
Tuesday, July 19, 2016


MONSTER JAM is back and our little Andrei was tremendously excited! We were able to watch it last year and my bunsoy enjoyed it so much that he requested not only to watch it on 2016 but his Kuya Mati should join us!

Ain't he sweet????

Imagine his excitement when he learned that his buddy PaoPao, BGP Marian, and Ninong Fred are joining us!!! PLUS, there would be additional trucks for this year's roster!!!

Yep! The show hasn't even started yet and he was already assured of a MONSTROUS great time!

Believe me, my Andrei cannot wait for MONSTER JAM 2016 that from the time we brought the tickets last September, he kept a countdown until the big day. Not to mention the times that he would happily declare "I'm so excited for MONSTER JAM!"

Thank you MONSTER JAM for going to the Philippines and making my little guy so happy!!! And yes, after learning that you guys are returning next year, he was almost hysterical!!!

And the countdown starts again. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

It's okay because seeing him happy just warm me and my husband's hearts. So once again, let me share with you the awesome fun that we had at something that Andrei has been waiting for the whole year....

MONSTER JAM 2016!!!!

Our tickets!

Our MONSTER JAM show was at 2:00pm but we were early because we're going to the PIT PARTY that will start at 11:00am!!!

But first, we met up with Team Mina at ALPAMART!

Yohooo! BGP Marian and PaoPao!

My Andrei was happy!

At 11:00am, we started our hot walk!

Venue for the day will be at SM MOA ARENA!


See the illustration board that Andrei was holding? He made a sign to show his driver idols in MONSTER JAM. Unfortunately, the SM MOA ARENA prohibited the use of streamers or signs during shows. I asked if they could make a consideration since my Andrei will only use it for the signatures and he spent a lot of time doing it the previous day. We also promised not to use it during the actual show.

Good thing that they allowed Andrei to bring with him his sign. Yeyyy! It would have broken his heart if he had to leave it behind.

It would have been alright really if SM MOA ARENA would apply that "strictness" on everyone. But they did not allow our selfie stick inside the pit party (and we had to leave it in their security box) then lo and behold we saw a lot of people using selfie sticks and go pros.

Oh well.... I'm just thankful that they allowed Andrei's sign!

And now we're here!


Now where shall we go first??

BGP Marian and Manong Fred lined up at the Monster Truck that Pao Pao pointed at.

As for us, we went for Andrei's favorite, MAX-D!!!!!

Andrei proudly held up his sign!!!!!

MAX-D driver Neil Elliot!!!

He loved Andrei's sign!

Just look at Andrei's face. He was admiring his idol, again!

He asked for another autograph at the back of his shirt.

Yey!!!!!! MAX-D!!!

Up next for us is HOT WHEELS!!!

Lining up again!

I was getting actually tired of lining up because my legs were hurting and I was hungry again...

But then....


Naaah! I'll definitely line up for some MORE!

THAT certainly got me in the mood again!

Tee heee!

Oh I'm kidding! DUH!

By the way, before going to the line for Team Hotwheels, a lady called me and when I said "Hi" she said that she's a reader of ERICJAZ FOODIES!!! Wow!!! That certainly made my day!!! I really wanted to have a picture with her but I was a bit shy and the Chinese Dimpol was already far away (he had my camera). I was really looking for her throughout the pit party to have a picture.

If you're reading this dear lady, please comment so that I'd say thank you again and hopefully we could have a picture!!! Pretty please! He he he he he he!

Thanks again! Mwah!!!!

Next up is DRAGON!

The driver of this fierce MONSTER JAM truck was Scott Liddycoat!!!!

Mr. Liddycoat was such a sport because even if he didn't see his name among the "I LOVE" list of Andrei, he still signed it. He he he he he!

Thanks for being awesome DRAGON!!!

The Chinese Dimpol lined up at GRAVE DIGGER, the most popular MONSTER TRUCK currently. The queue was so long that I took the boys around.

Here are some ATV guys!

We saw the ATV guy who represented Philippines last year in the MONSTER JAM.

Could you see us???

Oooh!!!! Captain's Curse!

The original driver of Pirate's Curse if Alex Blackwell. But THIS guy was a welcome substitute! He he he he he he!

He was also very nice!


While waiting for our turn with Grave Digger, we also saw Monster Mutt!

Alien Invasion!

A TV network shot of a video of Andrei along with other kids for their feature on Alien Invasion!

He also signed Andrei's shirt! He he he he he he!

And finally, we're near GRAVE DIGGER!!!

The boys got so cold at this point!

When we got to Mr. Adam Anderson, the driver of GRAVE DIGGER, he saw that his popular truck was NOWHERE to be found among Andrei's favorites.

You might say that this did not please Mr. Anderson.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Andrei was not guilty though and just gave a sheepish smile.

Mr. Anderson still wrote something for Andrei!

To Andrei's sign of "I love MAX-D and TEAM HOTWHEELS FIRESTORM", Mr. Anderson added "AND GRAVE DIGGER MORE"


Loved that Grave Digger was sooooo cool about it and joked with Andrei.

He is the only driver the Chinese Dimpol asked for a picture with because like I said, he IS the most popular.

And Andrei somehow teased him! He he he he he he he!

The last stop for us was Scooby Doo!

And meeting this lovely lady driver!


And it's time to wrap up this party in the pits!

While Andrei was checking out the merchandise, Mati was still game to have more pictures around.


Team Mina was done too and joined us!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with Team Mina in MONSTER JAM 2016!!!!

And it was time to clear the pits!

Going to our area!

We had a small snack first before going inside.


Andrei and buddy Pao Pao! 

TEAM MINA bought ear plugs for everyone. And believe me, you will really need this in MONSTER JAM!

The show was about to start!

We are all so excited!

Well with Mati, not so much, but he should be!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Team Mina!!!!

Team Mina was ready!

Oops! Lights went out again so that means....

And the countdown starts...


And the MONSTER JAM trucks are out!

They started off first with a race.

Here's Alien Invasion and Pirate's Curse!

Andrei was so excited to see MAX-D!!!

Oh nooo! His 2 favorites are against each other!!!

He was still happy that MAX-D won!!!

Go Neil Elliot!!!!

Your number one fan is here!

He went against semi-finalist, Alien Invasion!!!

Awwww! Alien Invasion won this time!!!

After the ATV racing, the MONSTER JAM trucks will go out again for the wheelies!


I think Team Hotwheels made the perfect wheelie!!

But then, he tried so hard that he fell over.


Respect for this driver who really tried to do a perfect wheelie!!!!

The rest paled in comparison....

Sorry... :(

There was a 10 minute break afterwards.

The motorcycle stunts were awesome!

Too bad that they're so fast, I wasn't able to catch them clearly while mid-air!

Great show guys!

Afterwards it's time for the free-style!!!

Judges were fans from the audience.

They should've gotten ERICJAZ FOODIES because well....

We think we're cute!!

I wonder if that holds up in an argument?

You: "Yeah you think???"

The winner that round is GRAVE DIGGER!

(Andrei's best friend. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!)


The other MONSTER TRUCKS went around to bid "good-bye".

Congratulations GRAVE DIGGER!!!!

Yup! He also won last year!

And MONSTER JAM is done!!!!

The little lords went outside happy and excited. Most especially Andrei!

He proudly showed off his shirt signed by his MONSTER JAM idols!

Even his "best friend" GRAVE DIGGER.... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Though the turnout of MONSTER JAMMERS were bigger than last year, I am pleased to discover that they WILL RETURN again on 2017!!! Wohoooo! That is such great news for Andrei!

When I asked my bunsoy and the Chinese Dimpol which year they enjoyed more, they claimed this was better because they had more trucks and the drive of each participant was so exciting. So glad that my guys had fun! Just made everything so worth it!

And so the wait officially starts for MONSTER JAM 2017!!!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Let's hope Andrei will now include GRAVE DIGGER in his sign. Tee hee!



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