
Tuesday, September 16, 2014


While we were planning our US trip, we were supposed to go to New York because our little lord's favorite movie then was HOME ALONE 2 (Lost in New York). I was pretty much excited to go there as well because I had a lot of restaurants mapped out for us which I was not able to try in my first visit in the big apple. One of them of course, was the famous little coffee shop named SERENDIPITY.

Unfortunately, our trip to New York did not push through but I was still craving for a taste of that creamy milk shake that was made more famous by Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack's movie. The foodie gods I guess were on my side that trip because lo and behold, there was a SERENDIPITY branch located in Caesar's Palace right at Las Vegas strip!


Now was that luck, fate, or destiny?


Lame? Oh well! THAT'S what you get from me this week! :P 

AND we're finally here... 


We may have to do with SERENDIPITY in Las Vegas for NOW. :)

Yes! FINALLY! We were supposed to have coffee here before going to Los Angeles but unfortunately it closed at 10:00pm! So here we are again with a vengeance.

Outside SERENDIPITY 3 the color banner was a lot of pink which would make you think it was a store of Victoria's Secret. 

But of course, if the boys ever suspected that we were going inside a lingerie store, they would be heading for the hills already. They knew that this was a cafe where they will cool down for a while.

Not to worry too because inside, the look of SERENDIPITY was far from Victoria Secret!

There was a bit of a line but the SERENDIPITY maitre d' was so accommodating and promised to get us seated right away.

 This popular restaurant bar in Caesar's Palace was filled with tourists that day who wanted something cool amidst the Las Vegas heat.

And WE'RE one of them! Hence, the line! He he he he!

We didn't mind waiting though. We loved the colors and interiors of SERENDIPITY 3!

It was as if we were inside an oversized doll house!

Do you see the movie poster there at your left?

Even if SERENDIPITY was full that afternoon, the atmosphere was still hushed and cozy. The tables were spaced appropriately that it did not feel crowded. Everybody was just quietly enjoying their desserts that hot afternoon.

There were also souvenir items and chocolate shake mixes at the entrance of SERENDIPITY 3.

Why hello Ms. Kitty! Why didn't you tell us that you were not a cat??

The SERENDIPITY 3 maitre d' must have really liked us because she seated us at this wonderful table by the window with an awesome view of Caesar's Palace grounds.


Our window side view of Caesar's Palace surroundings.

Not too shabby huh?

See how wonderful his view is? This is just a dream come true for Andrei! A fountain right across from him!

This made him so happy that he just quietly while staring at the window. He just loves fountains!

It was also a picture perfect time for us!

If you wish to dine al fresco, SERENDIPITY 3 had tables with multicolor chairs outside. 

Of course, there's a bar out as well!

SERENDIPITY 3 happy hour!

Mati, Ate Shiela, and Kuya Nap!

Andrei, the Chinese Adonis, and me against the light!

Time to order!

SERENDIPITY 3 menu 1.... 

SERENDIPITY 3 Menu 2... 





SERENDIPITY Menu 6...!!!!

Photo from the net....

I forgot to take a picture of that distinct item from SERENDIPITY besides that frrooozen hot chocolate...

Yep! To see is to believe!

SERENDIPITY carries the Guinness World Record holder for expensive dessert!

Photo from the net... 

This dessert may be straight from the hands of Midas himself! Just look at all that gold!

According to Wikipedia "Golden Opulence Sundae is made using THREE to  FIVE scoops of rich Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream infused with Madagascar vanilla and COVERED in 23k EDIBLE GOLD leaf. The chocolate syrup used is from melted Amedei Porcelana, one of the world's most expensive chocolates; and covered with chunks of rare Chuao chocolate, which is from cocoa beans harvested by the Caribbean Sea on Venezuela’s coast. The sundae is then adorned with "exotic candied fruits from Paris, gold covered almonds/dragets, chocolate truffles and marzipan cherries." Added to the dessert is a tiny glass bowl of Grand Passion Caviar, an exclusive dessert caviar, made of salt-free American Golden caviar, known for its sparkling golden color." 


Well! We're supposed to order THAT in SERENDIPITY 3 BUT they require a 48 hour notice before serving. So, drats! He he he he! (Yeah right).


Since we were deprived of that famed SERENDIPITY 3 Golden Opulence Sundae (tee hee), we just "settled" for their large banana split ($24.00).

We got this very big goblet, which could be used for an english trifle, filled with delectable ice cream, nuts, whipped cream, bananas, and lots and lots of thick chocolate fudge!

If you noticed, they even put a big dollop of chocolate fudge at the bottom of the plate to keep the goblet stable. Ha ha ha ha!

Kuya Nap had this habit of always saying things such as beluga caviar tasting like Pinoy's itlog na maalat (salted egg) or that truffle pasta smelled like somebody's foot. He loved making corny jokes like that to embarrass us. Ha ha ha ha!

When I took this picture, I was getting ready for him to blurt out "parang sorbetes sa kanto ah!!!" He would do anything just to tease us! Yep he's been at it since we were kids!

Luckily though he did not say anything derogatory about our large SERENDIPITY 3 Ice Cream! He just raved that it was indeed very creamy and nummy!

My husband felt the same way I'm sure. Normally he shies away from eating too much ice cream because it will get him barging into the next restroom in no time. But with the SERENDIPITY 3, he forgot (maybe purposely) his probable tummy "challenges" and just dove in!

Next on our table were 2 orders of what makes SERENDIPITY so popular -- their Frrrozen Hot Chocolate ($16 good for 2).

Really! Don't be deceived by the picture. This SERENDIPITY specialty is indeed good for sharing.

That's actually the reason why there are multiple straws in the Frrroozen Hot Chocolate! You should share it with the person you love. 

In my case, it's my favorite little man, master Mati!

Oops! There's one more!

Of course, that goes to my favorite baby, little Andrei!

Yes! I share my most coveted SERENDIPITY Frrrooozen Hot Chocolate with my 2 favorite guys in the world! I love you Mati and Andrei!

Yub will just get that ginormous SERENDIPITY 3 Sundae all to himself. Ha! No Frrrozen Hot Chocolate for him.

No need for us to act pa-"sweety" sweet! Our table already got that "cheesy" overload from the love birds Ate Shiela and Kuya Nap who also shared their own SERENDIPITY 3 Frrooozen Hot Chocolate.

When Kuya Nap joked again that it tasted like a very cold Magnola Chocolait drink, he got THIS from Ate Sheila! He he he he!

Yeah.... NOW he says that after finishing it! Hahaha!

It was a hot day and sipping on this creamy yet refreshing drink is enough to get us energized for a whole night of trolling.... este... touring!

So how did I find this much revered SERENDIPITY 3 Frrrozen Hot Chocolate?

Well, I liked it! It didn't blast me to the other moon kind of like though because it is what it is -- cold chocolate with whipped cream. I expected it to be fudgier though with strong cocoa flavors but that's just my personal preference.  I guess they didn't want this beautiful thing to be cloying for the diners. 

But YEAAAH, I'm oh so happy to finally have a taste of this! 

Even if we had a late lunch at HOT N' JUICY CRAWFISH just 2 hours ago, Mati suddenly craved from some macaroni and cheese and asked if he could order one.

SERENDIPITY's Kiddie Macaroni and Cheese ($8.95). 

The cheese sauce was good but the pasta they used was like flattened fish balls. He he he he he! I could tell that dear Mati did not like it that much and willing to share with Andrei. 

Hmmm... Something tells me that Andrei did not like it too. Ha ha ha ha!


Selfie stick shot!

While we were sipping and enjoying our SERENDIPITY Frrroozen Hot Chocolate, everybody sort of forgot the Banana Split.  

Don't worry my husband could fix that!

Oooh I forgot that the SERENDIPITY banana split also had brownie chunks!

Ugggh... We were so full at this point that we were having "chocolate sweats!"

Wait... It's NOT what you're thinking okay. Ha ha ha!

By the way, I loved the doodley art on each plate of SERENDIPITY dishes. I swear, I was almost tempted to zoink one of these.

I said ALMOST. He he he he! I just had nowhere to hide it in. My butt is already so big to hide even a small plate!

While we were having our SERENDIPITY snacks, the table beside us was celebrating a birthday!

Of course, we sang to her a loud song too! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY random hot lady!

Andrei cam!

Finally done!


This was MY treat this time for Kuya Nap and Ate Shiela!

It was the delicious destiny of ERICJAZ FOODIES to go to SERENDIPITY 3 with family!

Sorry I love to rhyme. I get P5 from Mother Goose... everytime!!

I did it again! He he he he!

Like I said, after all the sweetness we indulged in at SERENDIPITY 3, we all had the energy to go around and further explore Caesar's Palace (even if it's our flight home the next day).

I'm such a fan of the Trojan War and stories on Greek gods that is why I am still in love with Caesar's Palace even if it is the most cliched casino in Sin City!

Saw this parking lot in  OCEAN'S 11 and HANG OVER! He he he he! Sorry, I just want Mati to take note of that when he reads this.

So. There.

3507 Las Vegas Blvd, 
Las Vegas, NV 89109, 
United States
+1 702-731-7373


  1. That’s great my friend that you had planned a trip to New York. Had you tried food of Las Vegas restaurants, I am sure if you had tried then you had loved the food. You wife is looking so adorable and beautiful. I must say you had a perfect time over there. Thanks for sharing great pictures.

    1. Hiya Johnsonsmart!!! Yep we loved the food of LAS VEGAS!!! That's where we stayed most of the time.

      Thanks for complimenting me as adorable and beautiful! I am the wife by the way. I'll scratch that off my bucket list. KIDDING! ha ha ha ha ha ha!
