
Tuesday, January 8, 2019


It's time to say good-bye to our awesome 2018 and even though our NEW YEAR'S EVE was VERY different from how we used to celebrate it (for one, the rest of the family are in crummy London), we all still had an exciting and delicious time.

Yub's family was actually in Manila for a NEW YEAR countdown. If my Mom and siblings were all here, we would've joined them (since we used to celebrate the end of the year in Lucena). HOWEVER, it's just going to be my Kuya Jon all alone at home.  And even if he insisted that he was fine staying behind while we joined Yub's family, I wouldn't have it. The reason why he's staying put and not going out was because he's carrying out our Daddy's tradition of not leaving the house all quiet and sad on NEW YEAR'S EVE. Of course, the thought of my Kuya celebrating by himself is just so heart-breaking to me. At the same time, I also want to further honor my Daddyowzers by continuing his tradition.  So I told Yub "If you want to join your family, go lang. Basta my boys and I stay here!"

(Yes. I'm the model wife I know. Sa mga ex ko, I'm sure you're happy you didn't end up with me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!)

I'm thankful that the Yub was so understanding and actually agreed on my point. He also loved my brother (who has always been kind to him) and also can't bear the thought of leaving him behind.

So yay! It was final. We're staying home with our Kuya (and Daddy) for NEW YEAR'S EVE!

See? If you put a lot of love and effort to your family no matter how busy you are with work, the love will go back to you. You will never be the option but the priority!!

Hope you also have MORE family time this 2019!!! That's the most important anyways!

Love you always my Daddyowzers!

(Belated) HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

Yep! My face will be like that the whole of 2019!!!!!

Since we got a lot of absentees for tonight, we thought of jazzying up the place to make it more "loud" and proud for NEW YEAR'S EVE!!!

We just finished pumping 2019. Imagine Master Mati's (sort of) disappointment upon discovering that he had a lot more letters to go with HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Pwede ba next year, we'll go jejemon so that it'll be like HAPI NU YIR instead???

He asked for his brother's help who was game for about a letter or two then he ran off again somewhere.

E di ako na lang uli para exercise. He he he he he!

FINALLY we're done!!!!!

I asked my yaya (YAYA DAW O!!!!!!!!!)... Kidding, I asked our angel to help me finish the table set-up because I wanted to have a bit of beauty sleep (aka SYESTA). We got some unused trinkets from our Christmas box and came up with this.

Looked good right????!!!!!!

As we were finishing with the set-up, somebody was (im)patiently waiting for one of us to light up some firecrackers with him.

I just asked him to go outside and grab any tambay to join him.

He he he he he.

That sort of happened.

That night, we were only an hour early for mass in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Powerplant Mall.

I initially wanted to be super early but Kuya Jon said that there won't be as much attendees compared to the Christmas mass so it was okay to be a bit late.

Of course he was right because there were still loads of vacant seats when we arrived.


Me and Master Mati!

Peace sign, Photobomber girl, Andrei, and the Yub!

Me and the Kuya Jon Jons!!!!!!!!!

While we waited, we all prayed the rosary and it was led by the bunsoy.

The bunsoy boy also took some selfies.

Master Mati had this habit of closing his eyes whenever we take a pic. Andrei thought of the perfect revenge if he did it on his selfie.


As always, it was a beautiful service officiated by the Parish Priest.

Back at home...

Me thinks the Daddyowzers went with Mommy in London. Aba iniwan din kami! He he he he he!

Do you like our final set up?

I also got some simple "torotots" and asked the Mattster to write HAPPY NEW YEAR on one side, and a wish on the other. I put all of the torotots randomly beside each place setting. Come NEW YEAR'S, we will be reading the surprise wish that we received.


Kuya Jon got some oranges so that we have something round (for good luck) for NEW YEARS . I also asked the Yub to buy some donuts for dessert (at least it's round din!).

Here I am cooking the pasta and veggies...

While Kuya Jon prepared the salmon.

The Mattster asked to have his picture taken all by himself.

ABA hindi kami sinama!!!!

As for the baby bunsoy, he got his wish and started to light up the firecrackers!

The bunsoy baby changed clothes so that he'll be more ready (and cool) for the firecrackers. He he he he he!

There was a slight drizzle at first so the boys just stayed inside.

The boys later opened the gate and set their firecrackers on the road.

Go Master Mati!


Even if I'm old already I still get fascinated by the beauty of the "fountain"!

Ang saya saya niya!

WOHOO! More!!!

Even our pogi security guard is capturing the fun on his celphone. He he he he he!


After cooking, I joined the boys outside.

I told them I'll light up some sparklers so that we could have a picture.


I called our dear angel Cacai to join us outside and watch the fun.

We also gave some sparklers to the guards. I said thank you to our staff who sacrificed family time to join us tonight.

Syempre, Andrei wanted to light some more fountains.


It's so beautiful!

Yep! It's officially 2-0H-NINETEEN!!!

(Advance my watch by the way.)


Since it's already past midnight, it's time to eat our MEDIA NOCHE!

WOHOO!! This is one of our favorite parts also!


Garlic Bread!

Sweet Corn!

Quezo De Bola!!!!!

Christmas Ham!

My Gamberetti Spaghetti!

My Mom loved this!!! I based the recipe from a dish I enjoyed in Cucina Victoria.

Kuya Jon's Baked Salmon with Wasabi Mayo Sauce.

OMEFFINGULAY! This was SOOOOOOO DELISHES!!! I kept on declaring my Mom would've loved this if she was here! It was so moist and juicy!!!

Of course, we started our midnight dinner with a prayer headed by Andrei.

My boys were so excited to eat.

Time for our MEDIA NOCHE!

We were all so excited to dig in!

Of course, we offered a toast first.

Here's to a year full of health, happiness, and completeness! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Mommy and Ate Jit come back na agad we miss youuuuuuuuuuuu!

Hay Mati! Andrei will put eyes on you again sige ka.

Kuya Jon and the Androse!

We have a LOT of food on the table and this bunsoy just had ham and rice! Grrrr!

Me, the Master Mati, and the Yub!

My plate My first plate!

The Yub was not a fan of Wasabi so he just asked for some Lemon to go with his Salmon.

Everything on my plate was SOOOO delishes!!!!

Like my head gear? It was on the plate setting. He he he he he!

My second serving of food!

Later on my Mom and Ate Jit called to greet us a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

The next day, we just slept in and stayed home. We all woke up at about 11:00am and had a wonderful brunch with the boys as we discussed the origins of the calendar and early history.

Believe me, there was NO OTHER PLACE I'd rather be. I love these type of mornings with my family.

YOU'D THINK that we'll get tired of the food, but the Christmas ham stuffed in hot pandesal with cheese and Wasabi Mayo dressing was just awesome!!!!

I think I had about 4 ham pandesal with my pasta and coffee. Again, I cannot stop raving over it. 


Though we'd rather have the rest of the family here for our NEW YEAR'S EVE celebration, we were not lonely nor sad at all when we welcomed 2019.

In fact, we rather enjoyed our solemn yet noisy mini-celebration!!!!

Besides, there were just loads to be thankful for today (the food that we were all able to cook, our staff who made life easier that night -- Mom arranged that by the way, the weather that cooperated for our firecrackers, our decors that made everything more lively... etc. etc) that we don't have time to be lonely.

Because really, when you have the love of family, no matter how far they are, you will never be alone.

NAKS NAMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A (belated) HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!!!!








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