
Tuesday, August 29, 2017


How to throw a successful surprise birthday party?

I have given about 20 plus surprise parties but I still get excited every time I plan for one. For me, it's because each celebrant and situation is different so there is always a new kind of fun in every party.

And to think, this time the VIP for the day is the Chinese Dimpol -- my Yub, my boyfriend for life, my Captain Maharlika, my husband. This night should be special and it should be ALL ABOUT HIM.

So while planning Yub's surprise birthday party, I could think of many tips and points, but the most important thing I have have to remember is that I should do a lot of acting!!!!

Yep! That's where I put my frustrated theater skills to use. Not only would I act so convincingly but I would also create a back story (with props) to really throw off the celebrant.

I'll share more as I go on. Though this was a simple event, it was a loooong and well-oiled process to make everything perfect. Nothing is more gratifying than seeing the celebrant getting shocked then giving the sweetest and most happy laugh afterwards.

Now THAT is always my favorite part.

As for the Chinese Dimpol, the ever deadma-boy, he gave a very stunned and dazed reaction. He really can't believe what was happening. He didn't know what to say! Yayyy!!! But all throughout the night, you would feel his joy, his gratitude, and his excitement at seeing his good old true friends. And one thing's for sure, we were all feeling the love at celebrating somebody's special 4-0 party. It was really an unforgettable night for him and for all of us!

What a very successful night!!! Happy Birthday Chinese Adonis! You are so loved!


HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY YUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now you may ask, why DID I throw my husband a party? I just thought that it was high time for him to spend a night out with his favorite childhood friends (whom he rarely meets up with) at this momentous time in his life. 

To think that during my 40th birthday, he didn't do anything AT ALL. Yup! Not a thing. But even if I'm past that already, I thought of using that reason in throwing him off for his 40th. Early February, I was already telling him, "Yub, ikaw na bahala sa birthday mo. I WON'T DO ANYTHING since that's what you did for my 40th".

But really, it was just an alibi to program his mind how nothing will happen on his birthday.

Or so he thought!

 Mid-February, I contacted one of his best friends Vincent and asked if the gang is available on one Saturday in March. I asked him if they were okay to go to Nuvali because the magnitude of the surprise will be bigger if Yub's friends from Lucena are there with us.

I thought, this should be Yub's night so he should be spending it with the crazy people he loves most (besides his family) to make him happy. There'll be none of my friends. And his barkada, aka THE TOPMUD, were as usual, very dependable.  Everyone said yes without question of the distance or availability. Some even took a leave of absence (those who work on Saturdays) just to join us.

Now THAT'S true friendship! Hindi showbiz!

Well, these guys have been true buds since Kindergarten so theirs is a brotherhood so deep that distance and time wouldn't (and couldn't) affect it.

I love my husband's friends because they are always there for each other. Even the ones who are already residing in other countries would turn up if we needed them.

So as to meet them somehow in the middle, we agreed the venue had to be somewhere in Laguna. With that, I recommended NONNA'S PASTA AND PIZZERIA in Solenad, Nuvali.

Now the planning begins!!!!!!

First we needed an alibi. Something that would make the Chinese Dimpol agree to drive far to Nuvali for dinner.

With that, I thought of my College friend Agot who have been inviting us to go South side for a meet up. 

She worked in ACACIA HOTEL and she already treated the gang before. In the picture above, Agot also treated us for my birthday!!!!!


With that, I talked to my College barkada and told them how they will take part in Yub's surprise birthday party. The story was, Agot will treat the whole barkada and families as a birthday gift to me. And since I was not sure how long the gang will arrive in NONNA'S, I was preparing to standby at another restaurant first. So venue, supposedly, will be announced.

When I told that to the Yubhub, he said "Okay." He knows how "galante" Agot is. To add more emotion to my story, I even threw in a couple "Ang layo nga ng venue e nakakatamad. Kung di ko lang birthday, di ako pupunta."

Tee hee!!!!!!

I love my College friends because with just one message, they all posted on their timelines about our faux getogether for that Saturday!

It really helped so much too that the fake sponsor for that birthday getogether posted about it also. She also posted one as her status!

Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the day of the surprise party, I changed the names of his TOPMUD friends to my College friends in my phonebook. On Facebook messenger, I also made the chat group name into AC FRIENDS. This is so that the Chinese Dimpol will not be suspicious just in case he glances at the person I'm messaging on the phone or in FB.

The people from Lucena will be leaving at 2:00pm so that they'll get to Solenad Nuvali at around 5:00pm. I'm praying that they won't get stuck in traffic (as what Saturday travellers would usually go through) so that they'll be on time.

I'm so thankful that Yub's brother and friends really left on time. Cong. Irvin pa nga left around 12:00pm! Yayy! Thanks Team Alcala!

But still, I told the Chinese Dimpol that the (fake) venue will be at  MESA. Just in case pa din that we'll play the waiting game. The place was recommended by Dr. Brenda as the restaurant that will be far from NONNA.

I prayed that everyone would go smooth for Yub's surprise birthday celebration and you know what? My prayers were answered! Nobody was stuck in traffic and everyone arrived on time!

One by one Yub's friends arrived NONNA'S and they all chatted like the schoolboys they were yesterday!

Chika galore!

Pictures galore too!

The last couple to arrive (but they were still early) was Team Edano! So that means, there was no need for the MESA fake venue!!!!!

Even Yub's brother Allan and his pretty wife Ivy were there! I was so thankful to Ivy because she also brought a lot of decors and help set up the place. I appreciated everything because I was powerless. The venue was far for me to visit and I was with the celebrant. I depended on her and TOPMUD to fix NONNA up!

While waiting, the boys helped in the preparations, namely, blowing up the balloons. Ha ha ha ha ha!

The girls naman took pictures!!!!

Afterwards, everything was ready!!

The set-up!!!!!

Don't forget, the table was reserved for Agot Serrano! Ha ha ha ha!

NONNA'S staff was wonderful!!! They were so helpful in the fixing up the place AND reserving the space for us. I am in debt of their customer service as they contributed in the success of the night!

When we arrived SOLENAD NUVALI, I texted BGP Marian and Ann to call Eric and tell him that venue has been changed to NONNA'S. At least when he heard it from them, he really believed that the event was for my College getogether. 

With that, I also texted the gang that we're on our way to NONNA so, they all went outside to hide from us. 

The Manager of Nonna and Doc Brenda warned me that NONNA has 2 entrances. Now the surprise will be foiled if we walk by THIS side. They tipped me that the NONNA'S entrance I should go to is the one near Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Remembering that, I told Yub we should pass by first Coffee Bean to buy something for Mati. That's what we used for directions (since we were not familiar with Solenad Nuvali).

Everyone was all ready but we took a long time to arrive because ANG LAKI PALA NG SOLENAD!!!!

Check out how the video to see how kulit Yub's barkada was while waiting and how they surprised him!!!!!!

Watch this. This is so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thanks mareng Rizza for the video and the NONNA'S server who shot it!!!!!

When we arrived, NONNA'S ingeniously reserved only a table for 4pax (kuno) for Agot Serrano and informed us there was another group on the long table. My husband did not suspect anything but I could tell he got a bit annoyed because we hurried up tapos nobody from my friends were there. It helped too that I acted with matching "Ano ba yan. Akala ko ba nandito na sila!!!"


I asked him to text Mati to ask what he wanted from Coffee Bean (to divert his attention while I signal the NONNA'S staff). 


Watch the Youtube video above to see the surprise!!!!!


There were poppers, music, loud singing, the works!!!!

We were so noisy!!!!!!!!!!

The Chinese Dimpol was so shocked and stunned. He told me afterwards that even if he saw everyone he can't believe that they're actually there. He cannot talk daw from disbelief!



Afterwards he asked me, "Nasan sina Agot??"



There was a lot of excited laughs, banters, teasing, and greeting. It took awhile before we got everyone settled. Ha ha ha ha ha!

When we sat down, the girls were separate from the boys. We wanted the Chinese Dimpol to really have a fun night with his friends in NONNA'S!!!


The birthday boy Chinese Dimpol, dear Magoy, pareng Raul!

Pareng Chid and friend!

Dear Allan, pareng Rommel, pareng Vincent, Doc Jan, and Cong. Irvin!

Dear Ivy and Allan!

Dear Mimi, Doc Brenda, and Mareng Day!!!!

Mareng Rizza, Mareng Chen, dear Embong, and MEEEEH!

NONNA'S gave us the long table at the far end. Hopefully, we were not too noisy for the other diners. 


Sorry that I wasn't able to take a lot of food pictures... Medyo busy lang entertaining. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

NONNA'S Mushroom Chicharon (P160.00)!

A must order in NONNA'S! Crunchy, addicting, and won't clog your arteries like what the regular chicharon would do!!!!!

NONNA'S Tutti Formaggi Pizza (P350.00)!

A MAMA LOU'S favorite with a lot of cheese -- mozzarella, gouda, honeygoat cheese, parmesan, and blue cheese!!!!! So gooey and messy but ultra fun to eat especially with the crunchy thin crust!

NONNA'S Prosciutto Arugula Pizza (P450.00)!

Cheesy pizza covered with thinly sliced prosciutto and fresh arugula leaves. Every bite is a battle of flavors but worked so well!!!

NONNA'S All Meat Pizza (P450.00)!

Carnivores will be happy with the flavorful toppings of salami, bacon, and home-made Italian sausage!

For pasta, we had the NONNA'S Truffle Caviar Pasta (P350.00)! 

The flat noodles were al dental and were very good with the creamy and cheesy sauce. The slivers of salmon added a nice smokeyness at every forkful, while the caviar bits gave a mild saltiness to it. Yummers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Sorry for the bad picture but we also got NONNA's Vesuvio Pasta (P495.00)!

It's a combination of rigatoni, mozzarella, fennel sausage, and egg with the combination of all sauces (pesto, white sauce, red sauce).

I don't think I need to tell you how impressive and delicious this one is.


ERICJAZ FOODIES with the Chinese Dimpol's friends in NONNA'S!!!!!!!!

The Chinese Dimpol's favorite food is chami. But the pasta at NONNA'S he loved too!!!!

Can't talk... Eating!

There were other orders that I was not able to take a picture of like the Ravioli of Doc Brenda. Sayang! I tried the sauce and it was just WOW. I mopped my cheese pizza on it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

THIS is something I'll go back to soon!

Chatting and eating!

Everyone suddenly became busy. He he he he he!

My hat's off to NONNA'S staff who were so agreed to take videos and photos of us. You were such a big help for the busy organizers. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

In the middle of dinner, we all sang a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to my Chinese Dimpol!

We haven't had a drink yet and we're all singing like lashengs.

Yep. That's the kind of wife I am. The kind who'll put bunny ears on her unknowing Yub during his 40th birthday celebration.


His supportive friends taking our picture!

Uuuuy! Sweet nila ni Magoy!

Ha ha ha ha! Yep! His 40th!!!

Kiss nga sabay hug!


For dessert, the ladies had Yub's cake and NONNA'S Mango Cheesecake. A perfect sweet ending to a rich and hearty dinner!

The cake from PURPLE OVEN given by his friends was light and not too sweet. Loved having 2nds and 3rds of this. Ha ha ha ha ha!

While having coffee and dessert, it was time for birthday speeches and wishes from his childhood friends!!!!!

First up was dear Pareng Raul! Besides being his classmate in Grade School, they also shared an apartment during their early years here in Manila with their first jobs. My fond memory of him is his kwento at how he quarreled with a barber because he didn't tell him that a haircut cost more than going bald. 

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Next up is pareng Chid! He was supposed to be Andrei's Ninong but on the day of the ceremony, he forgot about and didn't attend! CHE!!!

For tonight, he originally had other plans with family but he stayed with us for the whole night. Awwww! Ayan! Forgiven ka na Ninong Richid! Now where's Andrei's 10 years worth of gifts???

Then it was Magoy's turn. He's pareng Vincent's cousin who also hangs out with their group. He doesn't talk much but when he does, it's a riot!!! So funny!

Now time for the girls!!!!!

Mareng Day is pareng Raul's wife and from the barkada, I have known her the longest since we would hang out together in the boy's apartment.


We hung out together in Glorietta. Ayun. Tama. Glorietta.

He he he he he he he he!

Mareng Rizza is Rommel's wife and I always found her so pretty and kind. She was also very patient in taking most of the pictures and videos then sending them to me. Thank you sooo much! Your video was epic!

Mareng Chen is pareng Vincent's wife and she's also one of Yub's childhood friends. She is always so kind and helpful too. I remember that she did a lot for my first surprise party for Yub in Lucena about 10 years ago. 

By the way, she's the one who brought that portable microphone since she knows there'll be speeches. Awwww! Thank you!!!!!

Dear Zennah is also well-loved by everyone in TOPMUD as she is so beautiful inside and out. She's their forever heartthrob!!!!!! I think almost everyone in TOPMUD had a crush on her when they were younger. (Hmmm si Yub kaya??? Okay lang! Ha ha ha ha!)

 She arranged the transportation for many of the attendees so YAY!

Dear Allan, Yub's brother, gave him a G-Shock watch! Wow! This was something that the Yub has been wishing for, for a long time. 

Yayy! Thanks Allan!

Dear Rommel is mareng Rizza's hub and like Magoy, he's a guy of few words but very funny when he speaks up!!! 

Pareng Vincent is also Yub's childhood friend and also his room mate in Makati with pareng Raul. Besides being so fun to be with, he's also very dependable and helpful. Vincent is the person who holds the group together because he would organize meet-ups when he can. Like pareng Raul, he's also VERY funny. GRABE. You would see in the video. He has a way of telling stories that gets us in stitches!!!!!

Vincent was also one of the hosts of our wedding and he did a good job! :)

Up next is Doc Jan, the hot throb in TOPMUD (ha ha ha ha!). When they were kids, they said everyone in their class had a crush on him. I could see why. Ha ha ha ha ha! Now, we would always joke how we all find him pogi. Good thing his wife Doc Brenda is cool and plays along with our jokes. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Cong. Irvin, also one of Yub's childhood friends, is fun to be with because of his ready smile and kalog nature. Very humble but sooo generous too!!!! Saya niyang ka-foodtrip because we have the same taste in food!

He has a great singing voice too and he sang at our wedding!!!

When it was my turn to speak, I gave the most heart-wrenching and emotional speech there is.

I'm kidding. I sounded like an irritating Kris Aquino. 

Yes. It IS possible.


Later on, BGP Marian came!!!!

And Lizbeth, Magoy's wife too!

And also Manong Fred!


Almost done with the food!

By this time, the boys stood up to recreate a childhood pic!!!!

This was when they were 10 years old!

And 30 years after!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

What do you guys think?

And just in case you need a side by side...

They also made one with Yub as the celebrant!

Behind the scenes of that epic picture. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The night went on with some more drinking and singing.

Yes. Singing.

The Yub seems to be still beaming with happiness.

I drink we drove out some of the diners.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Sorry NONNA'S!

And we're done!

My bill!

Yep! It's my birthday treat for the Yub!

His friends naman took care of their drinks! Thank you so much!!!!

Thank you sooo much NONNA'S especially to dear Marj Santos who went beyond her Manager duties and communicated with me like an old friend. They were really so helpful with everything. Thank you sooo much!!! Now THAT'S customer service!!!

Thank you too to dear Donny (THE LAST DON) and David Sison (MAMA LOU'S) for setting this up at NONNA'S!!!! 

But of course, a HUGE thanks to the Chinese Dimpol's brother, Ivy, Team Mina, and TOPMUD!!!! Thank you so much for coming. I know that I keep on saying it again and again (na parang sirang plaka na) but thank you for making the journey and making the Chinese Dimpol so happy tonight!!!!!

TOPMUD (and my BGPs of course) are truly FRIENDSHIP GOALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

You guys made Yub's big 4-0 a MORE memorable one!!!! For that, I'm forever grateful (no kidding). 

We love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ground Floor, Building G, 
Solenad 3, Nuvali, Don Jose, Santa Rosa
+63 9498898959

As Yub's friends drove home for Lucena, Quezon, me and the Yubhub hung out more with Team Mina for some dessert, coffee, and nose strips.

Yep. That's the kind of friendship that we have and WE LOVE IT!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


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