
Monday, June 9, 2014

KOREAN AIRLINES (PLUS our flight going to US!)

I love travelling! I would DEFINITELY choose it ANYTIME over a ridiculously expensive bag, designer couture, or tons of jewelry....

Come to think of it, I could just sell the jewelry in order to travel via first class, but I'm sure you know what my point is.

Anyway, I am such a travel bug and I'm so happy that THE YAPPY BUNCH is catching the addiction as well. I love that the kids are banking up on experiences and encountering different cultures. They too would choose a trip somewhere with the family rather than getting a new toy or gadget. That's why for Andrei's 7th birthday, he agreed to forego a grand birthday celebration by just having a Mcdonald's party so that we could have a trip to the US.

And wow, such a vacation it was! Of course, I will blog soon about our numerous staycations plus the restaurants we pigged out on, but first, I will share with you our very smooth journey courtesy of KOREAN AIRLINES.

Let me warn you early though that there are no KPOP groups here, except, US! He he he he!

On our way to the airport!

Our flight was scheduled at 12:00pm but I asked my husband if we could be there way, way, wayyy early since I heard of the horror stories of how the air conditioning of our airport was still broken and that passengers were in it for a looong hot wait. 

And yes, it was true! Jeez. Good thing we were early because that meant we were first in line in the ticketing and immigration. Both sections had weak air conditioning but we were able to whizz past by nicely!

At least it was very cool at the gates so YIPEE! 


It was peak season so we paid about $1,500.00 each for adults while it was $1,300.00 per kiddie. We did not really mind since it was one of the few airlines with a direct flight going to Las Vegas --  our preferred port of entry.  

There's our plane getting ready. 

I was taking pictures of my family while waiting at the gate when I noticed that the old lady did not want to be a part of it. Ha ha ha ha!

Our boarding passes at KOREAN AIRLINES!

I know this is about KOREAN AIRLINES but I would like to commend the attendants of Naia Terminal 1 for being so accommodating and nice to seniors. They were so friendly in assisting them to get on the plane. 

Boarding for the YAPPY BUNCH!

Two lovely Korean flight attendants met us at the entrance of our plane. 

Settled!!! My husband was so pleased with the legroom!

And I would have to agree with him. I've already been on Japan Airlines, Northwest, Philippine Airlines, United Airlines, Delta, and Emirates, but for me KOREAN AIRLINES has the most spacious leg room for Economy class passengers.  

And we all get our very own on-board entertainment!

Of course, the kids lost no time in playing the games!

There was a special channel for Kiddie Movies and Games in KOREAN AIRLINES that Mati loved!

Somebody was angry there was no porn... BWA HA HA HA HA! Kidding!

As for me, guess what I watched?

KOREAN AIRLINES' on board entertainment system has a special program that lets you navigate and control the shows you want to see. Think of it as your very own DVD player where you could stop, rewind, or forward the movie or television show that you want over and over again. 

I think I saw my favorite episodes twice!

Could you guess what episode this is? He he he he!

Ross : "1%???????"

After a few minutes the KOREAN AIRLINES flight attendant distributed our first snacks for the trip. 

Every time before a meal, KOREAN AIRLINES would give out sweet and salty peanuts for a snack! Andrei loved these and asked for my share. 

KOREAN AIRLINES peanuts came with our choice of soda or juice!

KOREAN AIRLINES only had 3 seats per aisle. So it was me, Mati, and the Andrei. At first, Mati sat by the window while Andrei was in the middle. Later on Andrei requested for the window seat. With that, I have to sit beside Andrei because he wouldn't eat a bite during meal times unless I "assist" him. 

Yep! We haven't arrived in Las Vegas yet and already we're having a "Cirque de Soleil" show in our seats!


Whenever I fly with the kids I always request for the airlines' kiddie meal. You should too in case your little one does not appreciate food that is normally good for adults. At first I requested Mati and Andrei to have the kiddie meals but then I remembered that my first born is fast becoming a foodie and would be very disappointed if he doesn't eat what mommy and daddy are enjoying. So it was only Andrei who signed up for it. 

After you have confirmed with them that you're going to have a kiddie meal, KOREAN AIRLINES will make you choose the food for the flight from their menu. Yes, you will get to choose what food you prefer for your kid unlike in this other airline where once we confirmed we will have the kiddie meal, that's it, you will get just the one viand they will serve. 

For Andrei's first kiddie meal in KOREAN AIRLINES he got a boxful of nutritious snacks and spaghetti!

I must say that his spaghetti tasted very good as it reminded me of what I usually enjoy in Pancake House!

KOREAN AIRLINES onboard meal! Yub and Mati's choice included bread and butter with greek salad (which I ate for them).

First meal in KOREAN AIRLINES was sweetened pork with flavored rice. 

Mati seemed to enjoy it as he kept on shoveling spoonfuls of food in his mouth. 

But of course, nothing prepared him for....


KOREAN AIRLINES bibimbap! My order!

KOREAN AIRLINES even provided instructions on how to properly enjoy their bibimbap!

The KOREAN AIRLINES bibimbap base comes with shredded shiitake mushrooms, bean sprouts, ground beef, raddish, cucumber, and spinach. 

I only got half of the steamed rice provided since I was on a (ahem) diet. 

The KOREAN AIRLINES bibimbap comes with this chili paste in a plastic tube. I squeezed it till it went dry since I love everything HAWT (tssssss....)!


For an airline food, this was SOOO delicious! The flavors were there while the vegetables were still crunchy and appetizing to the bite. Mati even noticed that I was enjoying my meal too much that he asked for one, two, and three bites! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Grumble grumble...

To make him stop getting from my KOREAN AIRLINES bibimbap, I just gave him my miso soup. Ha ha ha ha! 


Korean raddish kimchi!

Yum! Let's eat!

Oh thank you dear Mati for strategically covering my "biceps".... Ha ha ha ha!

KOREAN AIRLINES also gave out these mineral water containers which were so handy to take out. 

Galit galit muna! He he he he!

Dessert was a cup of Big Scoop ice cream! Yum!

And I'm done..... I think I see some leftover grains here and there... He he he he!

Nothing like a cup of brewed coffee after a meal! 

KOREAN AIRLINES also provided these stickers which you'll put on your head rest so that flight attendants would know if you want to be disturbed or not. 

Touch down Korea!

I loved how little Andrei was always excited to see the view.

Mati bidding goodbye to our plane. He he he he!

He he he! We just cannot stop taking pictures!

The airport in Korea was so big that it was a bit of a walk going to our next connecting flight. 

Flight sked!

Lost in KOREA! Ha ha ha ha!

Like in Singapore, the kiddies were so pleased to see a play area in the airport. So they were not that bored while waiting for our next flight. I wonder when we could have the same amenity for kids in our homeland?

It's nearly sun down. Wow that's such a wonderful view!

Getting ready to board KOREAN AIRLINES!

There's our plane!

Let's go!

Yup! That's us!

I loved the the airport's passageway going to the plain. It's sleek, cool, and somehow had that "Star Wars" sort of feel.

I guess for the latter, that's just me. He he he he!

In the plane once again! We haven't settled yet for more than 5 minutes and the pretty attendant already gave the kids their KOREAN AIRLINES treats for the flight! In every flight, we would receive something new for the kids!

For us, everything that we may need for the 12 hour trip is already waiting on our seats. Hello pillow, toothbrush, toothpaste, blanket, slippers, mineral water bottle, and headphones!

Of course, the over packing mommy that I am, I also brought along the kids' neck pillows and eye masks. 

Andrei's kiddie dinner!

His kiddie meal consisted of these juicy sausages and Omurice. As Andrei fell asleep before dinner was served, Mati enjoyed this one where the omellete encased steamed rice with mushroom gravy!

I also got to eat his crabstick salad too! He he he he!

Andrei also received these other goodies along with his kiddie meal in KOREAN AIRLINES. Since he was already asleep and we were too full to finish it for him, we just packed it all to go.

KOREAN AIRLINES dinner meal!

Yub chose the roast beef with gravy and mashed potatoes. He said it was just okay. 

As for Mati, he chose to have some instant noodles (along with Andrei's Omurice... he he he he!)

And look what I got again?

Yummmm.... Little Mati, beside having Omurice and noodles, also got a spoonful or two from my KOREAN AIRLINES bibimbap! Grrrr!

Naaah... who could really resist that full and happy smile?

Before Mati went to sleep, I asked for some warm milk for him. 

Come "morning" time.... 

Little Andrei woke up in a real good mood!

As for Mati, he immediately requested for some KOREAN AIRLINES fresh orange juice!

Andrei's kiddie meal! The plastic box that came with the meal was so handy. We were able to put in all of his untouched snacks for take out. 

Andrei's "breakfast" of breaded pork chop with gravy was extra tender for kids.

It also came with blueberry muffins and fresh fruits.

Yub chose to go the healthy route and went for KOREAN AIRLINES' breakfast of corn flakes.

While Mati got the KOREAN AIRLINES omelette.

As for me, I wanted to try something different so I went for the KOREAN AIRLINES porridge. 

The porridge was more like "am" but you add flavorings which came from a sachet. 

After a good mix, you will have a delicate breakfast to just fill your tummy. 

You eat the very light porridge with these pickled radishes which were very strong in flavor. Everything was just okay for me but I don't think I'll have it again if it was offered in the next trip going home. 

Yeah, I want everything HEAVY!

When we were near our destination, I changed the kids to something more "cooler" to wear in the very hot desert of Las Vegas.

Yup bright colors for all of us!

Uh... did Yub just woke up???!

And there it was.... 

Andrei was once again excited to see the view to which we will be landing on!

Getting our bags was all easy peasy!

... and we are here!

VIVA LAS VEGAS! Thanks to a wonderful, comfortable, and safe flight with KOREAN AIRLINES!!

Going home.... 

After a wonderful 2 and a half week stay in Las Vegas, and California (blog posts to follow), our vacation has come to an end!

My kids fell in love with the US and had so much fun with my cousins Kuya Nap and his wife Ate Sheila!

You might say, that it was a little hard for me to say good bye to them too.... I love them sooo much! 

When I got to my seat, a blanket, pillow, toothbrush, mineral water bottle, and head phones were already waiting for me. 

Grumble... grumble... 

My husband seems like he was smiling but really, he was fighting all the pain and sobs inside. 

Grumble. Grumble.

Same goes for us.

Grumble. Grumble.

Once again, Andrei looks outside for his last look of Las Vegas...

... for now. 

Oh well... we left our heart in Las Vegas... 

After serving peanuts and drinks, KOREAN AIRLINES promptly gave Andrei his kiddie meal. 

Which again, he was too sleepy to enjoy.

Guess what I got for dinner again?

This time, Mati followed suit and had KOREAN AIRLINES bibimbap as well!

The food served by KOREAN AIRLINES going home was basically the same with a different tweak to it. Yub got again his roast beef with mashed potatoes.

We still enjoyed it though!

For breakfast I got these scrambled eggs, potatoes with gravy, and bacon.


Sorry, I'm just SO grumpy since we were going home.

Yeah I know I'm supposed to say the usual "There's no place like home" thingy, but we just had SO MUCH FUN with our family trip that I can't help but be oh so bitter. You'll see what I mean soon!

My MEH scrambled eggs came with this.

Could you detect the sadness in our eyes??

And once more we are in KOREA for our connecting flight!

Thanks to KOREAN AIRLINES, Mati's new favorite dish is now bibimbap! Ha ha ha ha!

He suddenly felt hungry for it and asked that we have a quick bite in one of the airport restaurants. 

Korean bibimbap... 

... which Mati had all to himself! With extra chili! He he he he!

Going to our gate!

While waiting for our plane, Andrei went for the play area once more.

Wait... I seem to feel a very weird sense of deja vu here... Hmmmm...

The YAPPY travelers are going home!

I saw Andrei watching our plane getting ready. I think this is a very good shot of him!

Our KOREAN AIRLINES movies for the flight going home!

We chose the same lunch of pork chops for Andrei going back to the Philippines.

It came once more with these little packets of goodies!

Mati and I got the KOREAN AIRLINES pork with soy sauce and fried rice. 


Yub chose the same for his meal in KOREAN AIRLINES!

Beside the KOREAN AIRLINES bibimbap, this has got to be our favorite since the food was wiped out in no time! Ha ha ha ha!

And after 4 hours (from our connecting flight) we saw a familiar sight.... 

Again, Andrei can't stop staring... 

Finally we are home!

Okay fine. Even if we had so much fun in Las Vegas and that heat was unbearable here, we were finally happy to return once we stepped onto familiar land. 

But definitely, we will be making a return to the US real soon. 

And yes, it may be via KOREAN AIRLINES once more. 

Grumble. Grumble

KOREAN AIRLINES (ticketing office)
124 Leviste St., Salcedo Village, Makati
Metro Manila, Philippines 
(+63 2) 812-8721

Check this out!


  1. HAHAHA! You are the only one I know of that blogs about your plane trip!

    1. Ha ha ha ah! Is that a good thing or a bad thing??? Well I just don't want to forget ANYTHING! I have a terrible memory kasi!

      BTW... SUSHI CAKE......................................

      That... I won't forget.

  2. i felt like i've been to vegas and back via korean airlines after reading this entry. thanks.

    1. Ha ha ha! Yes it was SOOOO LONG! Sorry I don't want to forget anything from our wonderful trip. We really had a grand time. I'm glad we were able to truly share the experience with you :)

  3. I like how detailed you are in your plane trip to Las Vegas. I find it really interesting. I love plane rides but I haven't tried Korean Airlines yet. Maybe I should the next time I fly to mainland US from Manila :). Thanks for this.

    1. Hullo!!! I really don't want to forget any minute of it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      We loved our flight with Korean Airlines because the flight attendants were very nice and the food was delicious. And the price is very reasonable too. Do try it!!!!
