
Friday, April 1, 2016


THE YAPPY BUNCH were having the most "awesomest", "bestest", "funnest", and..... GREATEST (oops now that's a real word.. he he he he!) time at my birthday staycation treat in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS!

Yes! We had so much fun that redundancy and word invention was in order (well except for "greatest").

So we had an awesome Saturday and we were having uber fun on Sunday. But then we got this GREAT offer by Tita Flory (my officemate who generously gifted us with this birthday staycation) to have lunch in HIGHLANDER STEAKHOUSE, her treat!!!!!

At first I was hesitant because she had given so much already to my family. But she insisted saying how her family had such a delicious dinner the night before. With that we gratefully agreed and happily trooped over to THE HIGHLANDER STEAKHOUSE.

Oh wow! Steak is just "perfectest" every time!!!!!!!

Tee hee!  


Even if we had been going around TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS the whole morning, we were still pretty full from the buffet breakfast at THE GOLFER'S LOUNGE. Still, we were so curious as to how the much raved about steakhouse in Tagaytay fared that we'll try just a wee bit of its dishes!


I loved how it reminded me of the popular steakhouses in Texas with the log cabin look and wooden furnitures.

The special lights made up of antlers were suddenly eye-catching pieces.


Master Mati!

Little Andrei!

I didn't take a picture of the ugly Adonis since I think we were having a mini-LQ at that time. He he he he he he!


First on the table was a board of hot and crusty baguette rolls!

These were certainly so yum to munch on especially with a generous spread of melted butter.

The manager of THE HIGHLANDER STEAKHOUSE took our orders and was very helpful to us in giving recommendations. We certainly appreciated his warm accommodation to us!

While looking at the menu, Mati said he would just have some HIGHLANDER STEAKHOUSE Clam Chowder (P180.00) since he was a bit full from breakfast.

I think it was his first time to have Clam Chowder with puff pastry (the most special that he had it was in a bread bowl). Initially, he removed the puff pastry (thinking that it was a "cover"). I told him that he should break it with his spoon and scoop pieces of the bread with his soup.

Aahhhh.... Now he gets it!

I also ordered a French Onion soup to share (P180.00). 

This was hot, flavorful, and hits the spot!

As I really wanted to go "light", I just had a plate of THE HIGHLANDER STEAKHOUSE Wedge Salad (P198.00).

The salad comprised of a thick wedge (hence the name) of chilled lettuce topped with bleu cheese and crumbled bacon. This was light, different, and so refreshing to eat because of the cold bites of the vegetable. 

For little Andrei we got a kiddie order of Macaroni and Cheese (P220.00)!

The Macaroni and Cheese was served hot and bubbling. It immediately gave out an aroma of strong, rich, and mouth-watering cheeses!

Andrei can't stop staring at it. The plate just looked and smelled so beautiful for him!

For our main dish and the piece de resistance in THE HIGHLANDER STEAKHOUSE, we got a 10oz Rib Eye Steak to share (P1,898.00).

It came with 2 side dishes. So we requested for the steamed vegetables (to have something nutritious in our system).

I was happy that our usual finicky eater Andrei got a Broccoli stem and munched on it.

Yahoo! Usually kiddies hate Broccoli! I'm glad Andrei liked it!

We also got some creamy mashed potatoes (Mati's request!).

Of course, we cannot NOT have an order of garlic rice. He he he he!

The 10oz Rib Eye steak was actually quite biG and already enough for the Chinese Adonis, Mati, and MEH, to share!

The Ugly Adonis took over the manly duty of cutting the steak for all of us.

ALL MEN must cut MEAT!

I requested the steak to be cooked Medium but I think it was cooked more than how it should have.

But still, it was tender, so juicy, and very flavorful! I could really savor the delectable seasonings they rubbed the meat on. 


Our table filled with food! Yum!

Okay! Here's another view of the gluttony going on.

Master Mati ate most of the steak. He just happily chomped on it away!

Andrei truly enjoyed his Macaroni and Cheese too because believe it or not, he finished it! Yep! I thought that I would have to eat his leftovers (hence my order of a wee salad) but he loved it so much that he was licking it clean when he was done. 

And we're done!

BURP! That was definitely YUMMIEST.

He he he he he he he he!

Thank you so muchos Tita Flory for the HIGHLANDER STEAKHOUSE treat! Your generosity talaga knows no bounds! That's why you're always blessed!

We love you mwah!

Of course I love you too photobomber Tita Josie!


THE HIGHLANDER STEAKHOUSE in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS! Certainly the place to head for when you're craving for some seriously delicious steaks in Tagaytay!



He he he he he he he he he!

Tagaytay-Calamba Road, Tagaytay, Cavite
Phone:(046) 483 0888

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