
Thursday, February 4, 2016


It's my little lord Andrei's 9th birthday and like we would do every year, we will be celebrating it in MANY ways! His wishes will DEFINITELY be our command!!! 


The eve of my bunsoy's birthday was a Monday and he wished to have dinner at Jollibee in Robinson's Magnolia.

Why Robinson's Magnolia? Because he's going to test drive his Lolo's birthday gift to him in the park!

Go Andrei!

Good thing that we got the park all to ourselves!

My bunsoy was so happy with his Lolo's gift that he used it all the way to the parking lot. He he he he he he! Don't worry, the Chinese Adonis and I kept watch and this was only going to our car.

The idea was we're going to wait until 12:00am so that, like what we do every year, we will sing to the birthday celebrant. Andrei was so excited and was smiling and giggling all the way. 

But then, come 12:00am.


Andrei fell fast asleep and wouldn't wake up!

When he DID got up, he was cranky and was so doozy.  Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh well!

The next morning, Andrei did not go to school while I took an LOA from work. I got up extra early before him to make this mini-set up downstairs.

When he saw it....

Could you see his big smile?

Happy Birthday my dearest bunsoy!

Did you like the balloons?

Whenever it's somebody's birthday, we always start with giving thanks to our Lord in church. 

Andrei was happy that his Lola was able to join us.

Too bad that Mati had school and the Chinese Adonis cannot be absent. But they will be seeing him tonight. I'm thankful that Andrei did not throw a hissy fit and was so understanding.

Prayig for the little birthday celebrant.

Like I said, we do this every year. He he he he he! 

This is US 5 years ago! Too bad the 2015 picture was blurry.

For Andrei's birthday breakfast, we went to our usual place, GLORIA MARIS for the dimsum!

Yummers! Andrei loved the dimsum and the some!

Whe we got home, Anrdrei received a cake from his fried LJ!

Thanks LJ for the cake! It's Andrei's favorite! This warranted a birthday song from Andrei's lolo and lola plus our angels at home!

Come night time, I was supposed to treat the whole family for Andrei's birthday dinner at HEALTHY SHABU SHABU!

However, as bad luck would have it, there were heavy rains and unimaginable traffic that night.


I said we would just reschedule my treat for the family since it was already very late and we still had work the next day.

The silver lining there is that I was able to escape treating my family. BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! 

We were finally able to settle ourselves in HEALTHY SHABU SHABU, Andrei's favorite, near closing time. 

HEALTHY SHABU SHABU is my boys favorite restaurant. 

We have been regular customers ever since Mati was a toddler. So it's only natural that we will have Andrei's birthday dinner here. 

ERICJAZ FOODIES celebrating Andrei's birthday in HEALTHY SHABU SHABU!

Of course, we cannot end the stormy night without Andrei's usual birthday song.

Happy Birthday dearest!

Go Andrei!

We have been friends with the manager of HEALTHY SHABU SHABU for many years already and he greeted my bunsoy on his special night.

Wohoo! My officemate Tita Florie gave Andrei a very thick envelope!

We used half of it to buy Andrei's remote truck from TOYS R US!

Here's Andrei with his long time friends there.

My brothers and sisters left their gifts for Andrei at home.

Wohoo! He got a badminton set!

Plus a helmet to use while playing badminton!

Kidding! Andrei bought a skateboard and this helmet would be perfect for it.

Andrei's birthday night was made more special with a greeting from his kiddie favorite HI-5!!!!
(Sorry I cannot post the video... He he he he he!)

The next day, THE YAPPY BUNCH had dinner with BGP Marian, Manong Fred, and Andrei's best guy pal, Pao Pao!

The chicharon bulaklak in RECIPE's is currently Andrei's favorite!

Wohoo! Thanks so much Team Mina!

Group hug!

Or Best Guy Pal's sandwich!

Afterwards we had ice cream for dessert!

There, we sang to Andrei a Happy Birthday!

Even the other diners in the restaurant sang along.


Best Guy Pals forever!

Andrei wished to play a bit of badminton afterwards and the Chinese Adonis went with him.

Thank you for celebrating with us BGP Marian and Manong Fred! I know I could always count on you!!!!

On Thursday, we had dinner to answer my bunsoy's pasta craving in Powerplant mall....

Andrei's favorite there is the carbonara!

While I always order the Truffle Pasta with Pomodoro Bruschetta!

The bigger boys had CIBO pizza!

Guess what we plan to do afterwards?

Yup! You guessed it! 

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS! It was the first day of showing and we got tickets!

My little Jedis were so excited!

Too bad that the birthday boy did not have an afternoon nap and slept towards the end of the movie. He became cranky as well. Baby pa talaga! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Still, we all had a great night!

That Friday we met up with The Virrey's for dinner at Andrei's choice, KENNY ROGERS!

The boys played with their Hover boards in the park.

Andrei also played badminton again with his Daddy!

After a lot of play time in the park, we continued the fun at The Virrey house.

Yihiii! Thanks Ninong Jonahs for Andrei's gift!

Of course, we would never have a birthday celebration without our usual song!

Our little lord Andrei was so happy and that's what's important!

I think Yub and I have 10 packs of these sparklers because we know how much the little lords loved them!


Thanks so muchos Team Virrey for making Andrei so happy on his birthday weekend!

The boys afterwards watched their favorite wrestling.

While the adults (???) have coffee and chika!

Thank you for the happy Fridate Team Virrey!

That Sunday, we met with the Chinese Adonis' friends and their families for Sunday lunch.

The birthday boy Andrei and I excused ourselves because we had a date....

And Andrei is back in KIDZANIA!

This time, we went for the activities that Andrei loved even if he had to pay Kidzos.

Super fun birthday with my bunsoy!

Check out the fun we had in KIDZANIA!!!!

Before going home, Andrei really requested to have a caricature of him made.

It was near closing time and the artist lady was about to pack up. Good thing the lady obliged to drawing Andrei after he said it was his birthday.

He really requested the nice lady to put HAPPY BIRTHDAY on his drawing!

For dinner after KIDZANIA, we met up with TEAM CAMPO at Andrei's Japanese favorite, GENKI SUSHI!

Wohooo! Love you muchos Mareng Gail and Pareng Jun!!! Andrei was so happy to see Sasha and Sky!

For dessert, we went to COFFEE BEAN AND TEA LEAF to continue our "party". He he he he!

We all sang to Andrei once again a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Afterwards, the little lords played with the little ladies!

They taught them how to play Bato Bato Picks!

He he he he he!

Baby Sky immediately learned how!

We concluded Andrei's birthday night and week with a sparkling song!

The birthday boy asked for the special candles and so he got it!

The Yub and I always believed that during birthdays, you could never have enough birthday songs!

Andrei was almost hypnotized! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

To officially mark the end of Andrei's birthday week, guess who celebrated with us?

No, not just BGP Marian and Manong Fred!

The cast of MY PABEBE LOVE joined us!

Tee hee! Just kidding! But we did receive premiere tickets and we all decided to celebrate there.

Afterwards, BGP Marian and Manong Fred treated us for Andrei's 9th birthday at IPPUDO!!!

Of course, Andrei's favorite part was when we sang him a birthday song!

What's your wish Andrei?

He liked it so much that he did it again.

Yep! While his Ninong Fred was bugging him.


It was supposed to be a 2 week birthday, but when Andrei was begging for the Hoverboard, one of his "negotiating tactics" was to lessen his celebration to one week. Tee hee! So we followed him!

Seriously though, it was a fun and memorable week long party for my bunsoy. I know there really is no need for lavish or over the top festivities but we just love putting in a little effort to show how much we love him. 

Besides, there are many, many things we are thankful for and we are celebrating that as well! 

We are thankful that Andrei is blessed to be a healthy, smart, naughty, and loving little boy.
We are thankful that the YAPPY BUNCH are all together in sharing our love for the little lord.
We are thankful for the special people (family and friends) who joined us and/or sent their loving wishes to my Andrei.
We are just so thankful for EVERYTHING.

So many pa but I would rather pray about it. SECRET! He he he he he!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dearest! I hope you had another memorable time turning a year older. Your Daddy, Kuya and I certainly did!!!


To the older Andrei who'll read this in the future, NO TATTOO allowed pa din.

Check out the "tattoo" he made recently on his leg. Talagang Grab Taxi eh no? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

So. There. Har de har har!


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