
Thursday, October 19, 2017


One of the cardinal rules when going to BAGUIO is that you should never EVER, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER miss the chance to go biking and boating in BURNHAM PARK. I think everyone who has ever gone to BAGUIO has done it so why don't you? Of course with the emergence of modern technology and popular new activities, it may be cheesy and "baduy" to go there. But personally, I find having a family day at BURNHAM PARK to be something like a tradition -- a fun old-fashioned way to reminisce when life was simple. And now, when most of the kiddies are already so jaded that a friggin gold bar may be just MEH to them, it would really be great for them to experience what got us shrieking with enjoyment before.

Always remember that good, clean, fun will never go out of style. And in Baguio, BURNHAM PARK will give you all of that plus a cool time with your loved ones -- literally!!!!

Check out our wonderful time at BURNHAM PARK!


BURNHAM PARK was named after architect Daniel Burnham who laid the plans in the city. The popular park is a 32.8 hectare land that also have a man-made lake, an arcade, a grand stand, a football field, AND...

a bike area!!!

In the bike area, you could pick from many stalls as to which bike to rent for an hour. It could get a bit crowded but don't worry, that's part of the fun. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Could you see Andrei???

There he is!!!

There's Master Mati!

I could see Jelo....

And Johans!

While the kiddies did their thing with their Go-Karts, the oldies hung out in the shade!

The Chinese Yub brought some sweet mangoes... 

As for me, I tried out the Strawberry Sorbetes. I loved this!!!! Sooo yum!

Ate Lee was looking after the kiddies so we all went around the park to take pictures.

Lovers in the park!

OOTD... Ha ha ha ha!

Team Virrey bought a selfie stick so we tested it around the park. He he he he he!

Little Andrei bought something from the vendor too -- he got shades!!!

After the biking, we went boat riding for P150 per hour!

Supposedly the rate would be for 2 kids and 2 adults. They allowed us to have an extra kiddie at no extra charge!

We let the kiddies take turns with the rowing but they just ended up quarreling whose turn it was.

Finally, they all got their groove on and was able to get the hang of rowing...

after 30 minutes!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The bigger boys let the little ones row most of the time but got a bit grumpy about it.

When we can't seem to get out of the dock, the Chinese Dimpol took over. 

Isa pang grumpy!

Finally we're somewhere... Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

After we finished with our boating, we decided to give the kiddies a sweet treat!

We got strawberry taho!!!

Honestly, I was not too fond of this Strawberry Taho because it was more like a double dose of sugar in the syrup with food coloring. I enjoyed the sorbetes more.

Let's see what the kiddie verdict is...

Apparently, the boys agreed with me as they all ordered the "ordinary" taho. He he he he he he!

When in BAGUIO, you should still try out their Strawberry Taho. Maybe I just have bad taste or the quality depends on the vendor. So try it out pa din. 



And that wraps up our family fun at BURNHAM PARK!!!

Even if it's only the kiddies who went biking/go karting, I was so happy that they were able to experience something that I enjoyed so much with my family.

The best thing also was that they had the same kind of fun that I had as a kid!!! So yay!!! 

Another "Fun Family Mission" accomplished and crossed off our list!!!! 


 Jose Abad Santos Dr, Baguio, 
2600 Benguet
 0921 491 4865



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