
Wednesday, January 27, 2016


THE YAPPY BUNCH were in LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR for a family staycation and we're all having an awesome time. The sun may be at its brightest, the travel may be long, the wait may be a few more hours for our room to be ready, but we were all still in a jolly mood!

Of course, besides falling in love with the beautiful surroundings, what else could get us all giddy and happy?


We just finished our HERITAGE TOUR  and it certainly worked up our appetite. The restaurant nearby that served Filipino food was very full so we went to the beachfront villas area to try out the house that served Mexican dishes.

Well they did say Mexican dishes but I pleasantly discovered that they had a lot of Filipino and Spanish items as well!


CAFE DEL RIO was set up in a simple house with that old Filipino style like most houses in LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR!

CAFE DEL RIO was packed as well but the attendants assured us the wait will not be long.

If you're wondering why I'm posing like that, let's just say I'm covering my big "asset". He he he he he he!

We didn't mind waiting by the stone tables because there was such a lovely view to entertain us.

Master Mati gave his thumbs up on this!

As for Andrei, he was busy as usual playing with his Monster Truck. He he he he he!

The friendly attendants asked if we're okay to have the table set up beside the shady grassy area. Of course we were!!! It was actually cooler and more windy in this side...

.... as the exposure of my bare "asset" will prove that. He he he he he he!

The Chinese Adonis and Mati got settled.

My master Mati loved taking charge and sitting at the head of our table.  When he grows up, I'll still save him that seat then make him pay as well.


Time to order!

CAFE DEL RIO menu 1...

CAFE DEL RIO menu 2...

I was told that CAFE DEL RIO serve really good barbecues but nobody was craving for anything that was hot off the grill that day.  I for one have been hungry for sisig since yesterday!

Too bad because they said that CAFE DEL RIO's Barbecues were good for 2 people!

My boys waiting for their food by the mountains....

First on the table was a plate of CAFE DEL RIO Gambas (P350.00). The attendant said this was one of their best sellers but it was just alright for us. 

It was good and delicious with rice. But I would've liked it if  it had more oils and garlic for me to mop the bread with.

One of my favorite shrimp dishes in the world is gambas and I so look forward to wolfing this down with my garlic rice!

Mati is Mr. Calamares boy and he ALWAYS get this off the menu whenever its available. So it's really no wonder that he ordered this platter to feast on.

We got several pieces of cripsy calamares (P395.00) that is enough to share. It also smelled awesome so I was looking forward to get a piece later on. 

And my craving since yesterday... Crispy Sisig (P395.00)!!

Sisig is just heaven for me and I could eat it everyday! I haven't encountered a sisig that I didn't like because the way that it is cooked, it's fool proof! Every sizzling plate of sisig is just perfect in every way!

Just a few dashes of seasoning, a small squirt of calamansi, AND a little squeeze of chili sauce, and this is SOOOOO good to go (pun intended). If I wasn't watching my figure (yeah I have one bozo!), I would've ate the whole thing!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in CAFE DEL RIO!

My happy Mati!


In no time....

Wow! We were hungry that day! But I remember that we were also groaning from being too full afterwards!


Our CAFE DEL RIO bill!

While the Chinese Adonis and I were finishing off the little lords' leftovers, they agreed to have their pictures taken at this side of the restaurant. 

Beautiful right?

What a great meal to start off our LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR staycation. Besides the delicious food, we also enjoyed the breath taking view (from where we were seated) and the warm service.

Great job CAFE DEL RIO!

89 Brgy. Pag-asa, Bagac, 2107 
Bagac, Bataan 
(63-2) 3325338 or (63-2) 3325286

Check these out!

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