
Tuesday, February 20, 2018


After about 5 hours of driving, we finally arrived in the City of Pines. And before doing any sight-seeing or hotel check-in, we're going for the most important thing...


Yep! We were ravenous and we were so excited to dig in to what BAGUIO has to offer. And the first in our list was....


I've seen many reviews online at how GLEN'S 50'S DINER is so sulit and a bang for your buck, at the same time, delicious! Of course, that was DING, DING, DING, for us. We just had to try it.

At the same time, I love diner settings because it reminds me of what they have in the US and in old movies. 

GLENN 50'S DINER doesn't have airconditioning; not that it's needed of course -- the BAGUIO cold breeze was more than enough to cool us off! 


Lyn Bracken and Bud White!

(Guess what movie I recently rewatched??)

Master Mati and bunsoy Andrei!

My, we're so happy this morning bunsoy Andrei. Paiyakin kaya kita?



Master Mati, my little foodie, immediately checked out the menu.

As for Andrei, the picky eater, he just made muni-muni. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Time to order!!!!

GLENN 50'S DINER one...

GLENN 50's DINER menu two...

GLENN 50'S DINER menu three...

GLENN 50's DINER menu four!!!

First on the table is GLENN 50'S DINER Carbona (P110.00).

It was just the usual carbonara; nothing mind-blowing about it. But my bunsoy loved it. He was able to eat a lot but didn't finish it all.

GLENN 50'S DINER Cheeseburger (P120.00)!

This may not look much because the patty seems dry and burned but believe me, the Yub loved it! He kept mentioning how it was so good and was able to finish it in no time.

Master Mati was in the mood for something meaty and got the GLENN 50'S DINER Chop Chop (P150.00). 

He was so surprised to get 2 big pieces of pork chop! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! 

Again, it may not look so nice in the picture but it was tender and flavorful (I should know because the Yub and I ate the other one).

I was in the mood for some breakfast food and was just disappointed that it's not an all day thing for them. 

With that, I just chose the most "breakfast-y" thing meal item in the menu.... Poor Man's Meal (P90.00)!

This was simple yet very satisfying, especially that I love everything on this plate --  I love sardines, egg, and garlic rice. Having this with coffee was just sooo yum!!!!

Andrei asked if he could order a chocolate milkshake (P85.00). 

I thought that since we're celebrating his pre-birthday thingy, go lang!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in GLENN 50'S DINER!

Now you see it.....

Now you don't!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!

BURP!!! Sarap!

The bill!!!!

So cheap right??? Considering that all of us had meals!!! Wohooo! 

Wow! Our BAGUIO trip is definitely off to a GREAT start! You know kuripot me: I'm always happy whenever we find delicious food at affordable prices! Even the Yubhub was happy, great choice daw.


Will definitely go back here in our next Baguio trip!!!

 166 Military Cutoff Rd, 
Baguio, 2600 Benguet
0939 251 2791



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