
Monday, March 21, 2016


It was my birthday weekend sometime last February and usually THE YAPPY BUNCH would go somewhere for a fun getaway to celebrate. However, it was also timely that the wedding of my officemate's daughter fell on that Sunday in Tagaytay. So all plans of going to Baguio, Subic, or Albuquerque (he he he he), were cancelled. Of course, I was happy to attend the wedding (I LOVE WEDDINGS!), it's just that we would have to leave our little wawa boys behind.

But then, my officemate Tita Flory, loved me so much (well I AM very lovable I know) and said that since she will be booking rooms for some of her close friends and family in Tagaytay, she will treat our little family for what was supposed to be my birthday weekend. At first I was concerned that it would be too much for her and how the little lords may inconveniently add more for her head count. The Chinese Adonis and I were really going to attend even if it's just the two of us. But she really insisted and said that everything and everyone was taken cared for.

So YEY!!!!! My birthday weekend was set and guess where Tita Flory graciously and generously treated THE YAPPY BUNCH?



We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship!!

Too bad our "rocket ship" was land based and got stuck in traffic! He he he he he he!

We finally made it to Tagaytay and we saw the very familiar volcano.  

While driving to TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS, our excitement mounted (pun intended) with the view!

Wow! We're so high!

And we're here!!!

The Chinese Adonis and I got an immediate high (pun intended AGAIN) because the breeze was so cold even if it was sunny!


TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS is not open to everyone. You would have to be a member or be endorsed by one in order to check in.

Security was really tight that even if we were checked-in, they verified with the member name, and the wedding list.

We headed first to TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS' Spa and Lodge to register!

When we went inside, I somehow felt like I was transported to a log cabin in Baguio and not in Tagaytay!

Like the name suggests, the lodge is also the place to go to if you want to relax and go for a spa.

I wonder if they turn on the fireplace when the weather gets too chilly?

We were accommodated by very nice and friendly officers who were also helpful in giving tips to enjoy our stay.

When we stepped out, wow! There was a fog!

Are we really in Tagaytay or Baguio?

Tita Flory checked us in THE BELLE VIEW hotel!

I was surprised that BELLE VIEW HOTEL in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS only had one floor. I guess it was styled like a bungalow?

When we looked from behind....

DAN... DAN... DAN....!

BELLE VIEW was almost nestled in a cliff! I was excited AND a bit terrified at the same time. The idea that a small jolt could make the slanted building fall down the boiling volcano suddenly entered my puny mind. But then, our anticipation of going inside our room erased it all.

We were billeted in the West side of BELLE VIEW!

We parked outside and proceeded to go to room 101!!

The elevator is nothing like we saw before. Rather than going straight down, it slanted! I guess there won't be any danger of our elevator falling! At least it would just tumble down!

He he he he he he he!

Walking towards our room!

Instead of a key card, we got ourselves an actual key! Kewwwwl!!!!

Time to go inside 101!



This is awesome!!!!!

We were all expecting for a studio room with twin beds. We never thought that we'll be getting a place with a living room, kitchen, and a separate bedroom!

The flat screen set was equipped with a DVD player! Yey!

That made the Master Mati extra happy because he brought our AVENGER'S AGE OF ULTRON and ANTMAN dvds!

Andrei got busy exploring the kitchen.

Wohoo! We got burners, microwaves, water kettles, and ovens!

Our stay also came with complimentary hot drinks and water!

Our room!!

The room only had 1 queen sized bed which was more than enough for our lazy selves. BELLE VIEW hotel provided an extra mattress for Andrei.

Even if we brought our own soap and shampoo for the little lords, my dear bunsoy got so excited upon seeing that he had his own toiletries!!!

Master Mati was supposed to sleep in the mattress while Andrei would go between me and the Chinese Adonis. But when he saw that he had a big couch and TV in the living room all for himself, he declared that he would stay there for the night.

Wow! He's so brave to do that by himself na!!!

Here's the view outside our window!

Not too shabby huh???

The bathroom was so huge too!

I swear we could fit several more toilets inside if pooping parties are not gross at all. Ha ha ha ha ha!

MY toiletries!

My usual bathroom selfie!

When everything was settled, we basked in the full glory of the sun with our lovely volcano in the background!

YIHIII! It's going to be an awesome weekend! We just know it!

Thanks Tita Flory!

We took a long drive downwards to go to the TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS clubhouse for our late lunch.

TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS actually provides transports for guests but there is a schedule in departure and arrival time.

The TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS Clubhouse is different from the Golf Clubhouse (which was nearer our hotel). 

It is where you'll find their very big pool!

Hmmm... If the weather wasn't too chilling to the bone, I would really like to take a dip in here!

The clubhouse is actually comprised of many restaurants offering different types of cuisines. You just have to take your pick!

Check out our delicious lunch there HERE!!!!

After our delicious Filipino lunch, we decided to tour around the area.

We pleasantly found out that the clubhouse was so near various activities that would definitely interest the little lords!

Need I say more????

The roads in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS are not congested AT ALL. But they still provided covered walkways so you don't have a hard time going from one clubhouse to another.

The little lords were SOOOOO happy and giggling with joy that the winds were so strong it was almost blowing them away!

We walked and walked then came upon their sports area.

This is also where we saw the adult and kiddie ATVS!!!

This is one ride that the little lords REALLY wanted to try!

Of course, even if this was a kiddie ATV, we could still try it!

I wonder if the ATV is already groaning from the hundreds of pounds that it suddenly had to carry?

When you're in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS, they never accept cash unless you're with the actual member. If you're a hotel guest like us, they will give you a card to record all the charges (and believe me, everything here has a price!) which you could pay upon check-out!

The little lords wore their protective gear and it was soooo cute!

The kindly ATV guy giving directions to the little lords.

Is it my imagination or is Andrei already planning something nasty???

Then suddenly he became an angel when ATV attended to him. He he he he he he!

And away they go!

Mati immediately got the hang of it and would do dirt-bike moves!

Wohooo! Go boys!

According to the ATV guy, riders should not race around the course. The whole point of the drive is to just vroom to the fullest and have fun!

Mati was done first! He was so happy!

Same goes for Andrei!

They gave this TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS activity their 2 thumbs up!

Thank you manong ATV!! You were so kind to the little lords!

Now where to next?

I can't get a decent answer from the boys since they were so busy enjoying the strong cold winds.

Initially, the little lords wanted to do some Go-Karting. But I told them that it is better if they do something that they cannot find in our regular hang outs.

With that, they decided to do the Oxboard Maze!

With TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS' Oxboard Maze you needed to navigate yourself out of the maze while on a hoverboard. 

It's a good thing that the little lords bought their own hoverboards because it slashed a few pesos from the bill. He he he he he he!

The guide allowed me to go with Andrei just so I could take pictures of him.

Hi my baby!

Would you believe that at one point, I lagged behind and got lost??? Yep!!!!!!!! I cried out to him to get me.

See? Mommies need their boys too!

Where to now Andrei???

Who do you think is the first kid out???

If you're guess is Mati, YOU ARE RIGHT!


Since there was another one after Mati, Andrei came in 3rd place! Wohooo!

After the maze, the little lords went around the vast parking lot in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS with their hoverboards.

They had more fun doing THIS than the Go Karts!

We were about to drive back to the room when the little lords saw a family going at it with bows and arrows.

Wohooo!!!! Sporting Arrows? Now THIS is something that the little lords should definitely try!

While waiting for the other family to finish, I waited by the benches.

And took selfies!

Yub. Your face is disgusting. Really!!!!

He changed that expression to THIS.

Yes. There's that DIMPOL again!



The game involved real bows and arrows but the latter were covered in such a way for safety.

The family was done! Now it's OUR turn!!!

Mati seems to be a natural Legolas....

Of course it's natural that he wants to be Hawk-Eye!

It was 20 arrows per kiddie and the instructor taught the boys how to properly shoot an arrow.

Go Mati!

Andrei had such good form!

Now the game is on!

Go little lords!

The target shot out into the sky!

And another!

And another!

The Chinese Adonis wanted to try one shot and joined the little lords.

Since the boys were having a lot of fun, I decided to join the party as well!

I discovered that it was DEFINITELY not as easy as it looks!


The little lords were not able to shoot their target yet.

Hmmm... Maybe I should teach them how it SHOULD be done!


Ah.... Eh....

My arrow seem to got stuck on my bow!

Let's do it one more TOGETHER!

WHAT THE....?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My arrow got stuck again!!!!

Andrei was able to nudge the target that led to his rejoicing and gloating.

Okay one more.

You know what? What the heck, since we can't shoot the target, we'll just shoot EACH OTHER!

Let the HUNGER GAMES begin!

Tee hee!

In other tries, Mati was able to shoot the target successfully. Yey Mati!!! You're on your way to being Hawkeye!!!!

Andrei got so frustated that he can't properly hit the target that he got one arrow and threw it.

Yup! He just threw it!!!


Even if the boys only managed to hit their targets once, we all had a great time! It was definitely a different family experience for us!

Going back to our hotel, Andrei was so happy that I caught him singing to himself during the drive back.

Mati joined his little brother and sang their current favorite songs "Black and Yellow" and "My House"!

Back at the hotel, we had a short rest before going out to dinner.

In a few minutes, Tita Josie texted us to say that they're in the TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS Golf Country Club. We immediately dressed up to go there for a delicious dinner!

And yes, we had such a great night courtesy of Tita Flory for the bridal party! 

Here's me and Tita Flory with Tita Josie photobombing at the back. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Had super fun too with my lovely friends, the TAPE ladies (and partners)!


After dinner, THE YAPPY BUNCH walked around and enjoyed the very cold night.

It IS very rare that we could have an enjoyable walk in an empty street!

Walking back to BELLE VIEW hotel!

Time to slant down in the elevator!

And we're back inside our beautiful room!

Andrei immediately washed up, changed into his jammies, and got his fresh milk in the fridge. He quickly went to his bed (possibly worried that we might ask him to sleep beside us) and laid down.

No fear little Androse, Kuya Mati is staying put and sleeping in his couch in the living area.

Of course, not before his midnight snack of hot noodles!!!! :)


It was a VERRRRRRRRRRRY fun first day for us in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS!!! I think this is more awesome than whatever birthday weekend that I could have planned. He he he he he he!

We did a LOT of things here in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS that we don't usually do in our normal lives (ATV, Hoverboard Maze, Archery). I wonder what fun awaits us more the next day?

We'll see on the next blog post!

You'll even see how we experienced one of my worst fears!!!!!

Till the next one! Toodles!

 Tagaytay-Calamba Road, Tagaytay, Cavite
Phone:(046) 483 0888