
Tuesday, November 21, 2017


My eldest brother invited us out for lunch one Sunday to celebrate Father's Day last June!

And the choice for that special lunch was LA TIENDA!!!

The family has eaten in LA TIENDA many times before but THE YAPPY BUNCH was not able to join because we would always be in Quezon Province with Yub's family.

ABA! Sinasadya na ata! He he he he he he! Kidding!

Seriously though, it was just painful coincidence. He he he he he! Good thing that for this Sunday, we were finally at home so that we could taste their specialty that my Kuya Jay just loved...

Refer to picture above.

He he he he he he!

LA TIENDA was a cozy restaurant with homey "old Spanish" interiors.

The peach walls were decorated with Spanish portraits highlighting their culture.

When you get inside, there's a bar to your right...

And a mini-grocery to your left.

I'll just go straight ahead. He he he he!


Anthony and Ate Jojitski!

Kuya Jon and my bunsoy Andrei!

Best Friends/Enermies/Cousins Master Mati and Rocio!

Party pooper Kuya Jay and Karen!

Oops! He's the one treating us for lunch nga pala so he could not be in the pics if he wanted to. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

(It's okay. He doesn't read my blog anyway....

Nobody does. :(  )

By the way, lunch was actually to celebrate Father's Day for my Daddy (RIP). Before the meeting time though Mom and Dad said they cannot join and for us to go ahead. We'll just take home some of our grub for them later.


HARRY HART and MERLIN!!!!!!!!!

OMG I loved KINGSMAN!!!! So happy they brought HARRY HART back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LA TIENDA menu 1....

LA TIENDA menu 2... 

LA TIENDA had bread sticks in champagne glasses all ready and waiting for us. I love it when a restaurant wastes no time in feeding its diners. 

After my brother ordered, LA TIENDA gave us baskets of warm bread with butter.

Yehesss! I foresee requesting more bread baskets in the near future. He he he he he!

Bread was crusty and chewy. So perfect!

Kuya Jay ordered a bottle of sweet sherry to pair with our appetizers.

(I'm actually not sure if its sherry or wine... he he he! Sorry!)


Happy Father's Day Daddy (RIP)!!!

We started off with LA TIENDA Blue Marlin Salad with Olive Vinaigrette dressing (P350.00)!

This was lovely and light appetizer that I paired with the crusty bread.

For our mains, we had the LA TIENDA Seafood Paella (P630.00)!

Sticky rice simmered in seafood and its rich broth.

When it comes to Paella, I'll always go for the Paella Negra (P730.00)!

Each spoonful is bursting with the nutty squid ink sauce. This goes oh so well with the Garlic Aioli!

I'm sure the kids agreed. He he he he he!

The piece de resistance of course is the LA TIENDA Cochinillo Al Horno (P5,500.00).

This beauty is ordered 1 day in advance.

Poor piglet. I know that this is so politically incorrect, but you just made us so happy this Father's Day. 

Rocio and Andrei were deciding who would go first!

Naaaah! They both went for it.

Kidding! Ha ha ha ha ha!

The LA TIENDA Cochinillo is famous for its crisp skin and tender meat. 

The Cochinillo is so tender that they only use a small saucer to "cut" it!

In no time, our lunch is ready!

This little piggy will go into our tummies!

The Cochinillo may look small but believe me, it had a lot of meat underneath. We were not able to finish it and had two packs for take home.


Look at Andrei's surprised face. Ha ha ha ha ha!

One of our Cochinillo plates!

The meat was indeed fork tender and moist. The skin was crunchy and only had a thin layer of fat. So yum!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with my Gatdula family in LA TIENDA!!!

My plate! My very full LA TIENDA plate!

I paired that Cochinillo with a goblet of red. Yum!

As usual, Andrei kept on talking and chatting and forgetting to eat. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Dessert was Caramel Flan....

Which Andrei really devoured! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And churros con chocolate!

After a very delicious lunch, the boys were in the mood for some drinks....

Except one. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Kidding. He's not yet allowed.

Thanks Kuya Jay for the Father's Day lunch!

(My Dad was still with us when we did this. :( )

43 Polaris Street, Bel-Air,
Makati City
02 8904123 / 02 2457181



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