
Thursday, June 16, 2016


I have featured many weddings in this silly little foodie blog but there is one that I have just a hard time doing --- my sister's.

Her wedding was September last year and it has been stored in my "to do" folder for so long but I haven't gotten around doing it. I don't know if it's just me procrastinating (as I would always do), or that I hated the groom so much (yep. Meanie me!), but most definitely it's just something that I haven't accepted to be a reality in my life..... well not just yet.

You see, me and my sister are really close. Yes we fight and oh we do fight a lot (would you believe my Dad let us wear boxing gloves before???) but we were always together. When I was still single (and never had a chance to mingle) we would talk for hours mostly in her room. Even when I got married, nothing changed: When I go upstairs I would call out "JIT-JO!!!" and she would answer with a meek "MIN-JAZ!!!" and that would signify another long chika session in her room. Life was good and she has already embraced a long life of being single (though I was one of her fierce defenders when stupid and petty people would keep on asking "when is your sister going to get married???). In fact, the Chinese Dimpol and I were already teasing her that in the future, we will be having a special place setting for her and Kuya Jon for Christmas or New Year's. He he he he he he he he!

But then, Anthony came along and everything suddenly changed.

At first, I was so ecstatic and kilig. My sister was getting married! YOWHOOO!!! When I saw my Mommy becoming sentimental, I told her that we should be happy for my sister because at least she will have a partner for life na, and FINALLY, we are going to get rid of her (tee hee). Later on I realized, the reason for my joy and excitement were because I was such an ignoramus. My mom however, being the smart lady that she is knew already of the lonely days to come.

You see, after getting married my sister and (yuk) husband moved out and lived in our condo somewhere in San Juan.  It was fine at first but then suddenly something felt lacking. I didn't mind it, really. Being the denial Queen that I was I tried to act normal like "toodledoooo" and rejoiced that I didn't have to share the bathroom with her anymore.

However one time, while I was going upstairs with the full knowledge that I was alone there, I thought it would be fun to do my usual "habit". So I just called out "JIT-JO!!!!"

And then nobody answered.

It then hit me so hard and heavy like the big stone that would fall on Wile E. Coyote: Egad, she's not here anymore. That's when the waterworks came in. I just choked and cried and sobbed like a crazy person. I think I even looked like Al Pacino in Godfather 3. Kulang na lang mag-"walling" ako. Ha ha ha ha ha! I felt SOOO bad that I EVEN POSTED A STATUS ON FACEBOOD ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!! And believe me I HATE READING AND POSTING WHINY STUFF ON FACEBOOK!!!! BUT I DID!!!!!!!!! (The all caps signify the truth. He he he he he!)

But that's the way it is. Oh well. As much as I was happy for her, I was also selfish. We needed her. Not because she's a doctor and I get free check-ups (he he he he he) but her presence makes it all complete for me. Everything's already changing with this thing called "life" and my ate Jojit being there (along with my parents and brother) is a sentimental reminder of my happy childhood and comfort zone.

Haaaaay... Oh well.

Truth be told, I NEVER wanted to do this blog entry because I might probably be sobbing up tears and snot while doing it. But then, I have finished all of my entries and have nothing left to do. If this was in December, 2015, I would've said "Suck it! I'm sure humanity would be better off without THIS for a blog entry anyways!!!!" But then, after several days and weeks and months,  I finally got used to the emptiness (in sisterhood), pain (promise ang sakit sa dibdib... I hope nakakalaki ng boobs), and absence (Sniff! Sniff!). Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy with THE YAPPY BUNCH. But it's just so different without my first team mate beside me.

I guess what really helped me to cope is discovering that my new brother-in-law Anthony was really cool. Yep I HATED HIM after the wedding. Nothing personal but I detested his role in being the husband. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO ASK MY SISTER TO MARRY YOU ANYWAY?!!!! But then, even if he was already so nice to us before, it was after the wedding that I saw his real colors. I really appreciated how he treated my family especially the respect that he gave my parents. Believe me, my achy breaky heart (he he he he) lightened up every time I saw him doing a "Mano po" to my parents as his "Hello" and "Goodbye". I know it may sound like a cliche but I suddenly found in him ANOTHER brother/sib that I could count on (sometimes more than my sister :P). And the little lords just worship him and would rejoice upon learning that he's there.  For them, Tito Anthony is SO COOL.

Yup! FINALLY I'm doing this blog entry because I have already accepted it.  Forgive me if my intro is ultra long but I just needed it -- I wanted to spill out all of my pathetic feelings in order to bear looking at the pictures (I'm serious. It's my first time to check it since the wedding).

So here's my sister's wedding. Yadah yadah....

Egad. I just realized: I wonder how my blogpost would be when it's Mati or Andrei's wedding??

Oh noooooo! (Walling)

It's another wedding for THE YAPPY BUNCH!

And this time, it's My sister's!!!

I was the matron of honor and needed to be made up early for the pictures.

My super handsome master Mati was there just in case I needed something.

I don't get made up often but when I do, I look GOO-OOD!!!!

At least that's what the people around me said. He he he he he he he he!

My sister's girls.... except Mati!

Going down!

While waiting for the bride, we had pictures!!!!!!

The cousins!

The crazy cousins!

I'm glad that even if Rocio is already a teenager, she was still game enough to play with the boys.

Yep! They did that while wearing suits!

Crazy just runs in the family.

The boys going to church!

I rode with my sister in the bridal car.

There we saw Manong Fred, BGP Marian, and her parents!

My inaanak Paopao was a ring-bearer and BGP's Mom and Dad really rushed back from the US just to see him walk. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Andrei and Mati were the coin and bible bearers!

Go Andrei!

Go Mati!

Go Me!!!!

The bride and the groom in front of the altar.

Mati volunteered to be a reader.

He did his reading so well that even VP Jejomar Binay (one of the ninongs and a long time family friend) was impressed!

Wow! Maybe Mati will be a VP someday too... or President!!!!

Mati had a lot of fans in the church. He he he he he he!

My Andrei cannot believe that his Tita Jojit (the owner of his favorite IPAD) was getting married.

The boys were seated in the other side and were so kulit!

Congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs!!!!!

I just realized that I wasn't able to take pictures of the family with the bride and groom in church. I guess I relied too much on the official photographer but my crummy sister didn't give us copies!!!!! He he he he he he he!

Our camera was filled with OUR pictures! Har de har har!!!!

One more in the throwing of rice and flowers!

Plus another one at the aisle! Tee hee!!!!! 

Sorry Ate Jit! Not a lot of pictures of you and your groom! HA!

Okay fine. Here's one!

Reception was in THE RICHMONDE HOTEL in Eastwood, Quezon City!

The lovely wedding coordinators!

The table guide!

The Richmonde Grand Ballroom and Charlston!

The string quartet!

The table settings!

Andrei was already munching on some chips at this point!

The kek!

Cute table numbers!!!!

Ate Jojit seated us with BGP Marian's family. After taking this picture with the couple, IT WAS TIME TO EAT!

Huwakeh shot!

The menu!

The RICHMONDE HOTEL buffet!!!!


Here's Mati getting food with Mama (the Chinese Dimpol's mom).

My boy is such a foodie that he could get food from the buffet all by himself. No need to prod him. He's already there before you know it! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


The veggies!

Mexican Shrimp Cocktail!

Tomato and Anchovy Salad with Garlic Cream!

More salad!!!!!!

Pasta Carbonara!

The sauce was creamy and not cloying at all!

Little Andrei helped himself to a lot of Carbonara!

Brocolli with Cheesy Mushroom Sauce!

Wow! I loved this!!! The Brocolli was still crunchy and so appetizing with the cheesy sauce!  

Ginger Glazed Mahi Mahi!

Flaky fish with a sweet and nutty sauce!

Stir Fry Chicken with Vegetables!

This was like my favorite Teppanyaki chicken!

I'm getting hungry now...

Swedish Meat Balls!

So saucy and creamy! Just the way I like it!!!!!

This was a crowd favorite too!

From the carving station, there's Roast Beef!

So tender and juicy!

Plus 3 Lechons!!!!

Aaaah.... Crunchy cholesterol here I come!

RICHMONDE dessert table!

Fresh fruits!


THE YAPPY BUNCH excitedly went back to our table because we were all hungry!


BGP Marian and PaoPao!

Master Mati and Manong Fred!

Tito Jun and Ninang Marlene (she was our principal sponsor in our wedding).

Me and Andrei!

Mama and her uno hijo, the Chinese Dimpol!

The newly weds.

But they're waaaaaaaaaaaaaay at the other side. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Feeling close lang ako.

If you're wondering about my family, my Mom was seated at the Presidential table along with the Principal sponsors. While Kuya Jon, Karen, and Rocio, were at different tables with our relatives. My Dad was not able to join us at RICHMONDE HOTEL and was only allowed by the doctor to attend the ceremony in church. The same goes for my Kuya Jay who had this conference which he couldn't get out of. 

(ATE JIT! I KNOW YOU DON'T READ MY BLOG but please send me a pic when you see this.)

Mushroom soup was served by the waiters and it was a tasty and filling first course for us.

My first plate of salad...

(sorry for the lighting)!

My plate of food!

Yub helped himself to a lot of lechon!


After eating, the Chinese Adonis and I went around. We were able to have a picture with former NBI Director Atty. Magtanggol Gatdula! He was ate Jojit's former boss also.

Isn't he handsome? Good looks run in the family talaga. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

With the Chinese Adonis!

The wedding coordinators!!! Loved them too!

The givaways!!!!

It was raining so hard that night and I was glad that my TAPE BFFs, Tita Florie and Tita Josie were able to make it.

They loved my sister and would often say to my face how she is MUCH prettier than me!

Yes. I have such NICE office friends I know. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Kidding!!! Thanks so much Tita Flory and Tita Josie!!! I love youuuu!!!!!!!! 

Doing the Pabebe Wave!!!!!

BGP Marian and I also had a lot of fun in the wedding!




The newly weds with BGP Marian's family!

The newlyweds with my GATDULA family. Too bad that my Daddy and Kuya Jay were not in the picture.

Before officially ending the night, Master Mati had a short dance with me on the dance floor. 

My little lords always give me so much joy and comfort!!!!

And just like that, Ate Jojit is somebody else's lovey now. Oh well. I'm sure she will still be there for us but of course, it's going to be different.

Hay naku!

Don't mind na nga the whining of a pathetic 40 year old.

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood because my "biceps" are so big in this picture. He he he he he he he he he!



Here's a nice picture of us to make you forget about that kadiri bicep. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Now I'll just pick a fight with the Chinese Dimpol to release all the sad feelings away.




  1. What a lovely wedding. Your sister looks beautiful.

    Kat from USA

    1. Hi Kat!!! Yes it was :) My wedding was better though... JOKE! Ha ha ha ha ha!

      Thanks for the kind words. I'll tell her. Thank you again and God bless!!!! Hope to hear from you more in the future!!! Cheers!!!!

  2. hi ms. jaz

    please also post a blog about your wedding :)))) -tinemon corpuz

    1. Hi dear Tinemon!!!!!

      Oo nga no??? I should've done that when we celebrated our 15 year anniv. PERO masakit ang alaala kasi kaya I don't want to. KIDDING!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      Will try. Medyo negatives ang pictures kasi namin nun kaya hirap iupload. Hindi pa uso digital photography. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Mwah mwah! Thanks for the suggestion!
