
Thursday, May 28, 2020


One of the things that I pleaded for Kuya Jon to include in our itinerary is THIS:


Because how can you not?

Fatty slabs of tender meat on a sizzling plate complete with sides at an affordable price -- you would be crazy not to!

And I'm sooooo thankful that my hungry fam agrees with me!


For a taste of that heavenly steak, we went to Tokyo Station!

From our hotel we went straight to IKINARI STEAK. We really didn't eat breakfast just for this!

The menu!!!

Affordable prices right?

I mean it's not Mcdonalds but if you were to compare the quality and the size of the steak with what they serve here, P1,000.00 (with all the sides) is not bad!

The restaurant could only accommodate around 30 diners and if we're okay with being separate, we could go right in. Yun lang, we want to be together. He he he he! The maitre d' was very nice and understood us.

We were so willing to wait just to be seated together. Yun lang we're also hungry. Ha ha ha ha! It didn't help that I could see what the diners inside were having. 

Oh and did I mention that IKINARI STEAK is for those craving for meat but on the go? Here, diners are expected to eat and run that's why many tables didn't have seats. I think it's one of the factors that make the place unique to other steak restaurants.

There were a few tables with chairs and it's what we requested because of my senior citizen mom. :) 

Or baka ako na din. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yohooo... That will be ours later.

I appreciate that they have an open kitchen because you could see how sanitary they prepare our dishes.

Look how thick the cuts are!!! I don't think I could finish one order by myself.

Yeheeeyyyy and we're finally seated!!!


Master Mati (ang pogi na naman!), Ate Jit, and Mommers!

Kuya Jon, baby Andrei, and MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Kuya Jon ordered for us.

All tables are complete with utensils and sauces.

There's also hot water and cold water provided!

Hay! Sana here in the Philippines too! I really don't mind getting up to get water instead of repeatedly requesting from a busy server.

At least here, everything within reach na!

The kind server even provided us these baskets for our bags and gave red cloth to cover it from the meat sauce splatters from the hot plate!

She also gave us bibs to protect our clothes!

All meat sets come with a plate of side salad and a cup of clear soup.

The salad was pretty basic but I read that the dressings will make it spectacular.

Hmmm... Should I get the Very Delicious Pepper Dressing?

Or the Very Delicious Onion Dressing??? Hmmmm... Decisions... Decisions.

In the end I tried the Very Delicious Pepper Dressing and it was AWESOME! Each bite gave us that light vinegary and salty taste with that slight kick. Sarap!!!

If you're more into sweet dressing, go for the Onion.

Yohooo! Our food is here!

Dear Mati got the IKINARI Angus Wild Steak (Y1,390.00 / P655.00 for 300grams).

The steak was served with a dollop of flavored butter that you're supposed to spread onto the meat while it is sizzling.

Master Mati is soooo raring to eat but is still game for a picture.

At aba.... He's going to post about it pa! 

My big guy said this was SOOOO GOOOD!!!!

We then had 3 orders of the IKINARI Middle of the Rib Eye Steak (Y1970.00 / P930.00 for 300grams).

We got this because we wanted MORE FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Egad it's so big!!!! Good thing I shared with Andrei.

My usually picky eater had that look though and I think he has the intention of wiping it all out! He he he he!

I saw Kuya Jon get the silver pitcher in front of him and what I thought was the water jug was actually a sauce jug. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

It's like a diluted soy sauce but on the sweet side. Andrei and I poured a bit of it on our meat.

On the condiments sections I saw small tubs of Wasabi, Horseradish, and Mustard.

This actually makes sense because I loved the spicy horseradish cream on my prime rib since it combats the fattiness!


Ay wala pala si Eric da panget.

Ate Jojit and Mommy shared an order....

While Kuya Jon could finish 300grams by himself!

You have the option by the way to choose corn, brocolli, or potatoes for your side dish.

Andrei and I got the corn.

While Mati had the steamed brocolli!

Rice is ordered separately at Y200 per plate (P95.00). 

Inangku... Each bite was tender, fatty, and just so damn good!

I LOVED adding a bit of wasabi for kicks!

I know I'm controlling my carbs but the Japanese rice was extra fluffy that I can't resist eating it with the fatty steak!

OMG so good. I SWEAR.

And in no time...

I wanted to eat the fat but Mommers gave me such a dagger look. He he he he!

Fine. I'll just finish the corn.

Le bill!!!

The total was actually Y9,240.00 (P4,350.00) because of taxes or other charges (sorry I forgot).

But still, THAT total for an awesome steak lunch for 6 pax??? Super great price!

Thanks Mommy for the treat!!!!

Hay naku when you're in Japan, DO NOT miss a chance to eat at IKINARI STEAK. 

I'm SPOKENLESS! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Of course, it may not be at the same par as Kobe or Wagyu, but still, come on... it's fast food that offers high quality steaks!! Plus, that "on the go" charm Japan is known for? It just adds to the overall lure of the place.





 Japan, 〒103-0028 Tokyo, 
Chuo City, Yaesu, 2 Chome−1,
 八重洲地下街南1 号
 +81 3-5542-1929




  1. I think last year pa ko huling nag Ikinari. Mukhang mapapa Ikinari ako sa weekend 😅 PS. May masarap na Tsukemen Resto sa tokyo station!

    1. Huloooooooooooooo! Kainggit ka naman. You're like... Oh well... I could go to Ikinari anytime I want... Toodle looh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      I think we went there din I'm not sure if it's the Ramen Avenue? My brothers ate there pero last trip namin nugn 2015 I think. He he he he he h!

      Take care dear Erika mwah mwah!
