
Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Hullooo! I'm sure by now you all know how much I L-O-V-E my silly little foodie blog and how I would only document personal experiences. For this post, I'm using ERICJAZ FOODIES to cope with the absence of my dear beloved BGP Mariane and have her share one of her unforgettable meals while in vacation in the US.

I'm missing her but I'm enjoying this blogpost too, so YEY!


By Mariane R. Mina

Thanks BGP.

Fred, Pao Pao, and I are currently on vacation in the US and staying with my relatives from my mother's side in New Jersey.

One day, Ninang Min invited the family out for a lunch in THAI LANNA. My ninang said they serve delicious Thai food and wanted us to try it.

The sun may be out this lunch but the weather was still nice and comfortable.

It was good that we were able to get a parking space because the cool weather seemed to have prompted many people to go out.

THAI LANNA restaurant.

Monday, May 30, 2016


Whenever I go out with my College friends, it is sure to be a riot -- there is always non-stop laughter, gossip, jokes and ribbing, then never-ending trips down crazy lane.

So we had another night just like THAT when mareng Carrots was in town and we decided to have a meet-up during the work week. Everything was fine and dandy until being the usual finicky girls that we were, there were sudden changes in the venue: For one week it was somewhere, then the day before it became somewhere else, on the day itself it became "Now where should we go?"

Good thing that after a bit of walking (IT'S TRUE) my College friends came upon BUGSY'S BAR AND BISTRO where they had available tables that night to take in our group. The place was so perfect for us that it's a wonder why BUGSY'S was not our first choice! The food was great, service was friendly, and the crowds did not mind the decibels of noise that we were making. We finally found our place to settle our big butts in.

And what an awesome time we all had!


Like I said, the place was packed, mostly in the smokers and the bar area. Yup! Even if it was a weekday!!! It's a good thing that my friends were still able to secure a table.

Friday, May 27, 2016


I was browsing Facebook one time and I saw this sponsored post on LEE HAK'S Buffet Promo. I checked the album and saw that it was indeed a pretty good deal because for only P322.00 (weekday dinner rate), you could help yourself to some Korean Pork and Chicken Barbecue plus a variety of food selections from their buffet. Though the promo does not include Beef Barbecue, I still think that it's worth a try.

So I called home and contacted the usual culprits who would enjoy this Korean buffet promo: one was Mati, my little foodie who lives for Bibimbap, the other is the Chinese Dimpol, who lives to please me.


If you're wondering about Andrei, I invited him but he cheekily responded that he'll only join us if we're going to SAMBOKOJIN.

And we're leaving him.

Tee hee!

Anyway, check out our fun and VERY filling dinner at LEE HAK KOREAN RESTAURANT! 


You won't miss this along Pioneer Center because it's the restaurant with the ultra bright lights on their signage!


I made reservations to ensure a table for us tonight but since there were a lot of people availing of the promo, we still had to wait. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016


It was eeeeelection day and even if the weather was scorching hot, we will go out and brave the crowds to make our voices heard in our country. And like what we do every year, we voted together as a family. Personally, I like it that way because besides being a tradition for us, it's like somehow, in our own little way, we are putting up a united front to support our candidate. On a more self-serving note however, it IS more convenient for all of us because it meant not worrying about parking or getting drowned from the sea of people if we go individually.

And of course it would also mean that we'll automatically have a lunch out together!!!

The great thing about that too is that our own "President" (aka my Dad) is paying!

Tee Hee!

Oh don't judge my freeloader face. It's another tradition too!!!!


Duran Duran : "I pull my shirt off and pray, 
I'm saving myself to suffer the heatwave
Pull my shirt off and pray, 
We're coming up on re-election day!!!"

For the national elections last May 9, 2016 I asked (aka forced) Mati to come with us. Every elections he acts like my bodyguard. I make him go always because  I wanted him to see the process of electing a new leader.

I was with my brother and Ate Jojit. My parents were downstairs and my Kuya Jon arranged for a Comelec representative to take their votes.

If you're wondering about the Chinese Dimpol, he's with Andrei to vote in Quezon Province. Me thinks he purposely does not register in Mandaluyong so that he could always have a time to "escape" from me.


And for lunch we're in WOODEN SPOON!!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I'm always looking forward to couples date with my TAPE Inc officemates/family that when Mr. Maru Sotto invited us to CHEF AND BREWER CAFE AND RESTAURANT 2 weeks in advance, I really blocked it off in my calendar.

My TAPE Inc. friends can't believe it but the Chinese Adonis and I really love being with them because not only do we learn a lot from their advises, but they are just so fun to be with. They are all super funny, crazy, and "kalog", but with a heart. They totally get my weirdness!!!! He he he he he!!! So even if I haven't been to CHEF AND BREWER, I just know that we are going to have another unforgettable night.

And as predicted, we certainly did!!!!!!!


We went there on a Friday night and we're so thankful that there was no traffic that weekend.

We arrived at about 8:00pm and there were still many available tables. I guess we were early!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


The Chinese Dimpol and I always love to try out new things with the little lords that when new attractions come up, we would certainly go for it. One of the popular activities that caught our eyes lately was  the TRAMPOLINE PARK -- an establishment which tires out its guests from jumping all their might on their, you guessed it, trampolines.

After we brought discount vouchers online did we realize that TRAMPOLINE PARK was different from JUMPYARD (he he he he he). It's okay. At least we got ours at a cheaper price. PLUS, we would have another excuse to try out ANOTHER trampoline establishment.

So for now we're set for a hopping good time at TRAMPOLINE PARK and we're all excited!

Jeez... I hope I don't jump a hole on one of the trampolines! He he he he he he! 


Whether you bought discount vouchers or not, you need to call TRAMPOLINE PARK to reserve a slot. Since they want everyone to have a comfortable jumping experience, they have a limited number of guests inside for a specific time period.

This is SO fine with us! The last thing we want is banging heads on some strangers!

Monday, May 23, 2016


Just in case you have been following my blog (oh poor you), you would know that my Best Gal Pal forever and ever is BGP Mariane...

We are inseparable! A week CANNOT go by without us meeting up once or twice.

So you could just imagine my devastation when she left for a 3 month vacation in the US!!

Yep. Not a pretty sight.

It's funny because it's not like this is her first trip there. She and Manong Fred would always go every year. But do I get used to it?

That's a big N to the O.

Good thing that because of today's technology, BGP Mariane and I are able to communicate via video chat!

We would chat daily! At the start though I don't know how to properly take a screen cap. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Many times the boys would join in on the convo!

Saturday, May 21, 2016


I was reviewing our Japan trip last year, oohing and aaahing at some of the pictures when I realized that I totally skipped the sushi restaurant we ate near Tsukiji Market.

SACRILEGE!!!!!!!!! That is like going to Universal Studios and forgetting to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!!!!

And as they say in social media, "Pics or it didn't happen!"

Now I'm not really a pushover at proving myself (since nobody believes me anyway), but the foodie in me would be really sorry if I don't mark down this sushi lunch we had in the place where we should have it.

So here's our unforgettable meal at SUSHI SEN near TSUKIJI MARKET. Definitely a must-visit when you're in Japan!!!

The glorious sushi at SUSHI SEN!

When we were in TSUKIJI MARKET, JAPAN last year, we really planned to eat sushi there.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


As MOTHER'S DAY approached, I was both excited and worried.

EXCITED because it will be MY day. I expected to be spoiled silly with food and whatever I friggin desire.

WORRIED because the Chinese Dimpol and Andrei were set to leave for Quezon Province (he was going to vote).

Now who will be treating me to whatever I friggin desire?????

To be honest, as MOTHER'S DAY approached I became more and more miserable. For some reason, little dramatic me was doing some serious self pitying and questioning my worth as a Mom when my bunsoy was so set to leave me on that special day.

But then I remembered: why do I have to focus on my weird self when the most lovely lady who had ever walked on the face of the earth is with us?

YEP. My Mom!

Now I don't want to get into details as to how my Mommy is the epitome of a beautiful Mother inside and out because believe me, it will take more than one post!!! Everyone agrees that she has the beauty of Boots Anson Roa and she's so mahinhin too (unlike me). She is always a principal sponsor in a wedding because couples really look up to her! Would you believe that she's a doctor but she did not continue with her practice as she chose to stay home and take care of her beautiful children (NAKS).  Anyway, I choose not to enumerate any more because everyone who knows my Mom knows how awesome she is. So I don't really need to be repetitive now do I?

So don't mind about me. This MOTHER'S DAY will be for my Mommy.

But of course, we're still going to do some serious eating to celebrate!!!!! 


Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Most recently, the officers of TAPE Inc., planned a surprise birthday party for who we feel is the "POGI-EST" and "MACHO-est" Sotto brother -- MARU!!!

Yes! He'll get all the good "ESTS" from us now because it's his birthday!!!! He he he he he he!

It was actually the middle of a work week and we were supposed to have a production meeting. When we received the invitation to this surprise bash, me and my friends (aka the LOLA BAES of TAPE Inc), did not think twice and immediately gave our yes for our attendance.

And why shouldn't we?

We are always with this very cool dude at TAPE office where dear Maru would keep everyone in stitches with his stories and antics. Even if he came from a popular family, he was still very simple, a fun "cowboy", and just an all around good guy!

Of course, it doesn't hurt also that he is the spitting image of his "older" brother Vic Sotto! So really, for us "Bossing" fans, Maru is the next best thing!  Ha ha ha ha!

Just kidding!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Maru! We love you!!!


(He hates it when I do that. Ha ha ha ha ha!)

A surprise birthday party for one cool guy!!!


Tuesday, May 17, 2016


This summer, I did not jam any summer classes or lessons for the little lords because I would rather that they have FUN (with a capital EF) this vacation. And while scouting online the different activities that we could do as a family, I came upon SLIDEFEST that will be happening only on the weekend of April 16/17 in Filinvest Alabang.

Now normally I'm not that eager to join pop up activities since the facilities would usually be lacking or not enough for the attendees. But then I got curious with SLIDEFEST and when I showed it to the little lords, they really wanted to go.


Even if it would be under the glaring sun....
Even if there would only be portalets...
Even if we had to wake up so early in the morning....

We are going to the SLIDEFEST!

And we are taking reinforcements with us!


Monday, May 16, 2016


I don't think I could stress enough how much ERICJAZ FOODIES love CHILI'S. Well for one, it WAS where the Chinese Dimpol and I first met via a blind date. And two, the taste and the quality of the food haven't changed since the day the restaurant opened it's doors to us. Yep!!! Unlike the franchises that have opened (some already closed) in the Philippines, CHILI'S has deliciously maintained the servings and awesomeness of their food. The Chinese Dimpol and I cannot have enough of it! We just HAVE to eat at CHILI'S not just to relive that first date (blech) but to get a dose of SUPER SULIT American/Mexican dishes as well!!!!

That is why when CHILI'S invited ERICJAZ FOODIES to try out their new craft burgers, we did not waste a minute (no a second) into making up our minds that WE WILL BE GOING. Add to that, an opportunity to hang out again with my favorite foodie group, THE KTG (Kain Tulog Gang) --- this is something we CANNOT miss for sure!!!

And we definitely DIDN'T!!!! It was a great night of KTG, good vibes, and UNFORGETTABLE juicy burgers from CHILI'S!!!

Yep! With CHILI's, more life SURELY happens here!


It may be a weeknight, but CHILI'S Tomas Morato was jampacked!!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2016


My TAPE INC friends and I had so much fun in our night out at GINZADON last time, that we immediately scheduled another Fridate in RESORTS WORLD MANILA.

And this time, we will start with dinner at IMPRESSIONS!

I'm quite excited actually for our dinner here because I know that IMPRESSIONS has received many awards and recognitions.

The look of the restaurant is something to take note as well -- the white table cloth served as a nice contrast to the black shiny flooring and surrounding. It certainly added more elegance to it.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


It's ERICJAZ FOODIES' 13th year of being married (blech) and we are going to celebrate with the only way we know how...

Wait. Let me correct myself, it's not the "ONLY" way we know how of course. We know that there are OTHER ways to celebrate. IF you know what I mean (wink wink!)

(Cue in Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On").

Yep. There's a party in Yub's pants, and I'M invited!

BWA HA HA HA HA HA! Cheap joke. I know.

Anyway, going back to all things PG. Yes, an ERICJAZ FOODIES anniversary would NEVER be complete without celebrating it with food. And for this special day, we went for one of our favorites...


Wait a minute. Why does this branch call itself HOME OF WAGYU STONE GRILL?

I wonder if it's the same as the one in Podium and Eastwood? Because you know what they say, a HOUSE IS NOT A HOME??

Tee hee! Sorry. It's really asking for it.

When we got inside, we were attracted with the mounds of meat chilling in their fridge. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


There may be a lot of restaurants that have already become favorites of many but for me, one of the spots that will always have a special place in my heart is SHAKEY'S!!!!

Well... Besides the fact that it was introduced in the country in 1975, A DECADE after I was born (:P), SHAKEY'S has always been there for my family's special events while I was growing up. Being one of the few American fast food chains that was in the Metro at that time, my Dad would always include SHAKEY'S in our birthday celebrations. I would never forget our meals there where servers would hand out their special straw hats and sing to us a very jolly Happy Birthday song. Great happy times indeed!

Now I'm sure there are more popular and flashy restaurants that may have dimmed the spotlight on SHAKEY'S. But really, our forever favorite PIZZA PARLOR will always be the one that we go back to again and again not just for our special occasions but for our friends' events as well!

I'm not pulling your leg when I say that because SHAKEY'S has already given us a deep foundation of enjoyment, an ordinary day/getogether will become something great with its awesome presence! With that, LET'S go for some SHAKEY'S!!!!

Let's go back to the memories!
Let's go back to special moments!
Let's go back to our favorite comfort food!
Let's ALWAYS go back to SHAKEY'S!!!!

We may have a lot of favorites now, but really, when the mood calls for something that has fun and comfort food, LET'S GO FOR SHAKEY'S!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


I know that the words "BEAT THE SUMMER HEAT" is such a cliche already during summer that when you read or hear it in advertisements, you'd want to sucker punch the writer. But really, in these months where you'd feel like Earth suddenly became twins with the hot star, it IS wise to arm yourself with something cold... something creamy.... something exciting....|

Something TRULY delectable!!!!!

May I present to you....


And yes. You could get it for take out in order to BEAT THE SUMMER HEAT.



It was a hot day but opening the special bag of MERRY MOO to reveal these luscious flavors is indeed sunshine in my life right now.

Friday, May 6, 2016


It was the birthday of my dear friend/officemate/nemesis, Tita Flory and she treated our TAPE INC gang for dinner at RESORT'S WORLD MANILA!

Restaurant for that night? GINZADON!!!

GINZADON had dark interiors that gave an over-all feel of an intimate dining experience with your group. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Last March, the Chinese Dimpol celebrated his birthday by treating some of our AF (Awesome Friends) in our new favorite Italian Restaurant, LINGUINI FINI!!!!

The Chinese Adonis had our valentimes date before in LINGUINI FINI and we enjoyed our dinner so much that we thought of sharing the love with our friends!

This Italian restaurant is located in SM Fashion Hall amidst the long walk way of restaurants. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


If there's one thing I could say about the Chinese Dimpol is that he's....


Oh wait. I'm going for something meaningful here and state something that is not so obvious (hi hi hi). Okay... Take two.


Yup he is! If you get to know my husband, he's the type who gets happy easily. You don't need to make explosive celebrations or expensive gifts. Yep! His birthday is already complete as long as the family is together and we're eating his favorite food.

Before, I would make surprise gimmicks and extend his birthday to 2 weeks. When we go out, I would ALWAYS organize birthday songs with special candles.

But then, the Chinese Dimpol told me recently that I really don't need to do all the fuss. According to him, he is already so happy and contented with what he already has. As long as he gets to eat his favorite Pancit Lucban, it's already a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for him.

Honestly, at first I was peeved: "What an ungrateful Chinese Dimpol he is!! I make all that effort and he'll just say that EVERYTHING was unnecessary???" And then I realized, what the heck am I complaining about? I'm so blessed to have somebody who doesn't require me to plan something special because just being there for him is already special enough!

Yeheessss! This is a lazy-assed person's dream!

Kidding aside though, besides being a very hardworking and loving Daddy, we appreciate how my husband is very focused on THE YAPPY BUNCH. Even if I told him to go out with friends or have a night out with his work peeps, he still chose to spend his birthday with us. He didn't even ask for a gift. For him, as long as we are all healthy, happy, AND together, is more than enough for him.

And with that, the Chinese Dimpol is DEFINITELY more than what we have wished/prayed for.

Oh and just to stress it further, he IS SUPERKADUPER POGI!

He he he he he!

Here's our simple birthday celebration for the Chinese Dimpol!

We love you!!!!!!!!

My husband, aka Mark Anthony Fernandez, aka Kenneth Peralta, aka The Chinese Adonis, aka The Chinese Dimpol, is celebrating his birthday!

His birthday celebration kicked off when we had a joint celebration via a DIAMOND HOTEL staycation!

It was indeed a fun YAPPY BUNCH bonding weekend for us!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Sometime last March, 2016, Manong Fred invited THE YAPPY BUNCH for dinner at PEKING GARDEN to celebrate his Mom's 80th birthday.

Even though Manong Fred could be SO annoying...
Even though he makes MY life miserable....
Even though he would ALWAYS get between me and Best Gal Pal Marian....

I love his Mom, AND Peking Duck, so that means WE'RE GOING.

Yup! Sometimes you just HAVE to make sacrifices for the things you love AND crave for.


PEKING GARDEN is located in level 4 of Greenbelt 5. It was just across KIMPURA.

Monday, May 2, 2016


If you're one of my ultra close friends (Oh poor you), you should know by now that you shouldn't really take me seriously. Since I love making people happy, I would usually joke about anything and everything that it has become as normal to me as breathing. Yu-uh! Even at my own expense! Add to that my experience in theatre (Yes. 1 workshop in Trumpets already counts as "experience"), I could totally do a VERY convincing joke that would make any doubting Thomas believe in an instant!

So really. When I say "Treat me now!" Don't take me seriously. I'm just making a joke or wanting to watch you click the "unfriend button". But hey, if you still choose to go for the red pill and believe my sweet words...

Then I love you.

Yep. More than my stingy "close" friends.

Har de har har!!!! Kidding!!!!

This is somehow what happened with my dear friend from High School, Hershey. It was my birthday last February and she greeted me. As usual, I responded with "Awwww! Thank you! Treat mo ko!!!!" To which she gave a sincere "Sure!!!"

Really??? WOHOOO!!!!

Now I'm not really a popular person but when I was checking my weekends, my schedule was already full for the months of February and March!! Que horror! Will our date still push through??? I was really not expecting anything since my available Saturday was too far off. But when I said "April 9", dear Hershey said "GAME!!!".

FINALLY!!! So my long overdue meet up with an old friend was set.

AND, it was still a birthday treat, from a close friend, because I teased her.

MAN. I love it when the trifecta of getogethers join forces!

UMU Japanese Restaurant!

I was really up for anything just to meet up with dear mareng Hershey. When she recommended her favorite Japanese restaurant in DUSIT THANI MANILA, I became doubly excited!