
Tuesday, June 26, 2018


It was a holiday and ERICJAZ FOODIES scheduled a meet-up with our other KTG foodie friends.

The venue for today...


(Hello there my bunsoy Andrei!)

Monday, June 25, 2018


It was a Sunday so we decided to take out our little dog Penny Lane for our family night. Since we were always in BGC when she's with us, we looked for other pet-friendly parks that we could take her to and we found ourselves in Ayala Triangle! 

Hala my forehead is so big!!!!

Now THAT's much better!!!!

Friday, June 22, 2018


It was a Friday and usually, we would go out with the little lords or meet up with some friends. But then the boys went out with my Mom, while we didn't make any definite plans with the peasants (tee hee) so it's just going to be me and the Chinese boy toy.

Insta-date night!!!!!!!

We didn't really know where to go but since traffic was so bad that night, we just decided to eat somewhere that's near my office. 

And after browsing over my friend's IG and facebook pages, we ended up in TERRACE 45!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH were having a staycation in MANILA HOTEL and besides enjoying the Filipino themed gloriousness, we were happy that we were also able to savor their food.

Yeaaaaah!!!!! Because a staycations mean forgetting the diet as well! He he he he he he!

That night after dinner, the majestic and awesome lobby of THE MANILA HOTEL greeted us.

I tell you, there may be other more modern and popular hotels but they've got nothing on the grandeur of MANILA HOTEL's lobby!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


It's June 12, 2018, and like what we do every year, THE YAPPY BUNCH are out to celebrate our Independence Day Holiday!

But where should we go?

We've been to the historic sites like Fort Santiago and Luneta just recently that we decided to try something different. That's when we remembered that Manila museums are free of charge this holiday.

YIPEE SKIP! MUSEUMS!!! I'm sure the little lords will REALLY have a good time now!!!

He he he he he! Yeah right.

Well, as much as we want to be considerate of the little lords' "kiddie desires" (which would most likely be consisted of playing their gadgets all day long), we wanted them to have different kind of experiences that they wouldn't have on ordinary days. And since it IS our INDEPENDENCE DAY, we thought of taking our boys to see how special Filipino talent and culture are without outside foreign influences.

Thus, the museums!!!!

And after their initial groans and whines, in the end, they admitted that they all had fun!!!

"Just not everyday Mommy" Andrei clarified.

Okay fine. As long as you two enjoyed our gimik in this yearly family tradition, the Yub and I are already happy. Here's hoping that you'll remember the great time we had today so that next year, you'll forget all the whining and groaning you did, kungdi KUKUTUSIN KO NA KAYO!!!

Ah eh... Kidding. Love you boys... Hi hi hi hi....

(Belated) HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY everyone!!!!


It may be bed weather but we're out early for INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH were in Manila Hotel to celebrate Andrei's win of Best Talent in Mr. BOSCONIAN and we are all having a blast. Many may think this is unlikely because public perception is that MANILA HOTEL is old and stuffy. But really, it was as majestic and historic as we dreamed it would be.


When asked why he chose this classic Manila institution, he answered that it's the hotel where his idol, the BEATLES stayed in when they were in the Philippines.

Awwwww.... The little Ringo talaga!!

I was actually very proud of that reason and kept on mentioning it to everyone who'll listen (kulang na lang mangalabit ako ha ha ha ha ha).

Monday, June 18, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH are going to MANILA HOTEL and it's a weekend I'm very excited about because I've been wanting to stay in this historical landmark for so long!!!!

Like, since I-was-old-enough long!

Would you believe that the reason why we had a staycation in MANILA HOTEL is because of Andrei?


Like I said, I've been curious to have a staycation in MANILA HOTEL for as long as I could remember. It is after all the most grand and posh hotel I have first encountered as a kid. But, lazy old me as usual would always put it off thinking that this big relic would always be there as it had always been.  As a result, tumaba at nagkaasawa na ako't lahat, I still haven't tried out the place.

Enter Andrei.

When Andrei won the Best In Talent in the Mr. Bosconian contest 2018, he had only one wish for his reward -- an overnight stay at MANILA HOTEL. Of course, I was overjoyed with his choice (great minds think alike nga naman!) but I wondered why of all the rewards he could get or all of the hotels that we could stay in, he chose MANILA HOTEL?

"Mommy because it's the hotel where The Beatles stayed in the only time they were here in the Philippines."

Awwwwww! My little Ringo!

So yay!!!! With that, I immediately booked a room for my little family. Even if it was actually my birthday week, our staycation in MANILA HOTEL would be all because of Andrei. He IS actually the reason why we're there.

Yes. My darling bunsoy helped me make one of my dreams come true. We may be here because of his idol Ringo but really, we are all celebrating our love for dear Andrei and how he is a blessing to us in every way.



We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship!

There it is!

Monday, June 11, 2018


I think it's no secret how much I love Ramen -- the lure of chewy noodles in a fatty and rich broth is just too irresistible!!! I don't care if the weather is chilly or sunny. As long as I'm craving for the piping hot bowl of ramen, I will do what I can to have it. If I wasn't watching my carb intake, I'll have it everyday... with rice!!! He he he he he!

That's why when my kumareng Gail strongly recommended MENDOKORO RAMENBA, I made a mental note that the Yub and I will try it VERY soon. We have actually tried its sister company YUSHOKEN in Molito, Alabang, but we were still uber curious about this branch in Makati City.

One night, the Yub and I were finally able to make our way to Makati to have a taste of this popular Ramen joint.

Now were we happy or was it all just a waste of time?

Read on and find out!!!!

Dan... dan... DAN!


It was a Thursday night when we decided to go to MENDOKORO RAMENBA thinking that since it's a weekday, the diners would not be as many.

Friday, June 8, 2018


Many times when I want to tease my dear friend Gem with something, I would always say "We should eat at MAMOU!", "It's now time for MAMOU!", or "I-MAMOU na yan!!!". I guess besides loving the food, I had a lot of fun the last time we had a double date in MAMOU, TOO with the boys.

That's why when she treated me out for my 33rd (he he he he) birthday, her ONLY choice was MAMOU TOO for us. I objected of course (kunwari) because the dishes could get pricey but she insisted. I think she also had fond memories of the restaurant with us too (naks). Either that or she just wants to shush me up from all my "MAMOU-ing." Ha ha ha ha!

Now that's SO fine with me!

Whatever the reason, e di sige hi hi (tucks hair behind ear), MAMOU TOO it is.

And as predicted, we all had a fun and delicious night!


Ladies night out!

Pareng Jojie was not available that night so it was just us cutie pies. Dear Gem invited the Yub to join us but he declined. He just dropped me off and picked us up later.

Awwwww.... Ke-shwet....

Wala naman siyang steak. Tee hee!

Thursday, June 7, 2018


After about 2 weeks, I thought it was the end of my birthday celebrations. Then, surprise, surprise! HOTEL JEN MANILA called me up saying they also wanted to join in on the fun and invited my family to dinner at LATITUDE!

WOAAAAH!!!!!! Ika nga ni pareng Michael Corleone, "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"... but with FOOD! He he he he!

I'm happy pa that with HOTEL JEN MANILA extended the invitation to my Mom. Of course, birthday celebrations are MORE fun with her.

Check out our wonderful family Saturday dinner at Latitude to celebrate ME being 33!!! Getting older is indeed better with fun, family and delicious food!

He he he he he!


Wednesday, June 6, 2018


This early on I will declare that KAMAMESHI HOUSE has given one of our most mind-blowing culinary experiences this year.

Yu-uh! To think that, this restaurant is already decades years old and we have been regular customers before.

But like in any longstanding relationship, there will be ups and downs. There might even be times when you'll lose touch of each other. However, when you all finally "kiss" and "make up", there will definitely be explosions, ka-pows, and just pure awesomeness!

CERTAINLY what happened to us in NEW KAMAMESHI HOUSE!

Like I said, my family have been regular diners of this restaurant's old branch in Makati Ave. You might say this was our old "Kimpura" (tee hee). When the branch closed, we lost one of our most favorite Japanese and family restaurants. My Daddyowzers naman found their other Makati branch near Zobel Roxas Avenue too far. That's why it certainly took us a loooooooooong time (perhaps decades) to have a taste of their delicious food once again.

Good thing that during our staycation in MANILA HOTEL, my guys asked where I wanted to eat. And while browsing online, I saw that a branch of NEW KAMAMESHI HOUSE was nearby.

I mean, it's not a stone's throw away but it was somehow at this "side."

So with that, "Hallelujah", I was so happy to get a taste again of my beloved KAMAMESHI. The great thing too is that I will now be able to share my love for this family favorite with the kiddies. And let's just say that them liking it, was such an understatement!

Check out our "heaven on earth" dinner in our new (but old) love, NEW KAMAMESHI HOUSE!


My only beef with NEW KAMAMESHI HOUSE is that they do not have parking spaces. Your helicopter will have to contend with the main road.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


It's my 33rd (he he he he) birthday and I cannot turn a year older without celebrating it with my FRAMILY (friends who are like family), the BP Group. This was actually scheduled the eve of my birthday making it like a "salubong". But something came up and I asked if we could reschedule it sometime after. Bless all of their hearts as everybody was game because either (1) they love me so much or (2) they're just looking forward to the restaurant venue -- I will try to believe that it's the first reason. He he he he he!

For the venue, I was looking for a place that will close late since it was a Friday, and well, we want to stay out long. As much as I wanted it to be in BGC, I had to be considerate of the peeps who will be traveling from Northern area (because the North WILL remember). Good thing my mareng FRANNYWANNY suggested our group to try out FLOSSOM KITCHEN since it had all the points I was looking for and she said the food was so yum!

Everyone was game na game with FLOSSOM KITCHEN because they have also been reading about the chic cafe online. They were too enthusiastic in fact na parang nalimutan na nila that it's my birthday! I knew it! Reason number 2 talaga!!!!! Huhuhu... Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

So in the end, we came, we saw, we celebrated. Yehessss! It was an uber awesome birthday celebration with my BP Framily at FLOSSOM!!!!!

Happy 33 to me at FLOSSOM!!!!!

FLOSSOM is located in the quiet streets of San Juan. Parking could be a challenge at night time though.

Monday, June 4, 2018


One year ago, my officemate Tita Grace announced that her unica hija will be getting married and she invited us all to attend.

Actually, "invited" was a very mild word because she said it in a way that if we declined, we will be REALLY sorry. As in head-for-the-hills-because-the-Terminator-will-be-coming-for-you, sorry. He he he he he! So of course I agreed (will do so naman talaga even without the non-verbal threats... he he he he), but that was BEFORE I discovered that it will be fall on my actual birthday.


Sensing my doubts, Tita Grace gave me the "Humanda ka" look. So with that, I gave my wholehearted yes agad. He he he he he he! Wala na talagang choice. Tee hee!

Duh of course I'm kidding!

Yeah, it may be my birthday but this was a once in a lifetime special event for Tita Grace and her family that I wouldn't dare miss it. Besides, one of the best ways to celebrate a birthday is to be in a room full of love, laughter, and FOOD, right??!!!

O di ba??? Instant party for me??

He he he he he he he! Check out the fun we had when we attended the wedding of lovebirds Gizelle and Hiro!!! Congratulations kiddies!!!!! Thank you so much for inviting us!

Mabuhay ang bagong kasal!!!


And yes, that's Imelda Papin at the far left. He he he he he he!