
Thursday, July 28, 2016


One Saturday, the Chinese Adonis and I decided to just sleep-in till before noon and laze around the house. When we (finally) went downstairs, we were greeted by these two baskets from DATU PUTI!

WOAH! DATU PUTI goodies!

The cool thing about this is that I got my own personalized cooking stuff to use!

I am already very familiar with DATU PUTI because my  household would always have their trusty seasonings in the pantry.

This time however, DATU PUTI is inviting ERICJAZ FOODIES to relive the deliciousness of a Filipino favorite -- ADOBO! And they sent a variety of marinades and sauces to whip up this classic dish but with a twist!

So let's start cooking!

I just realized that even if I loved to cook, my menu mostly consisted of pasta, roasts, pastries --- dishes that you would normally find in FOOD Network or 30-Minute Meals. He he he he he he! Though I consider ADOBO as one of my comfort foods, it is not in my top specialties because I always take it for granted how it is always available whenever I wanted it. I know the basics of how to cook it but I have only prepared it once when my parents and I were in the US and missing Filipino food. 

So yeah. It's comforting to feel to that with these DATU PUTI prepared condiments, I could also be a Adobo Master!

Ngiii... And I thought were going to have a lazy Saturday!

From the selection, I thought of trying out the DATU PUTI Humba and Spicy Adobo sauces!

DATU PUTI Humba Sauce!

I saw some pork in the fridge and after a washing it, I put it in one of our pans with the DATU PUTI Humba Sauce!

According to the package directions, I should have banana blossoms to add to the dish. Since this was impromptu cooking session, I forgot that I read this. He he he he he he he!

The other one that we're trying out is the SPICY ADOBO!

Package directions said I should have green chilis. Again, I don't have it so I never read it. He he he he he he he he!

We had some cut up chicken in the fridge so I just put it in another pan with the DATU PUTI Spicy sauce.  It really had some chopped up chilis in the mixture!

According to the directions, meat and sauces should be marinated for about 30 minutes. And since I'm so used to adobo having loads of garlic, I just crushed up a whole head and put it into my pots even if it was not really needed. He he he he he he he!

While my adobo was marinating, I tidied up our rooms upstairs. When I went down to start cooking up the ADOBO, I caught my Mom tutoring master Mati while the Chinese Dimpol was helping out Andrei with his homework.

Studying and tutoring is not really my thing (seriously, the thought of school causes nightmares for me!) so I'm very thankful for my Mom and husband for always helping the kids out.

So now it's time to cook my adobo LIKE A BOSS!


Many reacted when I posted this on Facebook. Honestly, I wasn't really posing or anything. Since I've been standing for a long time, my knees and arms were getting tired.

ALSO, if I don't put my hands on my waist, I might do the peace sign.

WHOOPS! There it is! He he he he he he!

The Chicken in the SPICY ADOBO was simmering nicely!

As for the pork in ADOBO Humba sauce, I'm loving the dark glaze and the aroma of the sweet seasonings. The meat was still a bit tough so I let it tenderize in the bubbling pan for some more.

The same goes for the Chicken!

After a few short minutes, the sauce thickened up and our SPICY ADOBO Chicken was ready to go!

But then, I decided to add some more chilis in the dish to make it more exciting!


The flavorful SPICY ADOBO with thick sauce is so perfect with steamed white rice!

To think that Adobo is not one of my specialty dishes. But this looks so topnotch!!

I was also so happy how the ADOBO HUMBA turned out! The dish was just so fragrant and smelled so appetizing even if I did not put all of the ingredients in the directions!

To think that this was just going to be another ordinary Saturday! With the help of DATU PUTI, I quickly whipped up 2 delicious versions of ADOBO that tasted as if I have been slaving over the pot the whole day!

Yes! It was still a lazy Saturday but with our new ways with ADOBO, our lunch will be EXTRA ORDINARY!

Yup! No joke!

When we try out something different, it excites the whole family. And going to the table with THIS, just made us all the more eager to start lunch.

I also heated up this Singaporean Seafood Laksa Noodles I ordered from a friend to add to our feast!

Yup! It would be so nice to slurp on something hot and creamy after spoonfuls of the very tasty adobo with rice!


My plate!!!

Yup! Trying to diet!

My Master Mati LOVED the Spicy Chicken Adobo! To think that being a kid, he would usually go for pizzas, pastas, burgers, and noodles, etc, that the "old" adobo would take a backseat. But nope! He really can't stop raving about it and eating the saucy chicken with a lot of rice. I'm happy that I was able to ignite my son's love for this classic Filipino dish! Sometimes we get so busy doing food trips and exploring other cuisines when really the best ones are always at home! And yes, with DATU PUTI, it's so easy to cook up this home grown favorite that our kiddies will surely love if we just put a different spin to it using their ready sauces!

If Mati and I were more partial to the Spicy Adobo, the other members of the family really enjoyed the ADOBO HUMBA more! My Mom said it tasted like something that had been marinating overnight and the seasonings were just right (aka "tamang tama ang timpla). I was also very happy with how this sweet dish turned out!

BURP! Would you believe that my Mom, Dad, Kuya Jon, Mati, Andrei, the Chinese Dimpol, finished the two pans of ADOBO for that lunch??? Yup! No kidding! We wiped it all out!!!

Of course, the best part of the meal was when master Mati said "Mommy, please make some more of this Spicy Adobo! I loved it!" Wow! I never thought a kid who would normally veer towards the usual favorites of Burgers, Pizzas, etc., suddenly raved and craved towards the adobo! Glad that I have started an excitement for this younger generation in loving our Filipino dish with the help of DATU PUTI!

Now if THAT doesn't make me an Adobo master, I don't know what will!

TRY DATU PUTI's ADOBO SERIES NOW and jump start your family's love towards this classical Filipino favorite!



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