
Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Last April, the YAPPY BUNCH were invited to attend the debut of dear Allyana, the daughter of my one and only frienemy from work Tita Flory (he he). The theme for the night was the style and sassiness of New York which was a relief for yours truly because it meant I didn't have to wear my usual long gown, gloves, and tiara (I'll go there as my usual stylish self...... not! He he he)! I was  excited for the little lords because it was their first debut party and I would love them to see what would usually happen in a debut. At the same time, I'm looking forward to the food because knowing Tita Flory, who's known to make 1 week birthday celebrations in the office, she would really make a deal with the high heavens just to fill us all up, (with take home pa).

Of course, I would also like to see little Yana in her fashionable coming out party. I started working at TAPE INC., 10 years ago so I saw her as this little funny young girl to an adorable and talented lady.

(Belated) Happy Birthday dear Yana and congratulations on turning 18!!!!

Bawal pa mag-asawa ha? Ballet muna. He he he he he he!

THE YAPPY BUNCH are in NEW YORK for Yana's 18th!!!!

We arrived early in Seda Hotel Vertis North and saw that the party hasn't started. We registered and saw the Mother of the bride... este... debutante, Tita Florie, and our other friend, Tita Josie!

Like I said, one of Tita Florie's goals that night was to really feed her guests. While waiting for the party to start, there were some delicious appetizers by the ballroom entrance. 

I wasn't able to take a picture of the snack buffet set up but based on my Master Mati's face, the food was good! 

Yep! They have sushi!!!

My bunsoy was enjoying his appetizer plate too. He's just a sucker for Salmon.

My appetizer plate 1...

My appetizer plate 2!

Wohoo! Pizza galore!

Happy guests!

After we finished our snacks, it's time to go in!

Inside, the ballroom was just glorious!

I don't know about you but I seem to be transported to the top of the Empire State Building with the gazillions of white balloons as clouds!

A string quartet set the mood for this sure to be lovely evening.

The stage....

The dance floor...

The cake!!!

The 4 of us were assigned to table number five.

Here we are!

The cool table number 5!!!!!

After only a short wait, birthday girl Yana makes her grand entrance with a dance!

Afterwards, we all stood up and sang to her a happy birthday!

The program for the night.

While we were watching some of the performances, we were told that we could go to the buffet for dinner.

What??? No waiting for picture first with the debutante per table? No games?

Wow! Tita Flory REALLY don't want us to get hungry!!!!

Actually, we're not yet hungry (because we were still happy from the cocktails and snacks) BUT, we won't resist the call of  gastronomic blessings. He he he he he he!!!!

Time to get our grub on!

Salad Station!

Soup Station!

A warm bowl of this topped with croutons is perfect for this cold night.

Ang lamig ng aircon!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Spaghetti with Carbonara Sauce!

I'm sure Andrei will go for this.

Roasted Rosemary Chicken with Garlic Sauce!


Grilled Salmon with Mediterranean Sauce!

You could NEVER go wrong with Salmon, Lemon, and BUTTER!!!!!!!!

Barbecue Pork Spare Ribs in Hickory Sauce!

Fall off the bone tender ribs with sweet, sticky, finger lickin' good sauce!

Buttered Veggies!

Fresh and Crunchy!

Yay! I always have to have veggies with my meal!

The bar!!!!!

Back at the table, we proceeded to chomp on our grub.

Here's the Master Mati and Yub!

The bunsoy and ME!!!!!!

My picky eater got a MOUNTAIN of spaghetti that he even surprised my tablemate, Ms. Leslie! I thought he was just being "takaw-mata" but he was able to finish everything.


Salad plate!

My plate! My unorganized plate!

And yes, I'm going to eat rice with my carbonara. He he he he.

Table mates, Ms. Leslie, Tita Josie, and Tito Rey!

Tita Grace is also here!

Plus Ate Haideeeeeee!

Plus Ms. Mabel and Maru!!!!!

I also asked to have a picture with Tita Helen's husband because I loved him in "Ika-6 Na Utos!" Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I swear, I watched it before!

While I was having pictures with friends, the bunsoy Andrei made an IG story featuring his Kuya.

Tsk tsk tsk.. Andrei!

Tita Florie passed by later and I was telling her how much we loved her and appreciated her and adore her....


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding!!!!!

Yub and his mule!

As for me, I'll enjoy my dinner with red wine.

And champagne!

GRABE! I'm such a drunk!


After eating, we sat back and enjoyed the very entertaining program set up by Tita Florie's son, Alberto!

(See program list above)

One of which was the 18 Bills which I was part of. He he he he he!

I wanted to give a message sana but the others were not saying anything, so I just said Happy Birthday! He he he....

And there's a (street) magic show!

I told Tita Florie that I will REALLY volunteer should there be a magic show. And true enough, when it was announced, my arm shot up faster than the fireworks in Disneyland. He he he he he!!!!

I did it mostly for Andrei too because he loved magic and would also always volunteer when they need one at kiddie parties.

WOOOOAH!!! He guessed the number I got from the deck of guards!!!!


After the program, Tito Ton danced with his bunsoy and later on, the whole family followed. It was definitely a touching moment.

As the party was about to end, we all decided to take more pictures in their special photo booths!

Me and the Master Mati!

My bunsoy Andrei!

With the givaway hat!

With the ugly Yub!

With the Yappy Bunch!!!!!!!!

With my TAPE Inc., friends!

With my boys!

With the ugly Yub!

With my handsome boys. I love you!!!!!!!

(Andrei thought of this pose).


There was still dancing so the night was still young. But us oldies (ha ha ha) have to go. Ala eh... Matutulog na kami ay!!!!!

Besides jamming with my boys, I really had fun with my friends/officemates. It's great to hang around where we are not talking about work and just having fun with each other's company. 

Sorry for the hazy pic! I just took a picture from the photographer's LED on her camera. He he he he he!

Sabagay, I wouldn't stay at TAPE INC., for 10 years (and hopefully more) if I didn't love the people there.



Again, I just took a picture from the photographer's LED on her camera. He he he he he he!

But really, we all had fun. In our other events, the little lords would usually get bored and ask what time we're going home. Tonight, they were all smiles and just enjoying the party. They were surprised when I said we're going because they thought it was still early!

I guess a clue of how much the boys appreciated the night was when Andrei said "Mommy, when I grow up I also want a debut party."


I explained to him that only girls have debutante parties. He'll have his own kind of boys' party when he's 21 na. 


He he he he he

Congratulations dear Yana! 

I just want to point out how you have been so blessed with a lot of friends and family who love you (as evidenced with the gazillions of people who attended your event). At the same time though, always remember how you are ALSO a blessing to many people especially your Mom, Dad, and siblings because of your humor, talents, and unique personality. 

We're all so proud of you and can't wait for you to rock on the dancing world!!!!!!!!

But again, BAWAL PA MAGASAWA! Baby ka pa!


He he he he he he he!


Thanks Tita Florie and family for inviting us.

Kudos also to dear doc Alberto for organizing everything. No need for an event's planner. Ikaw na lang! You could do it on the side while being a doctor. Kidding!




After the party, we passed by our favorite Serenitea for a nightcap.

Yep! The night is still OH SO YOUNG but "kiddies" like us.

He he he he he!





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