
Monday, March 28, 2016


When I got word that my officemate, Tita Flory, will be treating us for an overnight staycation in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS for my boithday AND for the wedding of her daughter, I knew that major research was in order.

Of course, I should check out the location, the resort facilities, the rooms, and the activities offered in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS. But more importantly, I should also study AND investigate the places where  we could eat there.

He he he he he! OF COURSE! Food is ALWAYS of the essence to us!

At first I really thought that TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS was a resort with one cafe or restaurant by the poolside. In turns out, this popular "membership only" destination in TAGAYTAY was like an exclusive community where there are a LOT of places to eat in and many clubhouses!

Yowza! This is like a staycation jackpot!!!!!

So after surfing online, I tried my best to plot which places to go to when get there. But even after numerous hours, of studying, researching, and investing, there were a LOT of choices that I cannot make up my mind. With that, one question still remained for us when we finally got to TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS....

Where shall we eat???? 



From the long list of restaurants listed in the TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS WEBSITE, we just decided to go to their country club which was a far drive down from our hotel.

Just in case we didn't feel like driving , TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS offered free transportation. You would just have to ask for the pull-out time.

The reason we chose TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS COUNTRY CLUB is because we saw that most of the restaurants were there. Besides that, the restaurants were located nearby.

Upon seeing this, the little lords immediately wanted to jump into the water!

Near the pool, there were also cable cars which were just closed because of the strong winds. 


Seeing that there were also super sized games, the boys got confused a little more!

Of course, like any caring (or hungry) Mom, I told them that we should eat first.

Weh he he he he he he!

And so we proceeded to the TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS COUNTRY CLUB!

We pleasantly found out that the COUNTRY CLUB was similar to a food court but of higher standard. Various restaurants of different cuisines could be found within the common area. 

There was a coffee shop with mini-snacks!

A bread shop!

I wasn't able to check if these were real or fake though. He he he he he he!

Their Italian and Korean restaurant!

Their Japanese restaurant!

After we've settled into our seats, you know what comes next...

Master Mati and little Andrei!


Pekto and Pekta!

Of course, as if on cue, Andrei immediately ran to his daddy and professed his love for him with a lick!


As if on cue too, Master Mati went to me to ask what I will be having.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Forever foodies talaga!

Now it's time to order!


Menu 1...

Menu 2!


TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS Korean and Japanese Menu!

Menu 1...

Menu 2!!

Part 3!!

Now let's eat!!!

The little lords were craving for some Chili Fries (P220.00) and love munching on this!

The potatoes were crunchy while the chili was delicious and perfectly complemented the dish!

Since the weather was so cold, a bowl of piping hot soup will be very comforting. I ordered the Sinigang na Bagnet (P380.00) and had the fried pork on the side.

At least in this way, we were able to savor the crunchiness of the bagnet!

Yummers! While the skin was crazy crispy, the meat and fat was so tender! The Chinese Adonis and I enjoyed eating this with the sour sinigang soup!

And if we're not cholesterol gluttons enough, we also ordered a sizzling plate of Sisig (P295.00) since we cannot fully enjoy a Filipino spread without this.

Greasy, spicy, with some crunchy bits on the side... This Sisig was just pure heaven!

For the little lords, we had a half order of TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS COUNTRY CLUB Fried Chicken (P320.00).

For me this was just okay since I'm more inclined to the KFC type (he he he he). But the boys seemed to love it and they were able to "simot-sarap" this fried birdie to death (pun intended).


The Chili Fries was such a hit. At first I thought only Mati was going to enjoy this but Andrei later on joined the fun!

He immediately asked for some more but I told him we'll only order if he finished his food.

See him trying his best to "save" the supply of his fries?

To think that the fries were Mati's order.

Yowzah! Our table filled with delicious Filipino food!

Check out my dipping sauce. Egad! It was so good with my Sinigang that I was trying my best from scraping that plate of garlic rice clean!

Since Master Mati was able to wipe everything out, his reward was a tall glass of rootbeer float (P150.00). He drained this in no time too!


I really loved the service at COUNTRY CLUB because everybody was so friendly. Yup! Especially the lady who served us. You know how in some posh membership-only places the waiters would somehow treat the "non-members" differently? Here in COUNTRY CLUB, we were fussed over and served as if we were the owners of the whole resort itself! They were all so nice and attentive even if I just presented our guest card. Good job TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS!!!!!

Would you guys believe that we finished all of that food??? Yes! I guess everything was just so delicious and perfect for our grumbling tummies that we wiped out all the plates in sight! With that, we were certainly energized to do the sporty activities ahead us! We certainly have a lot of calories to burn!!!!

So. There!

Tagaytay-Calamba Road, Tagaytay, Cavite
Phone:(046) 483 0888

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