
Thursday, November 26, 2015


For many Saturdays already, Andrei has been wishing hard to go to Rizal Park and have a picture by the Rizal Shrine. As much the Chinese Adonis and I want to give him what he wants, we all know how traffic has been horrendous for the past few months that we were really very hesitant to go. It did not help too that it has already been bed weather with the "BER" months that tearing ourselves from our cool beds just so we could dive into the busy and traffic streets of Roxas Boulevard is not something I would go "yipeeeekeeyay" for.

But of course, this is Andrei. My little lovable bunsoy. He's not asking for an expensive gadget or toy. He just wants to see the Rizal Shrine. Of course, we have already been there before in our other Manila days. But for his Filipino subject this year, they are taking up Jose Rizal and because of that, he really wanted to learn more about our National Hero.

Now am I that bad a parent to deprive him of something that wants to learn more about? Something that will cost us almost nothing to enjoy? Something that is about the man who is considered to be epitome of a true Filipino????

Not so much!

So the Chinese Adonis and a wailing Mati lazily took baths earlier than usual and got ready to invade the streets of Manila. To be honest, I heard many grumbles and complaints from the other boys but I just appeased them by saying how it's Andrei's day today and that in the future we'll be doing something that they'll like also.

Like let's say.... watch porn for the Yubsker?


When all has been said and done, we seriously had a lot of fun doing something different from our usual Saturday routine. Besides discovering the CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND, the YAPPY BUNCH still got awestruck at the familiar sight of the RIZAL SHRINE. At the end of the day too it felt great to be able to do things that not only caused great enjoyment for the family, but we were able to take home some valuable learnings about our culture. And we got all of that by just putting a little effort in getting out of bed and thinking about the very determined Andrei.




And there stands our glorious Philippine Flag.

Why is it that no matter how our government officials or countrymen fail us, when I look at the flag and sing "Lupang Hinirang", my faith is always restored?

Sniff sniff.... I still believe in our beautiful country!

We then see THE RIZAL SHRINE! Even if it was hot, the sight of it made us stop dead in our tracks. 

There is of course something about being in the site of where our National Hero is buried. You immediately feel the solemnity, the impressiveness, the dedication, and the heroism in the air. Everything about the place just demanded respect and a true Filipino would never hesitate to bestow it. 

Now I may not have top grades in our history classes but to be in a place where a lot of significant events happened is enough to send chills down my spine. I'm glad that the little lords are feeling it too: Mati stopped asking when it's time to go (yup that early) while Andrei was so happy to be there. 

Yey! My dearest Andrei finally got his wish to have another picture by the RIZAL MONUMENT!

So happy for him! And even if Andrei's all quiet, I could sense that he's giddy up inside. Normally he doesn't like it when I take a lot of pictures. But with THE RIZAL MONUMENT behind him, he let me click away without any complaints!

It was hot but the little lords removed their hats to show respect.

Wait. I see an ABOMINABLE eyesore to the right.

There. Much better.

Hats got back on though.

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in LUNETA PARK!

Sorry. I cannot remove that stupid building anymore.

The Chinese Adonis and I wanted to have a family picture without that %&$#@ structure and this is the best that we could do.


You may be wondering why the Chinese Adonis and I were wearing these #BULAGAPAMORE and #ALDUB shirts.

Well it's because it's NATIONAL PABEBE WAVE DAY too!

And since it's also an important day for the EAT BULAGA nation, we thought of doing our PABEBE WAVE with one of the most popular tourist spots in Manila!

After the RIZAL MONUMENT, we went to the actual place where Dr. Jose Rizal was executed!

We have already been here during our INDEPENDENCE DAY 2014 visit but the way Andrei studied the statues you would think that it's the first time ever for him to go here!

The Chinese Adonis and I perched ourselves on one of the stone squares and just let the little lords go around and explore. 

Mati went around the middle area where they have giant statues showing the shooting of our hero.

In this part of RIZAL PARK, they have light shows with stations depicting the significant moments before the execution of Dr. Jose Rizal.

Andrei went to each station and really stared at the statues!

Awww my cutie pie Andrei!

He was really curious why the Mommy in this station was crying.

I told Andrei that in this station, Dr. Jose Rizal was writing "MI ULTIMO O DIOS", one of his best works ever.


Oh I'm kidding! I just remembered reading somewhere how a dog was present during the execution of Dr. Jose Rizal. The animal-lover in me got all sentimental upon seeing that they also included this furry spectator among the statues.

I was so proud later on when Kuya Mati ran up to Andrei and explained what was going on in the stations.

These two would always fight over the most trivial things that's why moments like these make me so warm up inside.

Cheers talaga to brotherly love!

It was getting late and we had dinner reservations (Yep! That's how fast time passed for us!). But the little lords still didn't want to go.

In the end, we had to tear ourselves away from this beautiful and iconic place in Manila. I suddenly remembered that no matter how many times we go to Luneta, it still impresses me on so many levels.

Yes. Even if the weather is burning.
Yes. Even if the people are going about everywhere.
AND YES, even if there's a horrible structure on the side. 

LUNETA in RIZAL PARK is the benchmark of Filipino love and dedication. So don't forget to take your kids there from time to time.

PLUS when they ask you to go to Luneta with them, don't think, just do it!

Thanks Andrei for thinking up of this wonderful day!


Roxas Boulevard, Ermita, 
Manila, Philippines

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