
Tuesday, February 9, 2016


When Andrei celebrated his week-long birthday, I asked him if he wanted to go to DREAMPLAY since we haven't been there yet. For some reason, my bunsoy did not feel like going to the popular indoor theme park in City of Dreams but instead, wanted to go again to KIDZANIA. Usually, I wouldn't have any problem following the birthday boy's wishes. BUT, we just visited KIDZANIA less then a month ago and the admission fee was not "fiesta carnival" level ah. The rates at KIDZANIA are a bit higher compared to other kiddie areas in the country so it would be more practical to go there after about 2 or 4 months.

But my little birthday boy was adamant about going back to KIDZANIA. Even if he already agreed to go to DREAMPLAY, his wawa puss n' boots facial expression was actually still rooting for the place where kids do big things. I thought "Why am I putting ahead what I want rather than what the birthday boy has been wishing for???" So finally my practical kill-joy self lost this battle and agreed to go there for my Andrei's special weekend.

When Andrei and I announced to THE YAPPY BUNCH that we were going to KIDZANIA on this Sunday, I got groans from Mati and a guilty shrug from the Chinese Adonis. Dear Master Mati said since he just went there, he would rather stay home. The same went for the Chinese Adonis but more because I was asking him to pay for himself.

Normally I would force everyone to go since this is a birthday trip. But then I realized that we DID just go there and I bet Yub's cooties are still in the seats in Mcdonalds! Also, to be honest, by not forcing Yub and Mati to go would at least save us money for some other things.


So it's just going to be Mommy and the little bunsoy for Andrei's KIDZANIA BIRTHDAY TREAT!


THE YAPPY BUNCH met with the Chinese Adonis' childhood friends for lunch (blog post soon to follow). Andrei threw a hissy fit here and I admit that I somehow lost my temper. Good thing that we settled everything later on when we excused ourselves early (leaving Mati... HA!) to go to KIDZANIA.

When we got to KIDZANIA, the guard wasn't letting anything in yet. It's great that we already purchased our tickets online that when I asked Manong if we could just wait inside (because it was more comfortable there), he agreed.

And like last time, we were the first in line. We were not really supposed to to queue yet but Andrei wanted to station himself at the front.

Yep! We're eager beavers like that yknow!

When the KIDZANIA ticketing counter opened, we were pleasantly surprised that the nice guy who took our tickets before was the same guy who attended to us today.

I think Andrei is growing up so sentimental like me. He also insisted on staying on the same chairs we sat on the first time we were there. 

My birthday bunsoy is ready!

And finally we're back in KIDZANIA!!

Unlike our first trip there, we did not run for the bank since we still had money from our last visit.

This time we immediately went for the KIDZANIA Pazzport office, Their system did not work properly the last time so we only got a temporary pazzport. 

If you see yourself being a regular customer of KIDZANIA (and I'm sure you will be), do get yourself a pazzport. It will certainly make your activities more worth your time with the extra points and discounts!

YAHOOO! Andrei is now a distinguished citizen of KIDZANIA!

Now, where to go first in KIDZANIA???

In KIDZANIA, the children could earn money, or Kidzos, by doing various "jobs". In return, they could participate on doing fun activities which they have to pay for. 

With that, since Andrei earned a lot of kidzos from our first trip, he decided to go for the fun activities.

When you make your choice, check out the sign at the entrance to get more information about your KIDZANIA activity or job.

Andrei directly went for the KIDZANIA Aviation Academy to learn how to be a pilot. It was his favorite the last time we were there. For the lesson, you would need to pay 15 kidzos (if you have a pazzport, you only need to shell out 13!)

In KIDZANIA, they always give out hairnets to be more sanitary with the helmets and caps. They don't scrimp on this and would give the child a new one per activity. But it would be more economical if you just keep your hairnet and reuse it for the day.

Andrei is a pilot in training!!!!

They don't allow parents inside the activity/job because KIDZANIA practiced independence for kids.

 So for the photo-addict Mommies, you need to get creative in capturing those pictures. He he he he he!

All hail Captain Andrei!

You know what? Because of KIDZANIA, now Andrei wants to be a pilot. He said that when he grows up, he'll take me to different countries.


Yup! Just me!

Serves you right Chinese Adonis for not going with us. HA!

The Aviation Academy in KIDZANIA is a very popular one and lines could be horrendous. So you may want to head here after the bank like what Andrei did!

Up next, Andrei ran for the KIDZANIA Ice Cream Factory that was just also in the Mezzanine level.

Again, you had to pay 15 Kidzos here and if you have a pazzport you just give out 13!

Andrei is first!

I love how he learned to do the official greeting in KIDZANIA!

In the Ice Cream Making factory, they were made to identify the different flavors from sample powders. 

Andrei smelled and guessed with all his might!

The kiddies were shown the usual equipment that factories used in Ice Cream making.

Afterwards, the participants got a sweet treat!

Ice Cream!!!!!!!!!!

In activities where the children pay for the fun, they would usually get goodies as "reward". I find these "rewards" so sulit because they also serve as extra snacks for the kid!

Andrei was so excited to eat his ice cream! He felt like he created it!

I discovered in the Mezzanine level of KIDZANIA, they had various areas where you could sit, wait, and eat the snacks while your kiddies play!

Me and the Androse got the "cafe" all to ourselves!

After Andrei finished his ice cream, we went to the bank to get his 50 Kidzos that came with the ticket.

There's no more line at this time!

Andrei wanted to drive the KIDZANIA cars but before they'll allow him to do so, he needed to attend a driving school and get his driver's license.

And we made another payment!

Hmmm... I think Andrei has to "work" soon.

In the KIDZANIA A1 driving school, Andrei was given lessons on the different road signs and traffic safety.

His favorite part of course was the driving simulation!

Yohoo! Andrei got his license! 

Hmmm.... This is faster than LTO! He he he he he he!

My little roadster immediately ran to the driving station.

Andrei was not able to go here the last time we were in KIDZANIA so he was extra excited.

There he was given more safety reminders.

Andrei immediately ran for the black car!

Basta driver, sweet lover!

Getting some gas.

At about 4:30pm, we went back to the bank so that Andrei could open an account.

I advised Andrei to do this so that he could get an ATM for his Kidzos. This would be more convenient when he's making payments.

Go Andrei!

Andrei is familiar with the process because I also brought him to the bank when I opened him an account for his savings.

Up next, we were back again at the Mezzanine level to spend more money at another fun KIDZANIA activity!

Hmmm! A bottling plant!

Why it's the Coca Cola bottling company!

I'm glad that when we went to KIDZANIA, more people were interested in doing the kiddie work that there were few participants in the paying activities!

Hold your horses! No, wait a minute. I'm actually glad for THIS very pretty KIDZANIA Bottling plant attendant.

If she was my teacher, I'd stare too!

Go Andrei! Work on your moves!!! He he he he he he!

And Andrei's coke came out!

Once again, Andrei felt that he created the complimentary Coke drink!

He even personalized it for his "PARENS".

Awwwww!!!!! I love you Andrei!

The KIDZANIA Snack Factory was very near so Andrei was curious to try that out as well.

It was not hard to figure out why because if it's chips, Andrei will most likely be visiting!

Ooh! My little quality control guy!

Again, they were made to guess the type of ingredient used in making the chips.

Andrei had a lot of fun here.

My happy boy!

In the end of the activity, he got a chippy!

He ate this with so much gusto going to his next mission.

Yep! He wanted to become a pilot again. He he he he he he he!

Even if this was his second time, I agreed for Andrei to go for the Aviation academy one more time. It IS his birthday celebration anyway.

I salute you Captain Andrei!

He he he he he!

Before we went to KIDZANIA, I told Andrei that since it will only be him and Mommy, we needed a plan just in case we get separated from each other. Of course, I wouldn't leave him, but I said that just in case he was in an activity and I had to make poop (yup!With boys you have to be graphic), and he can't find me, we will just meet at MCDONALD'S near the driving center.

Good thing that Andrei and I agreed on that because after this picture was taken, I thought of going to the parent's lounge to buy some coffee. I figured my boy would still be there when I finish.

Lo and behold, when I got out (after 5 minutes) I waited and waited. The lessons took awfully long. I finally asked the attendant and learned (to my horror) that they let have already dismissed the kiddies from Andrei's batch.


I immediately ran to the first floor going to Mcdonald's. Even if my son is already 9 years old, this is the first (and only time I hope) that we were unintentionally separated from each other! Ngiii!!!!!

I know that Andrei is safe since his tag will not allow him to exit without me. But still, I was so worried! When I got to MCDONALD'S, he was not there!!! However, I stayed put because I had faith in my son. I know that he will remember my directions and be able to go to our "emergency meeting place".

True enough, and I would never EVER forget the image until the end of times, I saw Andrei walking slowly by MCDONALD'S with an anxious expression on his face. Hay naku! I really ran to him and gave him a tight hug. Thank God! I was so glad that we made that agreement before going to KIDZANIA! 

Hay naku! No matter how old a kid is, when he gets lost, a parent is hysterical! 

And since we're in Mcdonald's, Andrei had another go at the Driving station which was besides the famous fast food restaurant!

Hmmm...Just a little more inches Andrei and you could play for the NBA like you always dreamed of! He he he he he!

Andrei went for the red car this time.

While Andrei was driving, I decided it was time to have a snack. I ordered a Filet o' Fish meal with fries and soda. 

See the coffee on the upper right? That's the culprit and "temptress" that made me lose sight of Andrei!!! He he he he he he he!

Our time in KIDZANIA is only from 3:00pm to 8:00pm. But do remember that the last cut off for a job or activity is usually by 7:30pm. With that, Andrei went for a job to earn some Kidzos on his last stint in KIDZANIA for the day.


Lining up!

Andrei made a friend in KIDZANIA who was as kulit as him!

My window washer! Ain't he cute????

Andrei went with his "boss" to go to the establishment where he'll clean windows.

His task for the day was in the kiddie playground at the Mezzanine area.

Go Andrei!

There's is something hypnotizing about window washing.

Andrei certainly had a lot of concentration on his task.

You can do it Andrei!

And his job is done!

His boss gave him her hearty congratulations, KIDZANIA way!

As we were about to go, Andrei saw that he could have a caricature of himself!

The lady was getting ready to pack up but when Andrei told her that he was in KIDZANIA for his birthday week, she nicely agreed to do one for him.

She asked questions about what Andrei wanted to be when he grows up. My bunsoy naman really requested that she put "Happy Birthday" on the drawing. 

Thanks muchos to the kind and pretty lady!


Andrei received a loot bag with the caricature drawing.

While waiting, I saw a familiar sight again!


I used to work there as a DJ! VERY fun times!!

And it's time for us to go!

It's just funny because before leaving, Andrei suddenly felt like going to the restroom. 

When my boy finished and we're heading for the exit, we heard a security guard radioing "Nakita na po namin sila. Papalabas na po."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Apparently KIDZANIA staff people were looking for us because we were the only people unaccounted for in their system. Now THAT'S security!

Honestly before, I was not that enthusiastic to take my children to KIDZANIA because I consider it too pricey for a limited time of fun. 

But now after ANOTHER great visit to this popular indoor kiddie play area, I am a convert! I love how KIDZANIA gives your money's worth with the activities, the cleanliness of the place, the smart and educated attendants, and the security. Not only that, I appreciate how it really inspires the children on what they want to be when they grow up.

Wow! I might have my very own pilot soon!!!!

Looking forward to make ANOTHER return to KIDZANIA VERY soon!

So. There.

Park Triangle Mall, North 11th Avenue,
 Bonifacio Global City
Taguig, Philippines
632 711-KIDZ (5439)

Check these out:


Missing the Chinese Adonis and Mati?

Don't worry, they picked us up afterwards to have dinner with Team Campo in GENKI SUSHI!!!!

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