
Monday, January 12, 2015


It has already been a tradition for THE YAPPY BUNCH to go out and do some hotel hopping to welcome the New Year. I remember that before, we used to do it on the last day/eve of the year and we were always lucky then to secure seats even if there would be New Year's Eve parties left and right. Yup! The power of having 2 little kiddies! He he he he he! Later on we figured that it would be better to have this family tradition on an earlier day so that we won't be hustled and bustled with the other party-goers. With that, we had a more relaxed and enjoyable time as we really enjoyed the sights and chomps the hotel had to offer.

AND to welcome 2015, THIS is what we did!!

Our first stop for the night was once again THE PENINSULA MANILA!

Before, our route would always be start with one hotel for appetizers, the next hotel for lunch, then THE PENINSULA MANILA for dessert.

This time however, we will be meeting some people who were already like family to us so we made this itty bitty exception and had our desserts FIRST.

We saw this marble dragon welcoming us by the entrance of THE PENINSULA MANILA. I told the little lords that whoever gets the stone ball inside its mouth would get P1,000.00 from me!

Yes. I'm so mean I know.

As always, I would get pictures of all the hotel dogs that we meet for our hotel hopping. In THE PENINSULA MANILA, we saw Bullet who was so quiet and friendly.

The guard though warned us not to get the kids close because Bullet could get "over-friendly".

We went inside THE PENINSULA MANILA and as always we were in awe of its vast and elegant lobby. 

When I was there with some blogger friends a few days ago, there was a majestic Christmas tree by the entrance. So sad that they already took it down in preparation for their New Year's Eve party. 

We went around a bit and saw these two little Christmas trees at the corner. 

I wonder if they're planning to have dinner because of the tables.


That joke REALLY sucked even for me!

Here's the hall leading to SPICES.

I love the 2 grand staircases of THE PENINSULA MANILA. I would always feel like a Princess going up and down at it.

Of course, since I'm lazy to exercise, I just had a picture with the said staircase on the background. He he he he he!

I figured though it would be nice to have a picture in the staircase. And since I'm still lazy to go up, I had the 2 little lords run there! He he he he he!

Oh I'm such a model mom I know!

Okay fine. I'll spare a few steps just to have a "majestic" (ham?) picture.

It may not be obvious but I was severely panting through my nostrils in this picture.

So tired from climbing up.

Kidding! HA HA HA HA!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in THE PENINSULA MANILA (our first hop)!

THE PENINSULA MANILA may not have a grand chandelier at the center lobby, but it does have this marvelous sun that would definitely get you staring without hurting your eyes. 

Same goes for this painting which was about 2 stories high!

Of course, if you have 2 extra good looking subjects in front of you, you can't promise to stare at that "sun" and painting for too long!

The Christmas tree may be missing from the lobby but the little boys were quite entertained seeing this life-size (almost) gingerbread house.

I like it when the boys are having fun but it gets extra hard to catch a steady picture of them. 

And somebody thought of doing some pelvic thrusts. Tsk... tsk... 

And the piggy back....

And finally!

Hmmm... Did you buy my Christmas gift from there Andwei??

In THE PENINSULA MANILA, I met up with my BGP Marian and Manong Fred!

I gave her my Christmas gift which I guess got the thumb of approval from her discriminating husband (pweh). 

They were having dinner when we got there and I caught BGP having some Chicharon Bituka with rice. 

Hmmmm... I'm suddenly craving for some RECIPES grub right now!

While BGP Marian and I were chit chatting a bit, little Andrei was playing with his toy cars.

My guy Mati was more into reading right now and was quietly concentrating on his book. 

Whatever they were doing though, they happily dropped it when I asked them to go to BGP for a picture. 

The boys loved BGP Marian, especially Mati since she's his ninang. As for Andrei, well he only does THAT for special people. 

As much as I love him and support his talents, I hate it when he does that. Parang ang sakit!!!

Even if THE PENINSULA MANILA was supposed to be our last stop, we made it our first "hop" because I wanted to treat my best friend the dessert which we have been talking about back when we were in College. 


This is actually 19 scoops of deluxe home made ice cream packed with wafers, marshmallows, chocolate fudge, whipped cream, AND cherry on top. 

I also called Team Campo for reinforcements and to make BGP's little birthday salubong MORE fun!

I was supposed to arrange the PENINSULA MANILA quartet and the lobby waiters to sing a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to BGP.

It was just so funny that when I was about to go there reasoning that I had to go to the restroom, Manong Fred pointed me to the EXTRA wrong direction. Ha ha ha ha ha!

But if there was a will there was DEFINITELY a way so BGP Marian was surprised with her birthday music and song. 

AND my special birthday candle!!! He he he he!

It was extra joyous too that the little kiddies noisily sang "Happy Birthday" around their Tita/Ninang Marian. 

I have tried many times to surprise BGP before and she seem to have a spidey sense on these things. She said that tonight, she REALLY got surprised. YEY!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BGP Marian! Love you!


BGP Marian and Manong Fred with their new Pen Pal!

The Pen Pal was big enough for us 3 families. We got about 2 to 3 scoops each!

It was great that the Campos joined us for some ice cream!

One of us remarked, "Hindi siya nauubos!!!!!!!!!!!!" (It never runs out!).

I think I got about 3 small scoops of the ice cream. As much as I wanted to eat more to finish it, I was so full already!

And finally!!

We really wanted to stay more and chat with BGP Marian, Manong Fred, and Team Campo but we were going to Quezon Province early morning tomorrow and we still have to make two more "hops".

Best buds Andrei and Sasha were having a cozy time too. 

Sorry little guy but we have to go!

Our next stop!

Next stop for us was RAFFLES!!!

RAFFLES is also a residential hotel that was more cozy in size. 

Mati still felt a bit hungry (yep even after eating many scoops of ice cream) that we settled into their WRITER'S BAR for something to eat. 

WRITER'S BAR for me is a perfect place to have cocktails and specialty drinks with a hard bound book to read.

Yes. Hard bound books just have that superior look compared to other reading materials don't you think?

Hmmmm... I think I should have just bought me some hard bound copies of TWILIGHT.

Tee to the Hee!

I forgot to  mention that when we do our hotel hopping, we usually do so in our semi-formal wear. The boys have gotten used to this so they dressed up in long sleeved polo shirts. As for me, I came from the office and wasn't able to wear something that would cause more cuteness for me. Boohoo... 

Next time then. 

(In British accent)

"Excuse me but we are ready to order."

Oh yes. For some reason I suddenly felt like were in Downtown Abbey.

I'm watching it right now and that's how I will forever spell it. He he he he he!

This breath taking sparkly chandelier was over our heads while we were at the WRITER'S BAR.

Not too shabby!

Could you find Andrei? He is actually "one" with the bar now and it's hard to see him.

My dearest Mati was so excited to eat. He is such a foodie like me and gets all jumpy with the prospect of tasting something new. 

I was still so full from all that ice cream so I just ordered a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

My boys, especially Andrei, are so impatient to grow up. 

My little baby here can't wait for the day he could drink coffee. I told him he could only do so when he's in College. If he wanted to grow up as an NBA player, he should stick to milk.

As his usual practice, he volunteered to prepare my coffee so that he could sneak in a small taste of it before me.

Before we went to THE PENINSULA MANILA, Andrei suddenly got hungry and had 1 piece McChicken and rice so he didn't feel like eating anymore after THAT and the ice cream.

Good thing too so that we don't have to spend more. BWA HA HA HA HA!

He was pretty curious about the sugar cubes though and nibbled about 2 pieces of it. 

Oops... Somebody will have a sugar high tonight!

Mati's order of Fried Calamares (the black ones are in squid ink batter) with garlic rice!

Oh it smelled SOOOOO delicious that Mati was extra giddy!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords second "hop" at RAFFLES!!!

FINALLY Andrei shows his cute face!

And Mati chewed and ate his food happily!

I was able to have a taste of it and the batter was extra crunchy and tasty. The squid itself was so tender and the tartar sauce made each bite more succulent! So bagay with the garlic rice!

Dear Mati was finished in a flash!

BURP! A toast to a great 2015!!!!!!!

Our standard (but blurry) mirror shot!

When we finished in WRITERS BAR, the little lords were so disappointed to see a Christmas tree stripped naked and about to be put down in the lobby.

I told the little lords that it has already fulfilled its Christmas mission (like what Chandler and Monica told Phoebe in FRIENDS) but they still think it's MEAN. 

Well... I don't know about you but I ALWAYS feel a tug in my heart when I see Christmas decorations being put down.

Oh well...

They were really sad seeing the naked Christmas tree. But they just toughened up and gave Mommy a smile for the pic.

Don't worry. In no time, Andrei cheered up seeing THIS metal sculpture of 2 naked people playing.

Tsk... tsk... tsk...!!!!

Our last stop for the night!

Oh and just to clarify, RAFFLES and FAIRMONT Makati are located in 1 building. He he he he he! So it was just a mini-hop for all of us!

Give us a break we're travelling far tomorrow and it's already past 12 midnight!!

We noticed that in RAFFLES and FAIRMONT they didn't have hotel dogs by the entrance. This very nice security guard told us that their canines will be coming soon but not sure when.

He was also very nice and patiently took pictures of us. 

Yep! That's how I judge people -- by their willingness to take our pictures! Kidding!

Mati inside the leather populated elevator of FAIRMONT!

Tee hee! They sure were taking it easy!

The boys were loving the marble ledges of FAIRMONT!

The bar was already closed in FAIRMONT so we just had some pictures around the lobby.

Awww! This is a great picture of THE YAPPY BUNCH!

Those marble tables sure came in handy!

(No tripod!)

Us by the stairs!

The only boys in my life!

Unless another one will come along the way!

I loved the chandelier atop the stairs.

"Would you like to be a member sir?"

The FAIRMONT lobby was simple but it had eye catching art pieces around it. 

Like this gold metal wall art similar to wavy star fishes.

According to the little lords this was their favorite.

As for me, I was more inclined to this glistening ceiling art.

Such a beautiful picture with the cutest subjects and an awesome background.

If only Mati was not scratching his tummy. HA HA HA HA HA! 

My little Andrei gave such a praise to these colorful bottles.


ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in FAIRMONT!

And that concludes our HOTEL HOPPING to welcome 2015!!!! Hopefully next year we'll be able to encounter MORE ice cream, MORE hotel dogs, and MORE nice people along the way.

But of course, we were not complaining with our time tonight. We all had a hoppity hop grand time!!!!



Corner of Ayala and Makati Avenues, 1
1226 Makati City, Metro Manila, 
+63 2 887 2888

1 Raffles Drive
Makati Avenue, Makati, 1224
(02) 555 9777


  1. Hay naku, iba na talaga ang heredera ng isang global real estate empire, puro hotel hopping na lang ang inaatupag, hahahaha
    -ang cute naman ng little lords mo, magkapares pa ng suot. =)
    -YOU'RE SOOOOO MEAN!!! Nyahahahaha...
    -cutie doggie! I love dogs!
    -ganyan pala itsura ng loob ng Peninsula! ang ganda! Minsan nag-try ako pumasok diyan, pinigilan ako ng guwardya... di daw pwede pulubi sa loob. Mga ka-level lang daw ng YAPsters ang pwede diyan, huhuhu... =)
    -ay sayang wala na ang Christmas tree!'
    -di ko na lang papansinin yung joke mo about the two trees and the tables, hahaha
    -Andrei brought his toy cars with him???
    -awwww... Mati reading books! I approve! hehehe
    -hahaha... ginawa na naman ni Andrei yung eye-thingie. Pilyo talaga.
    -WOW! That's one huge ice cream sundae! I wish makatikim ako niyan one day...
    -uy dumating si Mareng Gail!
    -awwww... ang sweet mo naman, arranging all that for your friend. And that's one humongous sparkler!
    -Writer's Bar seems like a place I'd enjoy. It seems so cozy.
    -eeeeekkk! Twilight! Next thing you're gonna tell me is you also like 50 shades!!!
    -DowntoWn talaga! hahaha
    -probably a good idea not to let Andrei drink coffee yet, baka lalong maging hyper!!! hahaha
    -parang ang sarap ng calamares! sigh, iba talaga pag-alta. ako kse, grade one lang ang inabot ko, no-read no-write pa ako... paano na ngayon ang buhay ko? =D
    -awwww... sad naman na tinatanggal na nila yung tree. =(
    -hahaha... inaantok na siguro ang mga bata kaya all-out na sa pagka-kenkoy =)

    This is such a nice tradition you have. I'm sure the boys will appreciate it even more when they have their own children already. Have a great Tuesday Jaz!

    1. Hullooo Mr. Snuff (british accent because of DOWNTOWN ABBEY)...

      1) Ha ha ha ha ha! When they were younger I always dressed them alike kasi it makes me feel like they are really connected as siblings when they go out. Drama ko lang yun ewan ko ba pero that's how I look at it. Parang united front sila. However, when they're growing older na they didn't like it and would insist on dressing differently... so giangawa ko same style different color, or same shade. Buti tonight pumayag sila na same polo. Wala atang nagawa kasi they really wanted long sleeves and this was what I took out for them bago ako pumasok. Bwa ha ha ha ha!

      2) I KNOW! Nagkagulo nga sila to get the marble ball to my amusement. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      3) ASUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS pwede ba?!!! Tigilan mo ako e mas alta level ka sa akin!

      4) Oo nga e ang ganda pa naman ng Christmas tree ng Peninsula sayang we were not able to get a pic of it.

      5) Oo wag mo na pansinin yung joke ko about the tree and table. Gusto ko na nga burahin kaso wala ako maipalit na caption. Ha ha ha ha ha!

      6) Yes he did! I always tell the boys to bring toys or books para they won't be bored when grown ups are talking (ayoko din kasi maglaro sila ng gadget or PS2). Si Fred nga hiniram yung isang car ni Andrei and purposely broke it (kunwari) para asarin si Andrei. Ha ha ha ha ha! Di lang makatantrum itong isa kasi nahiya.

      7) Yes! Mati loves reading books especially the Diary of the Wimpy Kid series. I'm gonna give him his own copy of HARRY POTTER soon.... (or Twilight....) BWA HA HA HA HA HA!

      8) yES! i hate it when he does that. Cute na hate. Ha ha ha ha!

      9) Yes you'd like it at WRITERS BAR. I'm not sure how it is during the day but when we were there before 12:00am ang saya niya and very cozy to hang out in.


      BLECH! ha ha ha ha ha ah!!!

      11) Oo nga e kaso naku sumisingit ng iisa dalawa or tatlong teaspoon...

      12) Yes ang sarap nga nung calamares. If you saw in our Instagram account how he wolfed it down, mapapaorder ka din sa WRITERS BAR ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      13) Oo nakakalungkot right? It's always a sad day when they remove Christmas decors :(

      14) Naku hindi pa! When they got home, nagkulitan pa! They slept around 2:00am na non... Ako ata 4:00am na nakatulog ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Thanks dear Mr. Snuff! It was a tradition started by my Dad when I was still in HS ata. Super saya that's why I'm passing it on to the kids.I'm glad you agreee!!!


    2. Bwahahaha... akala ko totoong love mo ang twilight at 50 shades! deal breaker sa akin yun, hahahaha... buti sarcastic ka. hahaha...

      Available na ang screener ng The Imitation Game!!! Bilis! DL mo na! hahaha...

    3. Ha ha ha ha! Honestly though, I LIKED the TWILIGHT series and fan ako ni Robsten. Kilig naman in a way... BUT it's more of a guilty pleasure. As for 50 SHADES, yuk talaga! I was only halfway sa first book and it bored me so much it pained me to finish it. Ha ha ha ha! Tinapos ko lang siya just for the sake of finishing it). Ang boring niya promise! After the first climax (pun intended) para, meh na e.
