
Sunday, June 29, 2014


If you are planning to go on a trip to Las Vegas, you should remember that it is ALSO another CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS. Why? Because there is just a lot to do!!  Besides the casinos that are open 24/7, restaurants, shows, and events, LAS VEGAS loves the people so much that it also gives out entertainment for FREE!

Yup! You read that right!

Of course, you could still save money if you want to watch  Las Vegas' popular shows such as Cirque De Soleil, BEATLES' LOVE, David Copperfield, etc. etc. BUT do know too that there are other activities for you to enjoy that won't cost you a dime.

And that's what my little family did for an extra enjoyable time at LAS VEGAS that cost us nothing!

WE L-O-V-E Las Vegas!

On our first day in Las Vegas, we did not immediately go to the strip. But even if we did have an enjoyable dinner, we felt it calling out to us.  And yes, the lights of the strip may be so alluring but we have another thing planned for the next day!

And yes, we were up so early for it! 

Like our hats?


HOOVER DAM also serves as the border between ARIZONA and NEVADA. 

It is truly a must see when you're here!

There's even a new bridge constructed nearby that's also a worthy view to behold. 

HOOVER DAM started construction at 1931 until 1936 and was named after US President Herbert Hoover.

Entrance to HOOVER DAM is free but they also offer special tours within the power plant for those who are interested. 

The view at HOOVER DAM is truly breath taking!

If you're afraid of heights (like me) your heart may get pumping with the sight down below.

He he he he!

We also gave a salute for the American flag that stood so tall and mighty.

It was also there to honor the men who gave their everything for HOOVER DAM. 

Mati asked me to take a picture of this since he liked what he read. 

According to, a thousand workers were involved in the construction of this famous dam. It also claimed the lives of a hundred men. 

And they were honored for it.

According to Transformers 1, the HOOVER DAM also served as the home of MEGATRON.

He he he he!

It is best to go at HOOVER DAM in the morning before hoards of tourist busses come in.  

We were at HOOVER DAM at about 9:00am but the sun was already up and about! Check out Andrei covering his eyes. 

Since we were early, we got HOOVER DAM all to ourselves!

The kids were able to go around and enjoy the view without any sort of hustle!

We got to take a lot of pictures without worrying about photobombers or clueless people passing by our shot.

The boys decided to reenact some of their favorite scenes from Transformers! He he he he!

This famous tourist place may be windy but the heat from the sun will burn you like Edward Cullen out on the beach with the constipated Bella. 

So don't forget your sunscreen!

Don't worry, you will still have a lot of fun even with the heat! 

We packed jugs of water for us but it was a good thing that HOOVER DAM had water fountains at almost everywhere. 

I guess the weather is so hot that's why the water level of HOOVER DAM is noticeably down.

While going around HOOVER DAM, we were refreshed with water mists that would spray us from time to time.

We discovered later on though that the "water mist" was from some water pipes underneath and the "spray" was because of the wind.


Still, we LOVEd our morning at HOOVER DAM!

We felt like we were one with all the rocks and mountains!

ERICJAZ FOODIES  with the little lords in HOOVER DAM!

The little lords had so much fun with our mini tour of HOOVER DAM. Of course, they appreciated it more when they saw Transformers. Ha ha ha ha!

It's really best to go to HOOVER DAM early. The only down side though is that we were not able to catch the exhibits since it was still closed. 

It's okay. I always did say that EVERYTHING is still fun as long as we are together! He he he he!

Even if we wanted to stay some more, we had to "wrap up" and head back to the car. 

Of course, we can't go without a monopod selfie first!

After HOOVER DAM, we went to the Las Vegas Boat Harbor in Lake Mead!

Once again, we have the place to ourselves!

If you plan to go to the Boat Harbor of Lake Mead, don't forget to put on A LOT of sun block and bring cold drinks.

As for me, I wore sleeveless and got coke zero. Ngerks. He he he he!

LAKE MEAD is the largest reservoir in the United States and formed by the HOOVER DAM. 

It is named after Dr. Elwood Mead!

Entrance for the Las Vegas Boat Harbor is free. 

The only thing you need to pay for is the parking which was $10 good for a week (I guess this was really for those who go off on their boats). 

As for us, we were not there to ride our (ahem) 50 foot yacht. 

We will be feeding these disgustingly big carps! Ha ha ha ha!

We won't feed ourselves or the monopod! Duh! Ha ha ha ha!

Think of it as your "Nuvali" in Las Vegas. He he he he!

You may bring stale bread with you. Since we didn't have any that day, we bought some popcorn at the convenience store. 

Ngii! Look at them crowd rushing towards Andrei!

It is already my 6th trip in Las Vegas and every time my Kuya Nap would bring me to Lake Mead to feed these fishies.

Believe me, this would NEVER get old! It's still so fun! 

The little lords had a lot of fun doing it too!

And every time we're at LAKE MEAD it never fails...

Kuya Nap would ALWAYS attempt to throw somebody to the fishes! H aha ha ha! Before it was just me. Then for 2 consecutive times, Mati became his "fish feed" victim!

Mati was just too heavy now that he was not able to lift my little man!

It's okay Kuya Nap! That joke NEVER gets old too! Ha ha ha ha!

Ngiii! Those LAKE MEAD carps were so big that you could get one and have Kim Kardashian kiss it. I bet she wouldn't know the difference. Not that she's really that sharp or anything. 

While we were there, this young monk came with a cartful of stale bread! 

He gave us many loaves to feed the fishies! 

That made my little lords so happy!

I'm sure the fishies were so happy too! Ha ha ha ha!

If it gets too hot for you, you could stay at the covered area while your companions feed the LAKE MEAD carps. 

I brought my family some cold drinks and got meself an ice cream bar... 

... plus some DING DONGS! He he he he!

I didn't realize there was a promo! H aha ha ha!

While we were cooling off, Mati and Andrei became fascinated with fortune teller machines. 

Check out Kuya Nap's smile which translates to WHATTA RIP-OFF! Ha ha ha ha1

Mati's first ever fortune!

While the kids were feeding the carps, Kuya Nap made a new friend. 

To quote him... "What a VERY... UGLY... MOTHER EFFER...". But he said that in Tagalog. Ha ha ha ha!

Yeah right, he still kept on feeding.

Besides feeding the mutant carps and staying in their 100 feet yachts in the boat harbor, we saw some people riding their jet skis in the lake.

Such a great day at HOOVER DAM and LAKE MEAD!!! The boys had so much fun that they were already asking when we will go back to feed the mutant carps!

While going to the car, Yub took a picture of me and tripey.

Check out Andrei still feeding the fishies making it follow him. 


Of course, when in LAS VEGAS, don't forget to do some casino hopping! Because with that, not only will  you already be entertained with the sights but you could also watch some shows for free!

You could also also drive along the LAS VEGAS strip in style by renting a limousine but sometimes it's more fun to just walk and marvel at what the strip has to offer.

Aaah... Las Vegas baby!

Take a walk along the boulevard... 

... and you could go to New York in an instant!

... and see the Statue of Liberty!

He he he! Every corner is picture worthy!

You could also see some of your favorite characters who could take pictures with you for a tip (just give out $5 below. If they harass you by demanding more, you could report them to the police. Yup we saw it happen.)

It's a good thing that there were some walkways in the strip for tourists. 

There are also some trams in certain casinos that would connect you to another hotel! This is free of charge!

If you have kiddies with you this could be a mini adventure for them!

When we rode the tram in Excalibur, it took us to Mandalay Bay!

Yey! We're here and we did not break a sweat!

After a few steps though, we got a bit hungry. Ha ha ha ha!

Good thing that there are a lot of delicious yet affordable places to eat if you're walking near Mandalay Bay like our favorite, PANDA EXPRESS (SEE HERE!!!)

After our dinner, Yub thought of riding the bus going to Bellagio. 

Little Andrei was very impatient and wanted to hitch hike! Ha ha ha ha!

I know we could walk or take the tram back again but we just wanted to try out a Las Vegas bus!

Hmmm.... we payed $5 each to go to BELLAGIO from MANDALAY BAY!

What the....????


When you go to LAS VEGAS, please for the love of mankind, do NOT miss the fountain show in BELLAGIO!

BELLAGIO's fountain show is free of charge and goes on for every 30 minutes! I think each show is different from the other. For this one, we got Billy Jean!

Poor Andrei was just traumatized with the loud sounds when the BELLAGIO fountains would blast out its waters.

Brave big brother Mati wanted to show little Andrei that there was really nothing to be afraid of so we stayed for another show. 

For this one, BELLAGIO played "Fly Me To The Moon" by my favorite Frank Sinatra!

Mati was then lost with the sights and sounds of BELLAGIO's famous dancing fountain!

"In other words... BABY kiss me!"

This was made more special for me because we got 'Ol Blue Eyes joining us for this YAPPY BUNCH night!

Don't you think this is a beauuutiful shot?


I could almost hear "Claire de Lune" in the background! He he he he! If you've seen Ocean's Eleven 1, you'd know what I mean!

I remember it was just like yesterday when me and Yub went to Las Vegas after we got married.

And now we are 4!! I get a different kind of excitement with that!

We met Ate Sheila and Kuya Nap inside the BELLAGIO flower display.

Yep! These are real fresh flowers! BELLAGIO changes them daily. 

Even the flowers in the paintings are real! Ha ha ha ha!

Again, the BELLAGIO inside garden is a must see in Las Vegas. Entrance is free too and you could take as much pictures you want!

Like we did! BWA HA HA HA HA!

Andrei ran off to go sigh seeing. I held on to Mati so we could get one more picture. He he he he!

There may be a lot of  signature shops to check on in the BELLAGIO but we were already happy with just showing the kids the flowers.

I love the BELLAGIO even if there may be more newer hotels around.

And I guess, a lot of people will agree with us! Don't worry. There may be a lot of tourists who feel the same way but it will still be an enjoyable stop in your Las Vegas itinerary!

He he he he!

PART 3 COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check this OUT!


3950 S Las Vegas Blvd, 
Las Vegas, NV 89119
(702) 632-7777

3600 S Las Vegas Blvd, 
Las Vegas, NV 89109
(702) 693-7111

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