
Wednesday, June 18, 2014


For THE YAPPY BUNCH's trip to Las Vegas, I vowed to do 2 things: One, to take my little lords to all the theme parks that they wished for, and Two, to eat in my favorite restaurants that we do not have yet in the Philippines.

Yes, the second one may be a little selfish on my part but I could always justify it by saying we all need to eat right? He he he he!

So  one of the restaurants that topped my list was JOE'S CRAB SHACK. I remembered that for the many times I have been to the US, my relatives would always take me to Red Lobster, another seafood restaurant that is popular there (I think). But for the many times that I have eaten there, I was still not a fan. I just don't like the food that much. As for THE SHACK, it was a different story. I often see it many times going to and from my cousin's  house and when we finally ate there, it was what my taste buds were craving for. With that, I promised that for every trip to Las Vegas, we would always have one night reserved for it. And thus, my family was introduced to JOE'S CRAB SHACK. 


JOE'S CRAB SHACK is very casual and vibrant. It's like a restaurant where surfer dudes would hang out.  

My cousins Kuya Nap and Ate Shiela were still out at work so we invited my aunt, Tita Carol to join us. 

Isn't she very pretty? When she was younger she looked a lot like the Filipina actress Tita Duran.

NOT, that I was alive already at that time. Just saw the likes of her in the internet. (Ahem.)

WELCOME to Joe's Crab Shack!

A very chirpy (and fit... vavavoom) maitre d' showed us to our seats. 

Like I said, there was nothing formal about JOE'S CRAB SHACK. (I'm sure the words "shack" and "5 star dining" will not ever go together).  What you get is something similar to a beach front restaurant where you hang out after brushing off sand from your arms and legs.

I loved the tivoli lights and the very "simple" ceiling. He he he he!

It's not everyday too that you see an angry shark hanging over your heads while you eat. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Hey Bruce! Is that you?

We were here May 13 so I guess they're getting ready for the end of the school year. 

JOE'S CRAB SHACK shell buckets!

They also sell JOE'S CRAB SHACK merchandise at the entrance of the restaurant.

Hmmm... the T-shirts were quite nice in a hipster kind of way. 

Hmmm... I wonder if a $23 shirt is indeed cheap in the US!

Time to order!

We will be!

JOE'S CRAB SHACK meynuh one!

JOE'S CRAB SHACK meynuh two!

JOE'S CRAB SHACK meynuh three!

After we placed our order at JOE'S CRAB SHACK, the server gave us a shell bucket carrying the utensils and wipes that we may need for our meal. 

Tita Carol and master Mati in JOE'S CRAB SHACK!

Please forgive the "yellow" pictures. There was poor lighting in the restaurant. 

Waiting for our orders and chatting at JOE'S CRAB SHACK. Check out Andrei playing by himself in his own world. He he he he he!

Mati ordered a JOE'S CRAB SHACK Kiddie Strawberry Mango Slushie ($1.69) since he was feeling the heat in Vegas. He he he he!

He sucked on it with all his might. My little guy liked the fruity and creamy flavors of his slushie. He just waited for it to melt down a little. 

I was trying my darndest to watch my pounds while in the US so I just shared a plate of JOE'S CRAB SHACK Caesar's Salad ($7.29) with Tita Carol. 

However, I may have defeated the purpose of eating vegetables by ordering an extra tub of creamy Caesar's salad dressing. Tee hee!

Yum! Loved these greens that were served ice cold which made it extra crunchy! 

We also ordered JOE'S CRAB SHACK classic sampler to share. 

Sorry that we already swiped a few pieces of the fried goodies before I remembered to take a picture he he he he but this JOE'S CRAB SHACK plate had fried calamari, spicy potato balls, tortilla chips... 

... and this insanely delicious crab dip that just blew me away! It was creamy then packed with crab and extra fillings! So addicting! Don't judge the serving by the tub, it was actually so rich and heavy that it was able to satisfy us 3 adults. AND, we had some leftover to take home! OH. WOW. 

For our main dish, we ordered JOE'S CRAB SHACK's Orlean's Steampot ($20.99) since the kids didn't feel like eating crabs. This pot had a pound of shrimps, andouille sausages, crawfish, potatoes, and corn!

The Chinese Adonis, who was very "gaya gaya puto maya" (aka second rate trying hard copycat) also passed up on the rice and just ordered a small basket of fries. 

Master Mati was so excited to eat but still forced a smile for his pesky Mommy. Ha ha ha ha ha!

By the way, The Orlean's Steampot was somewhat spicy. You could request them to hold off on the cajun spices if you have kiddies with you.


Before getting our hands dirty, the Chinese Adonis took out his monopod and swung it to its longest capability. (He said he was used to handling long things.... EGAD.)

I guess the monopod was something new in the US because the very fit maitre d' came to us to rave about it saying it was awesome!

Either that or she has the hots for my Chinese Adonis! BWA HA HA HA! Kidding!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords and Tita Carol in JOE'S CRAB SHACK!

It was my husbands first time to eat a Crawfish and his little chinky eyes were quite excited about it. 

Why hello there my little friend!

Andrei ate most of the JOE'S CRAB SHACK fried calamares and paired it off with french fries. 

That delicious JOE'S CRAB SHACK dip.... Such a wonderful discovery for me this time... 


We were all pretty full by this time but me and the hub still have a steampot to finish! Ha ha ha ha!

And we were finally done. ERICJAZ FOODIES just got SHACKED!!!!


After our dinner, Andrei asked if he could play a while in the JOE'S CRAB SHACK playground. 

Later on, Mati joined him. Would you believe that nights are cool in Vegas?

While the kids were at the playground, there was a band playing their grunge music in JOE'S CRAB SHACK outdoor area. 

Yahoo! We got to eat at JOE'S CRAB SHACK! That's one item off my "Favorite in Vegas list"!

Hopefully we'll go back here REAL SOON! ;)


1991 N. Rainbow Blvd., 
Las Vegas, Nevada 89108

Check these out!

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