
Monday, October 2, 2017


The plan for that Saturday was the Chinese Dimpol, Master Mati and I will go watch a movie because the bunsoy Andrei said wished to go with his Lolo (RIP) and Lola. Unfortunately, my parents' gimik that night got cancelled so Andrei was left by his lonesome. He asked if he could watch the movie with us but unfortunately, we're going to watch something PG-13.

So what to do?

Since Andrei seemed so wawa that he'll be left home, I asked the Chinese Dimpol if he could cancel my ticket so my bunsoy and I could just have a date night. The Yub grumbled then agreed adding that he and Master Mati could have a bro night too (maybe it dawned on him that mababawasan gastos niya! Ha ha ha ha ha).

With that my bunsoy and I had a lovely pre-Mother's Day date night. But, unlike what I wished would happen, we went to HIS dinner of choice -- YABU!

It's okay. I'm sure most mothers will agree that as long as our kids are happy, we're happy.

Surely helped too that I loved YABU as well! Har de har har!

Andrei and I are going on a date night!!!!!

While the Yub and Master Mati are watching a movie, we'll be shopping, going around, and having dinner at YABU. 

My bunsoy then asked if we could have some Salmon Sushi for a pre-date snack.


Bye boys!!!!!

After doing some toy shopping and passing by church to pray to Mama Mary, we arrived at YABU!!!!

I learned that my Ate Jojit was in Powerplant Mall that night so I invited her to join us.

As usual Andrei's first words upon seeing his Tita Jojit was "WHERE'S YOUR IPAD??"


Ordering up!

My dear bunsoy Andrei volunteered to crush the sesame seeds for me. Awwwww!

I'm sure he just wanted to play with it. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Andrei's order is here!

YABU Rosu Katsudon Set (P400.00)!

The little Andrei cannot finish a whole order so we would usually share. This time, he'll be sharing this big bowl with my Ate Jojit.

 Andrei loved the sweet rice served with the juicy Katsu and would usually call it "Yummy Rice".
I asked the server if she could give us extra sauce for Andrei because he really liked it saucy!

My very happy boy! He's usually a picky eater but when it's YABU, he'll eat A LOT!

My order of YABU Katsu Rosu Set (P350.00 80grams)!

My crispy crunchy fried pork!

I'm trying to watch my carb intake so I just got some brown rice!

Yihiii! Watching my carb intake daw!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with Andrei and Ate Jojit for a pre-Mother's Day dinner!

Take two!

Take three!!!!

Auuughhh Andrei!!!!!!!!

Hay! I give up! H aha h aha ha hah a! Actually, it's the server taking the photographs who pointed out how Andrei was being kenkoy!

It was easy to avoid rice in YABU because you could just fill yourself up with their shredded cabbage with drizzles of dressing!

Would you believe that I cannot finish my Rosu because I was so full already? Yup! That's what having extra cabbage does to me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I gave some to Ate Jojit and Andrei. He he he he he! When you become tanders na, you will get full fast. 

And we're done!

I teased Ate Jojit that she should treat us since she's a doctor and all. She agreed (yay!!!) but added that this will already be her Mother's Day Gift to me.


He he he he he he!!!!

Ate Jojit must be thinking "Nayaya na nga lang, napalibre pa!" Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding!

Ate Jojit's bill!


YABU never fails to give me joy not just for their delicious food but also because I am assured that my bunsoy will be eating a lot.

I'm sure any Mom will understand how that is such a big thing for us when choosing restaurants! He he he he he he he he! 

 Powerplant Mall, Rockwell Drive Cor Street St, 
Makati Metro Manila
 (02) 887 0094

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