
Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Having a family barbecue in Antipolo has already been a favorite activity for ERICJAZ FOODIES that, unlike before, we do not mind braving the traffic to go up my brother's "mountain". Now, even for the most trivial of reasons, we find ways to get my brother firing up that grill!! And yes, by hook or by crook, we're going to get our gritty teeth on those very juicy barbecues!

Good thing that during Chuckie's vacation in the Philippines, we do not need to come up with another mundane excuse to have another ANTIPOLO BARBECUE.

We just needed to force Chuckie to say so! He he he he!

Kidding aside yes, we really allotted a special day for my FOB nephew (tee hee) to have our favorite barbecue high up the mountains. And like what happened in our previous ANTIPOLO trips we were feasting on our grilled favorites like there was no tomorrow.

Of course, while eating, we were already conjuring up another excuse to have ANOTHER Antipolo Barbecue.

With or without Chuckie...

BWA HA HA HA HA HA (evil monster laugh)!

When we arrived in ANTIPOLO, a long table was already set up at the azutea of my brother's house.

Yup! This will be the scene of the "crime" later!

While the oldies were setting up, Andrei asked if he could play some basketball. Look at him shoot some hoops!

What we loved about having our barbecue in my brother's house is that we have a marvelous view of the sun going down.

It makes even the lamest of actors try to go for that intense look!

Ha ha ha ha ha! Love you Chuckie!

Me with my brother's new baby!

I think he loves this more than Rocio.... Kidding!

Well I certainly do!


Some of the grub for tonight...

Mmm.... Steak! 

At Twilight (my favorite movie of ALL TIME), my brother started to fire up the grill.

As always, Andrei volunteered to help his Tito Jay out.

(Of course you DO know I'm just kidding about Twilight right?)

The others were helping too... BY STARING.

And MORE staring!

Check out THE HONEST TRAILERS on Youtube! I am so addicted to it! I love the back ground music on STARES. Ha ha ha ha ha!

For some reason, I feel that even the table is "staring" at my brother and his grill.... He he he he he!


Something that should always be present at every barbecue!

Of course, besides the barbecue. 


The raw steak found new friends to keep it company.


Or is it chorizoes?

Veggies to grill!

Chuckie is still STARING!

Time to skewer some meats!

First on the grill is our favorite fatty pork liempo!

My brother does this oh so well.

I'm sure Mati would agree if Rocio was not sitting on his lap.

Karen, my sister in law, was also busy preparing the other non-grilled eats!

She whipped up some fresh vegetable roll and a little condiments section for the soon-to-be-created chorizo burger.

Yub was the one always tasked to cut up the meats that were hot off the grill!

I'm sure it takes some Herculean effort to control himself from sneaking many bites. And he does it so wonderfully! 

I hope though that he doesn't DROOL over our steaks!!!

First on our plate!

My brother always flavors this perfectly with Cajun that I eat more white rice than I should!

Chuckie waited for his meat by sipping on some martini that Rocio prepared for him.

Yup! My niece doesn't drink but she sure could whip up a mean martini!

Come on grill!!! Cook some more!

I always loved the intense and smokey flavors of barbecue!

The kiddies were starting to eat!

Well don't count my sister here.


I didn't fancy onions when I was little. Now, I could have it semi-cooked almost on everything! 

Plus points if the onions were grilled! I love eating it with my barbecue!

Sorry Yub. Somebody will be smelling like a Shawarma tonight.

Mati just loves flashing the L sign any chance he could.

I think he means that he "LOVES" me. Yup! I bet that's it!

My appetizer for the night -- an instant choriburger!!!

While the others were busy with the barbecued pork chops, shrimps, and steak, Andrei was more than happy with his hotdogs!

Yup! He gobbled them all up like crazy! It's a good thing he didn't choke!

Surfin' and Turfin' on the grill!

Plus some chicken!


Oooh lala....

Oh yes! It's as messy and as delicious as it looks!


Me first plate!

Me very blurry second plate!

Me third plate! 

Check out how pink that steak is! WOHOO!

Another great ANTIPOLO BARBECUE night!!! Hopefully my brother doesn't start charging us because I want to schedule the next one ASAP! 

He he he he!


Check these out:


  1. -HURRAH! Another Antipolo barbecue!!! (feeling ko kasama ako? hahaha...)
    -FOB - first thing that came into my mind is the shipping term, pero I'm guessing you meant "fresh off the boat?" hehehe...
    -you want an excuse to have another bbq? bring me! hahaha...
    -wala ulit si kuya Jon?
    -wow! Azotea! ngayon ko lang ulit narinig yang term na yan
    -ang ganda naman ng from ni Andrei while shooting! Teka, nasa loob ng bakuran ni Kuya Jay ang court? Wow!
    -pwede ba! Magpunta kayo minsan sa Manila Bay para mamasid niyo ang sunset dun, hahaha
    -hahaha... nakakatawa yang honest trailers talaga! Aliw na aliw ako dun sa divergent nila. =)
    -naka barong pa si Kuya Jay... alam mo, kilalang-kilala talaga siya sa programang KARAMBOLA sa DWIZ (882), 8-10am, mon-fri. Madalas banggitin ang pangalan niya dun.
    -it's "chorizos" hahaha...
    -hindi kasama ni Ate ang fiancee niya?
    -amazing willpower! but Eric didn't give in to temptation while cutting the meats, hahaha
    -I love grilled onions! The secret to getting the smell out of your mouth is to "wipe" your mouth with a stainless steel spoon; the chemical which produces the odor binds to the metal kasi. Dapat stainless steel, ha, otherwise it won't work
    -everything looks soooo fantastic! Ginutom tuloy ako at 3am, hahaha...

    Have a great Thursday Jaz! Mwah!

    1. HIya Mr. Snuff!!!! Late reply!!! I wasn't able to make a new entry pa!!! Huhuhu!!!!!

      1) Yes! FRESH OFF THE BOAT for the Philippines! Baligtarin naman natin ang balikbayan. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      2) GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      3) Ayaw magsasama nun sa Antipolo kasi nalalayuan. Ha ha ha ha ha!

      4) I don't know what it's called e... Terrace? Balcony???

      5) No that's in the clubhouse. Oo ang galing no? He really loves basketball.

      6) OO nga e... haaaay i haven't been there. I should!

      7) DI BA??? It's my favorite now. Nakakpuyat panoorin lahat. Ha ha ha ha ha!

      8) He he he he he Yes he's very good talaga.

      9) AAAAH CHORIZOS nga!

      10) Hindi. Nasa probinsya. He he he he he!

      11) Naku! I'm sure tumitikim yan bago ihain samin.

      12) Aaaah... That's a good tip! Will try it!


      Yes everything was sooo yummmy! I miss our Antipolo Barbecues!!! Thanks again Mr. Snuff! MMMWAHHHHH
