
Thursday, May 17, 2018


The MOTHER'S DAY SEASON is here once again and that means I'll see a barrage of social media posts on how users love their mothers with matching quotes and pictures. I'm happy for them and feel their joy in celebrating this wondrous holiday with the first women in their lives. But really for me, MOTHER'S DAY is now all about honoring and giving appreciation to the beings that made me a mother.

My little lords!

Don't get me wrong, I still made the day special for my Mom to show my appreciation for her. It is important to spoil the lady who has given herself to her family all her life. What I'm referring to right now is how I celebrated MY day. Yes! I'm a Mom too you know!

Kahit na ahem... coca cola bottle body pa din!


I know I could have some ME time by going to the spa, do some shopping, have a night out with friends, get a boob job and forehead reduction (he he he he). But like I said, I would rather celebrate MOTHER'S DAY by making memories with my little lords who have given me so much joy, happiness, strength, and purpose in getting my act together.

"Me time" for me is STILL with my little monsters! Seeing them happy after all makes me so much happi-er twenty times more.

Now that is MY kind of MOTHER'S DAY CELEBRATION!!!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the loving mothers out there!!!!!

For my first MOTHER'S DAY celebration, I'm going on a date with my big guy!

Check out his shirt! Yup! That's the Infinity Gauntlet and here he is mimicking that horrible snap!

I guess you have a picture now what we're going to do later!

I asked Master Mati where he wanted to go and he chose to have CHILI'S for dinner.


That's what I'm craving too!

Great minds think alike talaga!

Ordering up!

I'm teaching the little lords how to properly behave on a date so as to get the girl (he he he he he) and one of the points I always tell them is to treat their dates like a princess.

With that, they should be the ones doing the ordering for their ladies!


He he he he he he!

First on the table is a cup of CHILI'S Clam Chowder (P150.00) for Master Mati!

The soup was thick and rich with lots of cubed potatoes and clams. My Handsome Teenager was so happy with this.

I ate a lot of rice this morning for breakfast (as in A LOT), that's why I thought of having a side salad (P195.00) along with my food.

I super super love the House Salad of CHILI'S because for the price I got a full plate of greens with cheese and wanton strips. 

Extra tub of dressing for the win too!

For our main dishes, I got the CHILI'S Crispy Chicken Taco (P350.00O which came with rice pilaf and chili!

I never expected it to but this dish really filled me up! The fat chicken strips with salsa and sour cream were really good! I think I'll order this again next time.

As usual my seafood guy got the CHILI'S Calamari (P385.00)!!!

This is not an appetizer for him. He'll eat this with rice! He he he he he he!

Awwwww.... My very happy date!

What the...??? THAT'S MINE!

Me and the first guy who's the closest to my heart LITERALLY. He he he he he he!!! I'm sure he enjoyed those 9 months inside my fat body!

When we were finished, my Handsome Teenager asked for the bill and checked the items. Yup. Everything's A-OK.

The CHILI'S bill!


With feelings!

Afterwards, it's round 2 for us for AVENGER'S INFINITY WAR!!!!!

Wohoo! My favorite Marvel's movie date!

I love having movie dates with my Handsome Teenager because he's turning out to be a movie buff like my Daddy. We go for the same movies too!

Yeheyy! What a very fun MOTHER'S DAY date with my first born! I hope you could still take me out when we're older. Movie dates are the best!



My little lords surprised me with these beautiful flowers!

Master Mati with roses...

My bunsoy Andrei with a BIG Sunflower!

That morning, we heard mass at the church in Powerplant Mall.

The Bishop gave a special blessing to all the mothers.

Yayyy! Di ako natunaw!!!!

Could you see me at the left side in front?

For our Mother's Day Lunch, the Yub and I treated my Mommy to ALTA BY RELIK!!!!

And since I enjoyed their Salmon Sisig so much before, I ordered not just one but TWO! Yay!

My Mom REALLY enjoyed the food and was happy that we had lunch here. She said when my Dad's sisters visit from the US, we'll take them here also.

YAYYY! I'm glad Mommy loved our lunch! Only the best for her of course!

Blog post coming soon!



It was MOTHER'S DAY date with Andrei!!!!!

My bunsoy chose Japanese because it was his favorite!

And like with Mati, Andrei ordered all of our dishes. Ang galing niya because he got everything right!

After eating, the Androse took out his camera to take snap shots.

Andrei: Sleeping Mommy!

Andrei: Thinking Mommy!

Andrei: Hulk Buster Mommy!

Andrei : Thanos Mommy!

Andrei: Gonna pick up Mommy!!!!

He he he he he!

Andrei cam!

Near the end of our dinner, my bunsoy said "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!" 

I reminded him that we only spent dinner together but he answered "This night was so fun that it became the whole day na!!!!!!!!!!!"


After dinner, we had dessert at my bunsoy's favorite -- Krispy Kreme!

There, the Chinese Dimpol and Master Mati picked us up!


Now my MOTHER'S DAY CELEBRATIONS may not be as grand nor exciting for some but we were all together in great health and doing what we love (eating!!!). We were all just laughing, sharing stories, and enjoying our Sunday getogether, so if that is not special, I don't know what is!

Plus I'm so happy that I was able to complete my MOTHER'S DAY tradition with my little lords during the long weekend. There were years when we couldn't go out because one of them was sick or school requirements delayed our date. This time, we were all within the MOTHER'S DAY "schedule!" Mababaw I know but it just added fun to the overall experience!

Here's hoping that our munting tradition will be carried on by the boys even when they grow up na and have their own families. Little Andrei though seriously asked me "Wouldn't I be like a traitor to my wife if I take you out on Mother's Day?"

HALA!!!! Second fiddle na agad ako sa imaginary wife niya! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I told him, it's okay Andrei. You take your wife and kids out, then set a special day for me para we will still have dates. (Of course, I don't mind if we do it all together as a family, but I want him to figure that out.)

He he he he he!

Oh well. My little lords, I know you guys will grow up soon and have your own wives and kiddies to celebrate "MOTHER'S DAY" with. For now, I'm celebrating MY Mother's Day weekend with you while I still have you all to myself. 

Come to think of it though, your joy and happiness make me ultra happy too so even if you decide to celebrate this MOTHER'S DAY in the future with the Mommy of your kiddies, it's still a win-win thing for me either way.

HALA! EMO NA AKO AGAD!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Well, that's Motherhood talaga. You're always set for heart break. He he he he he he!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you loving Mommies out there!!!!






  1. Happy Mother's Day....I admire you as a cool mom to your 2 boys...
    Wala pa din si BFF marian and Pnoy? hehehe

    1. Thanks dear!!! Ha ha ha ha! I hope my boys would agree with you. They hate me kasi I'm the kontrabida at home who don't let them play gadgets or with PS3. Oh well... I hope they know though that even if I'm the ultimate KJ, they have in me an ally who will always support them with cheering squad pa. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Wala pa e! BGP Marian will be home on July pa. I miss them so much. Huuuuy mabait si Fred.. ha ha ha ha! Mahuhurt yun sa Pnoy kasi hate niya yun Ha ha ha ha ha! MANONG na lang or KOYA. Buti yun para he'll remember that HE'S OLD. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Mwah! Happy Mother's Day too (to your Mom!)

  2. Pure joy and happiness! I love it.

    And I have a feeling that Andrei will end up marrying a wife who INSISTS that he take his mother out for mother's day first!

    -Kat from Maryland

    1. Thank you dear Kat! That cheered me up! Itong bunso ko he's like a baby but he's got so many ambitions na. His future is already mapped out and he's got a timeline na. Talagang he's serious with his future with a wife and family. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I'm not expecting anything (life of a Mom talaga is to let go huhuhu) but I just hope he won't forget yung pinagsamahan namin when he was a little kiddie who said he wanted to marry me para he'll never leave me forever. Ha ha ha ha ha! Haaaay those were the days. He forgot about it na. Oh well...

      Thanks again dear Kat! Mwah mwah! Happy Mother's Day to your Mom too!!!!!
