ha ha ha ha ha! Doesn't help too that there's that covid-19 looming about.

For one weekend however, we got word that classes were suspended that Monday (as schools were disinfecting their rooms). The Yub and I then thought of going to SM Mega to finally have a taste of PANDA EXPRESS here in the Philippines. And even if it somehow tasted different from its US counterpart, we still enjoyed our Sunday family outing to savor one of our favorites!!!!

(Little did we know that our gimik days were "numbered" with the upcoming virus!)