
Wednesday, December 28, 2016


It's the annual office Christmas Party of TAPE INC., and all of us were excited. This is, after all, a much awaited event for all of the regular employees. Yup! Staff members and hosts alike!

I remember when I was just a new employee in TAPE INC., one of the first things that my new friends kept telling me about was how fun the Christmas parties were and how it's always over flowing with drinks, food, and prizes!

So let's get the EB ball rolling...


We always have a thanksgiving mass to start off our Christmas party. After the show, the EB crew immediately set up the stage for it.

While they were doing THAT, me and my TAPE INC., friends were waiting and chatting up with former host, Julia. It's great of her to drop by and see us!

And the mass starts up under the stage lights and parols!

Everyone was deep in prayer.



Some opted to stay in the audience area for the Thanksgiving mass.

Could you see Kuya Jose so serious? Yep! It's possible!

The Sugod Bahay team arrived just in time for mass but they also opted to stay at the audience area.

The first reading was Ryan.

The second reading was by Patty Push!

The Ateneo College Choir sang beautiful songs during mass. See the gentleman playing the violin? That's Junjun, Tita Florie's son!

Always together -- TVJ with Mr. Tuviera!

Singing the Our Father!

During the "Peace Be with You", everyone went around to give out their signs of peace.

Yihiiiiiiiiiii!!!! What a very sweet and loving smile from Bossing to his wife!

Hmmmm.... :)

Yaya Dub was in a happy mood that day that during communion she was making her usual "awkward kiddie smiles".

Of course, she became serious later on.

Could you see me? :)

Bossing and Poleng shared a sweet moment after communion.

After the ceremony, the priest invited the attendees to present their items for blessing.

See me sneaking my St. Benedict necklace onto the table? He he he he he he he!

We also received a blessing from the priest. 

Baby Baste also wanted to stay in front but it's not allowed of course. He he he he he he!

When the mass ended, we all sang our favorite "Ang Pasko Ay Sumapit"!


The choir also did an "encore" of Seasons of Love!

Great job guys! Next year again!

Me with the lovely ladies of TAPE Inc.

l-r Mam Zen, Tita Grace, MEEEH, Ms. Eileen, Tita Josie, Julia, and Mrs. Tuviera!

Could you see Tita Flory running to join us? He he he he he he!

Afterwards, it's off to THE OASIS for dinner and party!


The stage!

The party officially started with a prayer from my boss, Ms. Malou Choa Fagar!

And it's time to eat!

Just in case you find the pictures different from how I would usually take it, it's from our EB photographer, Mang Rene. 



There was also roasted calf on sizzling plates!

Roast Chicken!

Shrimp Tempura!

Cooked on the spot!

Everyone's favorite, Seafood Kare Kare!


For dessert, we had buko salad, puto bumbong, and bibingka!

Everyone stood up to get food from the buffet line.

After the hosts, the ladies come next!

TAPE INC., ladies... WOHOO!

Of course, baby Baste is allowed to cut in line! He he he he he he!

His Kuya Alden would check on him from time to time.

Our TAPE INC., table!

My small salad on the side...

And my very brown and saucy plate!!!!

For dessert, we feasted on puto bumbong and bibingka! Our favorites from LA COMIDA!!!!

Even while we're eating, Tita Flory and I had a colour pop retouch just in case we needed to take pictures!

While we were eating, they had games in the EB CHRISTMAS PARTY.  The first one was to do the bottle challenge!

Go Aicel!

Tita Grace was only calling the server for some coffee. Direk Poochie mistook it as volunteering for the game. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

We really didn't plan on joining, hence our faces. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

What are we going to do????

Go Mam Jo!

My very ladylike face!

Naks! Flying bottle!

As for Mam Zen, she just did one quiet throw...



The whole table wins a prize!

The "zen" of Mam Zen talaga!

We all won P10,000 in Robinsons GCs!!!!

The EB lighting crew tried their luck as well.

Kuya Wally demonstrated how to properly do it!

We took a short break from the Water Bottle Challenge to introduce the next portion of the program. Kuya Jose pointed out how in EB we have made many "challenges" popular. One of which is the TRUMPET CHALLENGE!

He called upon Alden to demonstrate the step.

Go Alden!

With that, he introduced Team Studio onto the stage to perform the many challenges in the show.

I'm sure you know what this challenge was. He he he he he he!

Later on, Taki joined the group!

Judge Tito Sen enjoyed it and was laughing the whole time.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing though. He he he he he he!

The next group was Team Barangay and I know you don't need me to describe what they're doing.

They're very own "Alden" and "Yaya Dub"!

Tito Sen was very vocal about his thoughts on the performance. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

While the Team Studio and Team Barangay were going at it, some of us were called to get our additional Christmas bonus!

Yep! I said "additional" because this is over AND beyond the 13th month pay!!! WOHOOO!!!

Me and Maru were always close in the line because of our last names!

Ngiii! It's my turn now!!!!

It's during this time that we all get a handshake and personal kind words from our President. Besides THE envelope that is. He he he he he he he!

Afterwards, it's the TAKBUHAN game.

For the first one, only guys were allowed to join.

Yep! Everybody wants to win a prize... Even bossing!

Poor Alden joined but wasn't called in the TAKBUHAN game too!

Now it's the girls turn!

Our President Mr. Tuviera picked out the lucky number.

Could you see me? Please pick my number!!!

Aicel won this time!!!

For the boys and girls TAKBUHAN, Alden joined again!!!!

Too bad he lost AGAIN too!

Up next is the raffle...

Hosts were called upon to get ballots and announce the winners.

In the minor raffle, everybody gets to win a prize.

In the major raffle, not everyone gets called out and if you're not in your seat for WHATEVER reason, another winner will be called out.

Once your name is called, you go to the Admin table to collect your prize.

Yup! Everybody is subjected to go to the Prize Table. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Well, not just because it's required but because they're all excited to get their prizes, pronto!

He he he he! Don't worry Bossing, you're after Patricia!

As for me, I got an Iphone 6 in the Major Raffle! 

WOHOOO! No more hand me down phones for me!!!! 


It's Poleng's turn to make the announcements.

For the major cash prizes, they got the famous triumvirate to do the announcement.

Like our favorite Henyo, Tito Joey!

Bossing would always find ways to make the announcement so funny and suspenseful!

Yes it even gets our President in stitches!

A cash prize winner shows his happy appreciation to Kuya Wally. He he he he he!

Bossing talaga sa kapogian!

Up next, we have the "Kuya" of the group, Tito Sen!

Before announcing the name of the winner, he gave out clues in letters.

Bossing felt the winner was him!

Yup! That's confidence for you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Turns out, Ryan A won one of the major cash prizes!!!

Later on, one of the VTR girls won a grand cash prize too!!!

She was so happy she's crying!

(Sorry can't announce the amount for her safety reasons... He he he he he!)

The VTR girl gave a touching story about how she woke up extra early to pray in Baclaran that morning and her prayers were answered!

Later on, Tito Joey and Bossing joined the group.

He said he would give her a "Bossings Savings" account. He he he he he he!

The VTR lady proceeded on saying that she thought she wouldn't win because compared to others in Production, her job was not that strenuous. 

To which Bossing announced that she'll be transferred to the props department.

He he he he he he! Kidding!

She gave a very sweet and thankful hug to our President afterwards.

And it was time to announce the major major Grand Prizes!!!!

WOHOOO! We likey!!!!

One of the winners was our Floor Director, Reeza!!!!

Do you know what she won?


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The next Major, Major Grand Prize is a condominium unit from Vista Land!

Bossing started to do his happy dance in hoping for the prize. He he he he he he he!

Sorry bossing but one of our lighting guys won! Wohooo!


After all the cash prizes, and uber major prizes, we will now hear a message from our President.

As always, our President gave us a heart-warming and inspiring speech to formally end our Christmas party. His words made us all more excited for the coming year.

2017, this is again EAT BULAGA's year!!!!

Tito Sen stood up and immediately gave a hand shake to our President.

It was a great EAT BULAGA Christmas Party as usual!!!

And of course, the night will not be complete without pictures!!!!

Me with EB BAE!!!

Me with Baby Baste!

Me with Tito Joey!

Us with Ate Ruby!

Me with Tito Sen!

Grrr! Dami sumingit!


Us with Kuya Anjo!

Us with Ryan!

Ate Pia and Kuya Jose joined in!

Us with Rogelia!

Us with a blurry Alden!

It's Tito Joey and Ms. Eileen again!!!

Us with Taki!

Me with EB Babe Molly!

Me with the pretty EB Babes!

Us with Mrs. Tuviera!

Us with our beloved President, Mr. Tuviera!!!!

Me with Mortal Enemy tita Flory!


Tee Hee!

Us with pretty Jewel from Sales!

With EB photographer, Mang Rene! Thanks for the pictures!

Our EAT BULAGA Christmas party may be more tame now compared to the previous years but it was still something that I'll always remember. Of course, besides winning a major prize of Iphone 6, I'm still so thankful to be in a room full of people whom I have always looked up to growing up. And to think that now I'm working for this company that continues to inspire and motivate us, is truly something else.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO MY DABARKADS FAMILY!!! Here's to more Christmases together in the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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