
Saturday, February 25, 2017


It's Andrei's 10th birthday and to make it more special, I thought of having a mini-dinner party for him with our close friends!

The Chinese Dimpol and I weren't really planning on giving him a party. But for many weeks, he has been bugging us for a sleepover for his birthday weekend. In addition to that, he requested for me to cook this and that and this again.

With that I thought, why not invite our friends over and treat them to Andrei's birthday food? He's also best friends with the kiddies anyways!

We have a mini-confession though: Part also why the Chinese Dimpol and I are giving him a dinner party is because I'll be working on his actual birthday while my hub is having his Office Christmas Party that night. We both felt terrible but we're also thankful that our bunsoy was very understanding. We told him we'll make it up to him the next day and take VLs. He said he didn't mind because finally his friend is sleeping over. He became more excited when we informed him that our BP group is coming too!



Dear Andrei loves playing ping pong. As in he would play against high school students and win! My bunsoy would always tell us how he hoped Daddy could watch him play after school. We happily told him that since we took VLs that Friday, we could!!! 

And Andrei got his wish!

While Andrei was playing ping pong, Master Mati was chatting up with his friends. We're going to bring Lance home with us because he'll be attending the party!

My birthday boy was happy -- his friend Rowlan is sleeping over!

Mati was also excited that his great buddy Lance will be staying for the party!

 Me busy cooking my special carbonara!

And finally, everything is ready!!!!

Of course, all birthdays should have cake!

The Chinese Dimpol ordered this and forgot Mati! 


We were supposed to have first a family picture with the food but Andrei and Mati insisted that their friends join us. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yey! My boy is now 10 years old!

Andrei then asked to have a picture with his friend Rowlan!

Afterwards, they did their best friend secret handshake....


I asked Andrei if Mommy could have a picture with him. He answered "Not without Rowlan!!!!"

Owwwwwkay... He he he he he he!

I remember one time I was making lambing to Andrei and asked if he's going to take care of me when I'm old na, he said "No Mommy kasi I'll be with Rowlan in New York in the US. Maybe Kuya could take care of you na lang!"

WHY YOU LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kidding aside, the friends were so cute and I was so happy for Andrei.

Just last week he happily told me that he and Rowlan celebrated their "anniversary".

I asked, "What do you mean anniversary?"

He said matter-of-factly "It's the one year anniversary of our being BEST FRIENDS! We brought a big pizza at school and ate it to celebrate!"

AWWWWW so cute!

But me, being petty and bratty, suddenly made tampo "Hmp! I should be your best friend!"

He consoled me na lang by saying "Mommy, Rowlan is my BEST FRIEND. Whle you are my.... BEST MOM!"

HMP! Sige na nga! I'm happy when you're happy!

Sniff.. sniff! 


And now it was time to eat!!!

I cooked my super creamy and cheesy Carbonara! It's always a favorite among my family and friends. Yep! I'm proud of it!

The kiddies loved Chooks To Go and so we ordered about 4 whole packs of roasted chicken. This was so fine with us because it was affordable and already cooked!

A staple in every kiddie party -- hotdogs with marshmallows on a stick!

Just in case some people are more for Filipino noodles, we got our favorite Miki Bihon from Best Friends!!!!

The kiddies were already hungry when they got home from school so we had pizza prepared and waiting for them

Wohoo! 2 pieces were left!

Just right for me and the hub!

Andrei with his... BEST FRIEND.

My bunsoy has such a funny way of saying it. He he he he he he!

Dear Lance and Master Mati!

Later on, Team Campo came!!!

And Team Virrey! Wohooo!!!!

Time for the adults to eat!

Of course, while eating, we'll be doing A LOT of catching up too!!!!!

Poor Jelo was crabby because he can't squeeze in to play the PS3 he he he he he!

Don't worry Jelo. I'll tell them to play something that's kiddie friendly.

Team Navarro!!! Wohooo!

Our friends who are also like our family!! It's great how our kiddies are also turning out the best of friends too!!!

And now it's time to sing to our birthday boy!

Thank you kiddies for making Andrei's birthday more special!

Of course, whenever there's a birthday in our household, there will ALWAYS be sparkling candles!!!

We love you dear Andrei!!

May all your wishes come true! You are certainly a dream come true for us!

Yey! Ninong Fred and BGP Marian are here!

Thank you everyone for celebrating Andrei's 10th birthday dinner party with us!!!! We love you all!!!

Missing Team Quitoriano!

My son's smile is so priceless! He's really enjoying every minute of his dinner party!

After everyone has left, Team Mina stayed behind for drinks and chika!!!

As for the birthday boy? He and Rowlan went to their room to play more games. When I checked on him at about 2:00am, he said he could hardly sleep because he was still so excited.


Happy 10th birthday my bunsoy!!! We love you so much!!!! We're so glad you enjoyed your party!!!!


PS.... After Andrei's party, Master Mati whispered if he could have something like this too....

HMMMM... Let's see.


He he he he he he he!

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