
Thursday, July 7, 2016


Before the "ramen boom", it is the very comforting Pho that ruled our hunger when we are craving for something hot and flavorful to slurp on when the weather gets chilly. I for one would always drool over the clear soup glistening and very aromatic with the chewy rice noodles and fatty thin cuts of meat. Each slurp becomes more unforgettable with the crunch of the bean sprouts and minty basil leaves. After you're done with a full bowl of Pho, it is very likely that you'll sit back, close your eyes, and silently rejoice over that wonderful meal. Don't worry no one will judge you. The diners from other tables might be rubbing their bellies anyway.

Wow. Just WOW. Like, Jon Snow winning BATTLE OF THE BASTARDS kind of wow.

Vietnamese Pho is truly something. It is what we always go back to when we are in search of a refreshing meal experience that will warm and satisfy our tummies. There is really nothing like a piping hot bowl of Pho!!!

And to further heighten the enjoyment factor for Pho lovers out there, ANNAM NOODLE BAR recently opened it's doors in their first Philippine branch! Great news right??? This popular franchise that boasts of "in the rage" locations at Singapore and Indonesia is going to magnify your love for Pho AND Vietnamese cuisine to a whole new level.

So yes, it is time to go back to the familiar hot slurps of Pho but now, a new "spot on the block" is going to give you a different kind of maximum enjoyment to your Vietnamese favorites.


ANNAM NOODLE BAR is not your typical eatery that serves Vietnamese food. It has warm lights, brown and red hues, and a cozy vibe that is perfect for all types of diners!

They have an open kitchen for you to check out and drool over your food being prepared!

In ANNAM NOODLE BAR, they don't just offer hot grub...

You could also shop around and try out their ingredients for that authentic ANNAM noodle experience at home!

ANNAM NOODLE BAR just opened but the restaurant was packed with hungry foodies excited to get a taste of their popular dishes!

But still, you won't feel the hustle and bustle at ANNAM NOODLE BAR. Everything was still comfy cozy!

The Chinese Dimpol and I settled into our seats then got ourselves ready for the meal to come:

I mind-controlled my mouth not to eat too much because I'm on a diet, while the Chinese Dimpol got his "dimpol" ready.

Yes. Pathetic I know.

NOW.... What should we get???

We let our friend THE FOOD ALPHABET take charge for the grub on our table. It's a good thing that he did the ordering because we cannot seem to make up our mind on what to have! 

ANNAM menu 1...

ANNAM menu 2...

ANNAM menu 3...

ANNAM menu 4...

ANNAM menu 5!

To celebrate the restaurant's opening, ANNAM has special deals for their dear diners!

Hmmm... Maybe you should schedule your next power lunch here!

By the way, did you notice anything from reading the menu? Yup! It says so in big bold letters: NO MSG! That's such good news for people who are taking care of their diets! Now let's hope it did not compromise the taste!



ANNAM Prawn and Sesame Rice Crackers (P130.00)!

For those who love their "kropek" this is great to munch on while waiting for your orders.

ANNAM Crispy Squid with Sriracha Mayonnaise (P200.00)!

Crunchy and definitely addicting especially with that hot creamy dip. I'm sure my Master Mati would love this!

ANNAM Fresh Southern Rolls (P170.00)!

The rice wrapper was chewy and did not fall apart like what other fresh spring rolls are prone to. The steamed fillings of prawn, pork, and basil were perfect with the richness of the peanut dip.

I'm trying to control my rice intake by jamming my insides with veggies and the ANNAM Green Papaya Salad is a worthy ally (P250.00). What you get are strips of crunchy papaya doused in sweet salty vinaigrette and tossed with herbs and peanuts. Yum!!!! This was soooo good and one of my favorites for the night. If ANNAM only had rice dishes, I would DEFINITELY get this as my "ulam". He he he he he he!

To THINK, I planned to get this to control my rice craving. Oh the irony.

A great triumvirate if you ask me!

If you're wondering about the Chinese Dimpol (oh poor you), he was busy wolfing down his choice favorites for the night. One was the Crispy Imperial Rolls (P200.00) which he said were so meaty and savory. He was offering me a bite but I was burying my face into the green papaya salad so I absent-mindedly declined. He he he he he!

His other favorite was the ANNAM Caramelized Chicken Wings with Shrimp Paste (P200.00) that he dropped all utensils and dug in with his hands. He was munching, smacking on his chicken, and licking his fingers like a pervert that I was wondering if it was really good or he was just being lonely that night.


Tee Hee!

I have a new favorite in sandwiches and it is the BANH MI!

Banh Mi are meat sandwiches with pickled vegetables drizzled with a light vinaigrette inside a toasted baguette. What I love about Banh Mis is the crunch that it gives out no matter the size of my bite. It just makes everything MORE appetizing hearing the freshness and straight-out-of-the-oven goodness while I'm enjoying my sandwich!

Try out the ANNAM NOODLE BAR Chili Lemon Grass Chicken! This may be on the spicy side but it was still gluttony worthy.

ANNAM NOODLE BAR's bestseller is the Sauteed Lemongrass Pork with Cream Cheese and I would have to agree with the raves! It is my favorite among the selection. The tender pork strips are flavorful on the salty side and is complemented with the cream cheese. I just can't stop eating it! I would definitely get THIS the next time I'm here!

Along with my PHO of course.


Doesn't this just look glorious???

Imagine slurping on THAT during a rainy night!

If you like something spicy with your hot soup, go for the ANNAM NOODLE BAR Spicy Hue Australian Beef Noodle (P350.00). You could never go wrong with Pork, Beef, Beef Sprouts, and Rice Noodle in an intense broth that was simmered for 24 hours. During cold days, this would feel oh soooo right. 

Like Marvin Gaye right. 


If you want something "tamer" then go for the ANNAM Australian Beef Combination that has a little of everything (medium rare beef strips, tendon, meatballs, and tripe). 

In ANNAM NOODLE BAR, the servers would give you a choice if you like Rice Noodles or Instant Noodles. I haven't tried Pho with Instant Noodles so I'm sticking with Rice Noodles until I get tired of it...

WHICH may never come if you ask me. He he he he he he!

Also, let me just warn you that most of the Pho that we had that night (even the regular ones) are slightly spicy. You may want to take a sip from your companion's bowl (or from the next table if they'll let you :P) before you order. 

If you're in the mood for something dry, go for the ANNAM Braised Noodles. This is the Spicy Beef with Beef Balls (P320.00)!

Each order comes with their hot soup on the side. This was so great to slurp on after you're done chewing on the saucy flat noodles.

If you feel like adding more spice or flavorings to your dishes, each ANNAM NOODLE BAR table is equipped to answer to your "tastes". He he he he he!

We washed down the rich Vietnamese grub with their flavored Iced Teas. The Chinese Dimpol got the Ginger and Lychee...

While I got the Pineapple and Coconut! So refreshing!

Our long table filled with food...

This sight just makes me so happy.... I'm almost crying like a FAMAS awardee....


For that night, we were seated with the lovely mareng Joan and the pogi FOOD ALPHABET!!!!

Immediately dove into the Lemongrass Pork Banh Mi and tore off big bites like the Mother of Dragons that I am.

And like I said, I matched the crunchy Banh Mi in-between mouthfuls of the hot pho.

Don't let my cutesie patootsie smile deceive you. I was hungry.

Cute AND hungry. 

Tee hee!

For dessert, do save room for my new favorite, the ANNAM NOODLE BAR Saigon Sally (P200.00)!

I promise, you'll be addicted with their vanilla and chocolate ice cream drizzled with rich cocoa hazelnut sauce, and topped with nuts and various crunchies. I can't stop helping myself to MANY teaspoonfuls of this. I wanted MORE.

And not just one order. I like it in a tub and I'll dive into it and get out by taking in mouthfuls. That's how good it is.


Why did I have to share?

Better yet.

Why did I have to bring my husband here???


Auughhh! Why am I doing this to myself??? My fat legs are already breaking into stretchmarks as I am taking this in!

Of course, like I would do after every meal, I ordered coffee. In ANNAM NOODLE BAR, their cup of java is so strong that you may want to pass on it if you're getting up early the next day. But yes, it's rich, bold, and just strong with all that coffee goodness.

I loved it and slept at 3:00am later on. He he he he he he!

Besides the food, what I love about eating at new restaurants is meeting up with the KTG! Saw another pogi, dear Gerry of  DUDE FOR FOOD!


The legend, dear Eugene of HEFTY FOODIE was there too! And pretty Rowena of ANIMETRIC!!!

Burp! What a fun night!!!!!  Thank you so much dear Rowena for inviting ERICJAZ FOODIES and also to ANNAM NOODLE BAR for having us! 

We will DEFINITELY be back with our hungry reinforcements, aka, the little lords!!!

Try out ANNAM NOODLE BAR in Eastwood when you can and experience healthy Vietnamese food in a cozy venue! 


Unit 1880-4 Ground Floor, 
1880 Building, Eastwood Avenue, Eastwood City, Libis
Quezon City
0918 344 1234

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