
Wednesday, December 16, 2015


I'm not really a fan of the words "whatever will be, will be" when it comes to planning and mapping out an itinerary. For me, there should always be a schedule and a definite agenda for the day. However, as I got older (ahem) I have come to accept that things could not always go our way and we should learn how to conform when needed. Because really, sometimes things just happen for a reason that it may even be a pleasant surprise for us.

This is EXACTLY what happened to THE YAPPY BUNCH one weekend!

Usually on Sundays, we would go to mass, have a quick snack, then rush home for our family lunch. However for this particular family day, we did not go to our usual church and instead, heard mass at SHANGRILA MALL.

The little lords were behaved during service but Andrei saw how there was this driving school that was set up at the other side. He kept asking if we could check it out after mass and I kept answering him that we'll see if we'll have time for it.

After mass, the Chinese Adonis and little Andrei immediately rushed towards the registering counter and learned that Andrei will be scheduled for the second batch at 2:30pm. Oh no! We won't be home in time for our family lunch!!!

We realized though that this may be the only time that Andrei will get to try this kiddie driving school. It may not be like what they have in KIDZANIA but still, it is something that my little lord could learn from. So we just prepared to change our plans for that afternoon and go ahead with it.

Lo and behold! While we were waiting, the attendants informed us that some of the the kiddies who registered were late and they already needed to start. So that means Andrei could now take an earlier slot!


We may be a bit late for our family lunch but at least we could still catch up! Later on we learned that my sister and brother will also be arriving at the same time as us. So that means we'll all still be having our (late) lunch together!

Isn't it great how things happen for a reason and works out in the end?

And for our Sunday, it's all because of Andrei and his strive to drive! Ha ha ha ha! 

The CHILD SAFETY INITIATIVE was set up by Volkswagen Philippines to educate little kiddies on the rules of traffic.

The program occupied most of the main floor of EDSA SHANGRILA thus catching the attention of most of the kiddies.

It was only available for one weekend so it was great that we were in EDSA SHANGRILA that Sunday!

The attendants were very nice and accommodating. I'm grateful that they immediately considered Andrei when some of the participants were late.

Maybe because Andrei scared them with THIS talent. He he he he!

The process!

Andrei having his picture taken for his driver's license!

Andrei was particularly raring to try out this set which simulated the movement of traffic.

Wow! Even bears are getting in on the program!

I admire how bears could drive using only their bare hands.

That's "b-a-r-e" just in case somebody was reading this out to you. Tee hee!

While they were waiting, Andrei was given some coloring materials to work on.

Go Andrei! Go create your rainbow! He he he he he!

Some of the younger kids were already starting.

The Volkswagen attendants were calling out the kiddies for the slot. 

This traffic safety seminar for children was free and yet it was very organized. I appreciate that they only accepted a small number of participants per batch so they were not so crowded during their schedule.

Andrei waited for his turn!

To kick off the seminar, they had Volkswagen Safety officer to teach the children about traffic rules and regulations.

She seemed to be very strict and was like the teacher you feared in school!

She had this commanding presence that instantly made the children sit up and listen.

Check out Mati who was listening as well.

The Safety Officer would always give out questions for the kiddies and Andrei would often raise his hand to answer. 


When you see this sign what does it mean? 

Should you... STOP!

a. Collaborate and listen?
b. In the Name of Love?
c. Need somebody with the human touch?

Tee heee....

Mati was also interested in the topic but was already too old to participate. We just stayed on the sides to listen. 

The Safety Instructor later called the children in the front for a closer lesson on the ways of the road.

You know how it is when you know the answer and you raised your hand but the teacher didn't call you?

That's what happened to Andrei. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yep! He pulled the "I'm really going to scratch my head" pose.

FINALLY it was time for the kiddies to go to the driving course for their practice run!

Even if the cars were small in size, Andrei still had a lot of fun going around the mini-driving course.

They were all asked to follow traffic rules....

... with the help of the traffic lights!

Go Andrei!

Mati supposed his little brother at one side!

After the practice run, the children really had a driving task in the course.

They will be going on certain routes while following all traffic rules.

If they did well, the attendant would sign on their "test" paper!

While that was happening, I was chatting with my HS friend Virginia who was also there with her son!

Yey!! Andrei is done!!!

He finished! Wohoo!

It may be a short activity, but it was something my little bunsoy enjoyed.

Andrei's all done and just waiting for his driver's license to be processed!

And by george, he's got it!

Andrei is now a licensed (junior) driver!!!

And he also made a new friend! That's Virginia's son right there!

And it was time to go home! What a great morning! I'm so happy for Andrei that he was able to catch the CHILD SAFETY INITIATIVE PROGRAM that weekend!

Like I said, though we were not able follow our usual Sunday schedule, we had a pleasant surprise that changed the plans but it still worked out great in the end. 

AND! We got Andrei his first ever driving license to boot!

Andrei: "Could I drive home now Mommy?"


Ha ha ha ha ha!

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