
Wednesday, June 20, 2018


It's June 12, 2018, and like what we do every year, THE YAPPY BUNCH are out to celebrate our Independence Day Holiday!

But where should we go?

We've been to the historic sites like Fort Santiago and Luneta just recently that we decided to try something different. That's when we remembered that Manila museums are free of charge this holiday.

YIPEE SKIP! MUSEUMS!!! I'm sure the little lords will REALLY have a good time now!!!

He he he he he! Yeah right.

Well, as much as we want to be considerate of the little lords' "kiddie desires" (which would most likely be consisted of playing their gadgets all day long), we wanted them to have different kind of experiences that they wouldn't have on ordinary days. And since it IS our INDEPENDENCE DAY, we thought of taking our boys to see how special Filipino talent and culture are without outside foreign influences.

Thus, the museums!!!!

And after their initial groans and whines, in the end, they admitted that they all had fun!!!

"Just not everyday Mommy" Andrei clarified.

Okay fine. As long as you two enjoyed our gimik in this yearly family tradition, the Yub and I are already happy. Here's hoping that you'll remember the great time we had today so that next year, you'll forget all the whining and groaning you did, kungdi KUKUTUSIN KO NA KAYO!!!

Ah eh... Kidding. Love you boys... Hi hi hi hi....

(Belated) HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY everyone!!!!


It may be bed weather but we're out early for INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!

First stop...



Since it was a holiday, there was no entrance charge. Still, you have to register how many you are in the group and record if there are students.

Always remember that in Manila museums, they wouldn't allow you to bring big bags inside and would require you to leave it all in their baggage counter. I just left mine in the car.

Here's a guide of the National Museum complex. I'm sure we could only manage to visit 2 museums before our tummy grumbles. He he he he he he!

Master Mati and a statue of President Manuel Roxas!

First up, is the SPOLIARIUM HALL where you will be welcomed by this lovely angel.

And then this.....

No matter how many times I've seen it before, I still get awed by the grandeur of THE SPOLIARIUM by Juan Luna.

Finished in 1884, SPOLIARIUM depicts the fate of Roman Gladiators after a bloody fight. It's an oil oil on canvas with the towering measurement of 13.8 ft × 25.18 ft!!

Artist Juan Luna worked on SPOLIARIUM for 8 months and was submitted to the Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes in 1884 in Madrid where it won its first Gold medal (it won 2 more).

In 1886, SPOLIARIUM was sold to the Diputación Provincial de Barcelona for 20,000 pesetas or P7,400.00!

Of course, that amount was worth A LOT during those days! If we consider the inflation, that price must be like our millions!

I'm not an art expert but SPOLARIUM just took my breath away. I swear, I could sit and just stare at it for an hour and daydream about its beauty and history.

As for Andrei, don't mind his expression. That's his "museum face" daw!

Opposite the SPOLIARIUM stands the work of Felix Hidalgo called THE ASSASSINATION OF GOV. BUSTAMANTE.

Again, my guys are not fans of paintings on canvas but this one caught their attention a lot.

Andrei asked to have a picture with this bust using his "museum face."

I swear, sometimes I don't understand the minds of kids. Ha ha ha h ah!

After spending a lot of time in the SPOLIARIUM hall, it's time to go.  

Hallway shot!!!!

There were many galleries in the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF FINE ART that's why were not able to check out all of them. 

But the ones that we did enter, we were awed by the original works of our countrymen.

GALLERY 1 -- The Luis I Ablaza Hall.

This room was filled with Christian themed art that was so popular in the 17th to 19th centuries.

This gallery also included the National Cultural Treasure of an 18th century retablo, or altar piece, from the Church of San Nicolas de Tolentino in Bohol. 

They also have the side altar from the same church.

This section contained actual church relics created by Filipino artists.

I was glad that all the whining and groaning were long gone as the little lords became interested with the paintings.

Hall Shot!

Next up is a gallery of paintings by Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo!

The great painter Juan Luna was an imposing figure in Philippine history when it comes to arts. You would hear his name every time our culture is discussed. I guess that's why little Andrei was intent on staring at Mr. Luna's photo as he was finally able to put a face to the name.

Besides looking at the paintings, the boys would also read the description to fully appreciate the work.

Seriously, you could almost hear what the friar is telling the guy.

Another hallway shot!

Up next is Gallery 10 - The MFP Hall!

This gallery is dedicated to the progress of medicine in the Philippines.

These four large scale paintings were done by National Artist Carlos "Botong" V. Francisco and was made specially for the Philippine General Hospital in 1953.

After it was declared at Cultural Treasures in 2011, these colorful works were loaned indefinitely to the National Museum by the University of the Philippines. 

After doing some more walking, we're here at the Gallery 25  of the Philam Life Hall.

We saw here sevel large paintings by Vicente Manansala for the Philam Life building in UN Avenue. This set of rural and cubed paintings are again loaned to the National Museum for the public.

Here's the Philam Life building in UN Avenue....

Wait... Is that a building FOR ANTS???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The little lords were getting a bit bored but I'm happy that the Chinese Dimpol was interested with the history of these works of art for the Philam building.

HALL SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then we're at the renovated session hall.


The renovated Session Hall of the Senate of the Philippines!

Andrei saw an old picture and cannot believe that we were in a 100 year old structure!!!!

Check out how they did business for the Philippines before!

I love that they preserved the ornamentation and sculptures of the Hall by Isabelo Tampinco, who was a contemporary of Juan Luna and Jose Rizal.

Going up for a better view!

When Andrei saw the staircase, he said it looked like the one from Titanic. He he he he he!

Yep! He's crazy about the story of the tragic ship now.

And here's the view upstairs.

Woah... So majestic!

I could just imagine our old government officials arguing and passing off bills in this grand hall. I'm happy that the government is making an effort to preserve it.

Check out Andrei's museum face. He he he he! I think he wants to portray a snobby person who's an expert in art.

As for Master Mati, he's just going for a "Mr. Pogi face". 

At the opposite side, the bust of President Manuel Quezon looks on.

The bunsoy pointed this out and said Daddy this is your favorite president (referring to his hometown). He he he he he!

When we went down again, Andrei saw this curious looking metal structure.

We discovered that this was a Manila Public Water Hydrant that was used in 1882.


This was how it was used before.

As we were about to leave, we passed by The SPOLIARIUM again to say goodbye.

Yup! Even "Museum Face" guy.

Time to go!

Yep! There was a slight drizzle.

Here we saw our natural resources and many Philippine creatures.

The most famous one of course was Lolong!

Yup! That's his relic up there!

Check out our blog post HERE

Outside the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, the drizzle was turning into real rain!

But THAT didn't stop us from getting taho! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Something about this warm, soft, and sweet cup of silky tofu during this wet day is very comforting!

For our late lunch, we went to the Seaside Dampa!

Oooh... La la! Check out our delicious seafood lunch!!!!!!!!

Do you think we were able to finish all of that hot food???

Check it out on our blog post coming soon!

Thus ends another INDEPENDENCE DAY holiday outing with our little lords. The boys admitted that they enjoyed their day and even went on to tell us about their favorite parts of our outing. 

Yup! This was a far contrast to their laziness to get ready that morning.

I remember while my bunsoy was silently objecting to our trip this INDEPENDENCE DAY, he asked why we had to go out pa when we could just stay at home.

I answered that it's already a family tradition where instead of just being lazy in the house, we'll make an effort to create memories by going somewhere special. We decided to make it during holidays (Independence Day, Chinese New Year, Valentimes, Father's Day, etc) so that there is like a schedule that we'll really commit to.  It didn't need to be an expensive or posh place. It would be like a different kind of tripping that we'll enjoy more because we're together. 

I ended my monologue pa with a dignified "So that in the future, you'll also take out your kids to create these unforgettable moments during these holidays."

Their answer????


These INDEPENDENCE DAY outings taught my boys to be independent nga but it's NOT what I expected!


He he he he he he he!

Oh well! At least THAT'S another INDEPENDENCE DAY memory for a lifetime. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!



 Padre Burgos Ave, Ermita, Manila, 
1000 Metro Manila
(02) 527 1215





  1. Hi Ms. Jaz :)

    That's what I like too. To go somewhere historic during independence day :) Last year we went to Aguinaldo Shrine..hehehe but my son is still too young to appreciate history hahaha he's only two years old that time. When he was 1 year old we already went also at National Museum..:D Start 'em early ang peg ko hihihi But this year Team Bahay kami because of the rain...huhuhu :(

    I am enjoying your blog really :) I'm backreading from the start and I'm now at year 2013 na yey!:) I never got bored because I so love to eat, so I love to read your blog too hehehe :) Here's to more food to eat and more blogs from you for me to read too <3 <3 <3

    1. Hi dear Tinemon!!!!!!!

      Yayyyyy! Kindred spirits!!! I agree that we need to start them young! He he he he he! Also, di ba fun yung doing a different kind of gimik during these special holidays para truly memorable. Of course, fun din ang malls and kiddie parks but there's something different about our historical places. Oo he may be too young to appreciate history but still, ang ganda ng Aguinaldo Shrine for pics! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'm sure you were able to record memorable ones for your son.

      Yayyyy! Thanks I'm happy! So happy promise. I really get kilig when people appreciate my weirdness. I hope lang hindi lumabo mata mo sa grammar and sa haba. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Thanks again sooo much. Yes! Here's to more food and gimik blogs. Hope to hear more from you and meet you din soon! Take care! Mwaaaah! :)
