
Tuesday, September 22, 2015


In our 4th day in Japan, my brother said that we will be going to the MEIJI SHRINE in SHIBUYA. I announced this to the little lords and they all groaned "We're going to a shrine again???" I couldn't blame them since we've been walking up marathons to different religious sites in Japan that we were a bit tired.

Yes, only a bit!

Well, physically our feet was almost screaming for us to rest but I remember that every time we get to our destination, all tiredness will just disappear as we bask in the beauty of all of it.

And that is what exactly happened to us when we came onto MEIJI SHRINE in SHIBUYA, TOKYO. We had a veerrrrryyyyy long walk but it was also such a beautiful stroll that we didn't have any feeling of fatigue at all! Even the little lords forgot that we have been going on foot almost the whole day and even managed to run around.

I guess that's what the oriental exquisiteness Japan bestows upon its international guests -- a natural beauty that re-energizes the heart and the soul that we'd be asking for more.

And yes, I'm sure the little lords would agree, that we'd always want more of Japan...

...INCLUDING, the shrines! :)


After our walk in SHIBUYA CROSSING we took a train to Harajuku!

From there, we made a short uphill walk!

We stopped by a small FAMILY MART to buy cold drinks. Then after that, we did some walking again.

What are you scratching there little Andrei??

Don't you just hate it when you're trying to take a selfie and do it before you're ready?

And then we're here!


Well actually, this is just the gateway to it or the TORII. There is still a long walk inside. 

See what I mean?

MEIJI SHRINE could be found in a forest that has an area of 70 hectares!

MEIJI SHRINE is actually aligned with YOYOGI park making it a wonderful walk on a lane with towering trees. 

They say that the whole area consists of 120,000 trees of 365 different species. These were donated from all over Japan for the shrine!

The SHRINE was actually built by Emperor MEIJI for his Empress Shoken and was completed on 1920. 

They say that the shrine was destroyed during World War 2 but it was immediately rebuilt soon after. 

The walk towards MEIJI SHRINE was like a stroll in a spa. It was just so relaxing and soothing especially with the soft breeze and the light rustling of the trees.

HAAAY! The Japanese are so blessed to have THIS anytime they want some peace and solitude!

This way to KIYOMASA'S WELL!

The KIYOMASA'S WELL is famous in bringing luck to those who used the famous structure as background screens on their cellphones.

Wow! A Japanese historical site that works with today's technology!

The well was actually dug up by a famous feudal warlord Kato Kiyomasa and has been bringing forth tourists and locals alike as they believe the spot generates strong positive energy.

For a fee of only Y500, I'd get me LOADS of good luck!!!

Alas, it was already closed when we went there.


To ease our disappointment (and big pwits!) we stopped by a cafe for some cold drinks and ice cream!

We love Japan's ice cream! They're light, smooth, velvety, and just overall delicious!

We continued our long walk and came upon these barrels of sake that were donated to the MEIJI SHRINE!

The idea is very simple as they just stacked the crates of Japan's most famous drink atop one another. But the total look was still something that many use it as a backdrop for selfies and groufies!

It states on the MEIJI SHRINE information board that "During the Meiji Era, Emperor Meiji, whose divine soul is enshrined here at Meiji Jingu, led the industrial growth and modernization of Japan by encouraging various industries and supporting technological development. Due to their grace and virtue, Emperor Meiji and his consort, Empress Shoken, the beloved mother of our nation whose soul is also enshrined here, are held in the highest esteem by the Japanese people. These sake barrels are offered every year to the enshrined deities by members of the Meiji Jingu Zenkoku Shuzo Keishinkai (Meiji Jingu Nationwide Sake Brewers Association) including the Kotokai, which has made offerings of sake for generations, as well as other sake brewers around Japan wishing to show their deep respect for the souls of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken. In addition to stating our humble gratitude to all of the brewers who have so graciously donated their sake, we also pray for the continuous prosperity of the sake brewing industry and all the other industries maintaining Japan's traditional culture."

On the opposite side there were also stacks of barrels of wine!

According to the information board posted, it states that "The Meiji period was an enlightened period during which a policy of "Japanese spirit and Western Knowledge" was adopted, to learn from best of Western culture and civilization while keeping Japan's age-old spirit and revered traditions. Emperor Meiji led the way in promoting modernization by embracing many features of western culture in his personal life such as shearing his topknot and donning western attire, and in many other aspects of daily living. Among these departures, His Majesty set an example by taking western food and in particular by enjoying wine with it." 

"The barrels of wine to be consecrated at Meiji Jingu have been offered by the celebrated wineries of Bourgogne in France on the initiative of Mr. Yasuhiko Sata, Representative, House of Burgundy in Tokyo, Honorary citizen of Bourgogne and owner of the Chateau de Chailly Hotel-Golf. Profound gratitude is due to the wine makers who have so generously contributed to this gift to be consecrated here to the spirit of world peace and amity, with the earnest prayer that France and Japan will enjoy many more fruitful years of friendship."

After a long walk, we are almost at our destination!


And that is where we finally see the entrance to the MEIJI SHRINE!

As always before you enter any shrine in Japan, you need to cleanse yourself.

You do so by washing your right hand then left hand...

Then use it to cleanse your mouth. 

DON'T drink or gargle the water! Just wash your mouth without taking anything in!

Then you wash that left hand again. 

Ate Jojit and Kuya Jon did the same.

While we were washing ourselves, a wee green caterpillar said "Hi!" 

Andrei told me to take its picture and include it in the blog.


The Chinese Adonis about to go inside a Japanese Shrine!

And we're inside! 

Well... sort of.

I'm glad that even if it was the hot afternoon, we had a lot of shade from the plants surrounding the MEIJI SHRINE! 

This may be a tourist spot but I still felt the tranquility of it all. 

Augh! Too bad we missed the festival!

A panoramic view by the entrance!

My little lords!

This is the actual entrance to the MEIJI SHRINE and it is already something very sacred to them. 

After our very long walk, the boys were so happy to see it!


By the way, if you're looking for my brothers and sisters, they're around there somewhere. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! They ditched us!!!!!

MEIJI SHRINE did not have any images or tall temples. It was like a big house with an open living room. He he he he he!

We were so fortunate that when we were in MEIJI SHRINE, there was going to be a wedding. We saw the procession led by 2 priests and 2 shrine maidens.

The couple follows under a red umbrella with their family and friends.

I was so happy for the kids that they were able to witness a sacred ceremony unique to Japan. It is very rare these days to see something that follows a colorful centuries old tradition.

In celebration, we're going to have another YELFIE (Yap Selfie... he he he he)!

My husband was so fascinated with the craftsmanship of the doorway that is probably hundred of years old!

He was so impressed that he hugged it! He he he he he!

He asked me to pose beside it too!

Hmmm... I have to admit that the door made me cuter as well! Tee hee!!!!!

I'm not really a fan of solo pictures as I would rather be with the boys, the Chinese Adonis, or SOMETHING. But my husband insisted on this one.


He took another one of us sitting by the steps going to the MEIJI SHRINE.


That is, until a Japanese monk politely told us that we're not allowed to sit there. 

Oops sorry. Ha ha ha ha!

And later on it's time to go. 

There may be another long walk but we don't mind.

The trees, the breeze, the convo, the togetherness will keep us entertained!

And it's time to say good-bye to MEIJI SHRINE!

Of course, we're going to do it THE YAPPY BUNCH WAY!

Our good bye ONE!!!

Our good bye TWO!!!

With photobombers!

And our decent good bye THREE!

Walking back, we saw this empty dojo.

I wonder if the ghosts of the former priests or samurais practiced there?


This is ERICJAZ FOODIES saying good bye...

Andrei insisted on joining me for ANOTHER good bye...

Okay fine. We cannot just say good bye to this spot without doing it THE YAPPY BUNCH way! 

Tee hee!

Note that my brothers and sisters AND Mati already deserted us at this time.

And we're back to civilization.

After such a beautiful walk among the trees from the MEIJI SHRINE, I'm not used to the hustle and bustle of the city no matter how clean and orderly it is!

But I AM used to my weird family.

Life is okay again.

He he he he he he he!


A must see when you're in the area. If you love greens and nature like we do, then this would be like a spa session for you. 

So. There.

1-1 Yoyogikamizonocho, Shibuya, 
Tokyo 151-8557, Japan
+81 3-3379-5511

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