
Monday, May 23, 2016


Just in case you have been following my blog (oh poor you), you would know that my Best Gal Pal forever and ever is BGP Mariane...

We are inseparable! A week CANNOT go by without us meeting up once or twice.

So you could just imagine my devastation when she left for a 3 month vacation in the US!!

Yep. Not a pretty sight.

It's funny because it's not like this is her first trip there. She and Manong Fred would always go every year. But do I get used to it?

That's a big N to the O.

Good thing that because of today's technology, BGP Mariane and I are able to communicate via video chat!

We would chat daily! At the start though I don't know how to properly take a screen cap. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Many times the boys would join in on the convo!

When I accidentally cut my bangs, I immediately showed it to her. 

It's not so obvious that I miss her in a not so creepy way right? He he he he he he!

So on her last night before leaving, we thought that she could do a "guest blogpost" here in so that I wouldn't miss her so much. At least, her "prolonged departure" would do something beneficial for ERICJAZ FOODIES and I'm sure you know how much I also love my silly little foodie blog.

So without further adieu, here's BGP Mariane! The first ever ERICJAZ FOODIES guest foodie! He he he he he he he he!




by Mariane R. Mina

Thanks BGP, I miss you too.

My family and I go to the US every year because we love seeing my relatives from my mother's family.

For this year, Fred, Pao Pao and I had fun meeting with my aunts and cousins in New Jersey. Some of my relatives even flew in from California to see us.

One time, we had dinner at SUSHI PALACE for some Japanese food. My cousin, Kuya John treated the family to celebrate the confirmation of his eldest son, Jordan.


We went to the SUSHI PALACE in Somerville New Jersey.

The all-you-can-eat sushi in SUSHI PALACE were served in plates and was made to order. There was a variety of choices available in the menu.

We had 2 big platters of their fresh and yummy sushi.

We had a great dinner. Too bad Fred was not able to join us because he felt sick that night.

For dessert, I had the Red Bean Ice Cream. This was so good. 

Thank you for the treat Kuya Jon and congratulations to Jordan.

34 Division St, Somerville, 
NJ 08876, United States
+1 908-218-7888


My Ninang Min and Tita Malou treated the family for dinner one time at PICNIC GARDEN.

This was an all-you-can-eat buffet with barbecue grills.

PICNIC GARDEN did not appear like the Korean Restaurant stereotype that we often see in movies. The restaurant was modern and had ample spacing for the diners. 

My aunt called in to reserve a table for us and I was happy to see my mother's family for lunch.

My son Pao Pao was excited to see his cousins too.

Pao Pao played with his Tito Raymond from California. He flew in for a few days just to see us. We had fun with you Kuya Raymond.

A waiter passed by to adjust the grill of our table.

The grill is compact and different from the Korean restaurants have in Manila but it was able to cook our foods efficiently. They have a very good exhaust system too because we left the restaurant without having that barbecue smell.

PICNIC GARDEN had an extensive buffet line in  metal tables and glass for hygienic purposes.

Besides the usual Korean specialties, PICNIC GARDEN also served other Asian food.


There was a lot of dishes to choose from.

We got the lettuce leaves for the beef wrap.

Galbi Jim

Beef Ribs.

Beef and Spicy pork.

The buffet at PICNIC GARDEN had an assortment of quality meats available. 

Carlo already started to fire up his grill.

You could request the waiter to assist you with the grilling of the meats.


The ribs were delicious when cooked.

The grilled meats were juicy and tender. 

Pao Pao's dinner consisted of Fried Rice Jap chae onion rings fried dumplings and spring rolls.  

I was so full from all the food. But of course, I still left room for dessert.

There was eat all you can Red Bean, Butter Pecan, Vanilla...

Chocolate, and Strawberry Ice Cream.

I helped myself to some red bean and butter pecan. Delicious!

Thank you Ninang Min and Tita Malou for the treat. We enjoyed the food and the company.


1763 Lincoln hwy Edison NJ, 08817

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