
Friday, May 2, 2014


You know the saying "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper"? Though I know that it is actually the secret to staying fit and that I do not eat like a bird at dinner time, for some reason, the first line has always been in my mind and in my appetite. I think it has been my mantra ever since I learned how to walk because I just absolutely LOVE starting the day with real food. I cannot, for the life of me, imagine going through the day without anything in my tummy as I imagine myself a car without batteries. Yes I love eating breakfast and I'm always on the lookout to serve food that would make the YAPPY BUNCH eat not just like Kings, but LITTLE LORDS of the universe!

During our EPIC STAYCATION in B HOTEL (SEE HERE and HERE), we received these special treats from JAM FOODS AND CO

Inside was a kilo serving of JAM FOODS Original Angus Tapa!

From CHORIZO DE CEBU, we also got this plastic bag filled with bites of their Pork Hamonado flavor!

I know that these are breakfast FOODS (up yours Deniece) but for that night, I decided to alter that saying and eat like a QUEEN for dinner!

Oh there will be PIGGING OUT tonight!

Frying up our CHORIZO DE CEBU!

These meaty babies also come in tasty flavors such as GARLIC PORK, SPICY PORK, GARLIC CHICKEN, CHICKEN HAMONADO, and SPICY CHICKEN!

In a separate pan, our JAM FOODS AND CO Angus Tapa was sizzling! The mouth watering beefy aroma was absolutely heavenly! We can't wait to dig in!

And for that dinner, we had delicious breakfast grub of CHORIZO DE CEBU and JAM FOODS AND CO!

Of course, we cannot just have it plain. We also fired up some garlic rice and egg to go along for this meal fit for a King!

We accidentally left the CHORIZO DE CEBU on the frying pan too long that it was charred on one side. It still tasted good though.

As for the JAM FOODS AND CO Angus Tapa, we first had it "well done" to get a bit of crisp to the bite.

Oh yeah... give it to us mama..... 

We had a very enjoyable dinner that night and was happy that we still had more of the CHORIZO DE CEBU and JAM FOODS Angus Tapa for another meal. Yes, each pack is good for multiple servings --perfect to stock up on your freezer for those special start-of-the-day meals with your family. 

Fast forward to the Labor Day holiday on May 1, 2014. I remember coming across a post from 2 years ago where I whipped up a lot of breakfast grub for the little lords since we don't have work that day.

Awwww... isn't Andrei so cute there???? 

You wouldn't like us when we're hungry... este... angry!

The little lords and the Chinese Adonis just finished their summer basketball camp from Don Bosco. It was safe to assume that they would be ravenous and VERY hungry! I know that an ordinary breakfast just won't do.

We were supposed to eat at the popular KANTO FREESTYLE restaurant which was very nearby but then I remembered that I still had A LOT of gems stored up in the freezer. 

And I was positive that it would outdo the multiple breakfast we had at Labor day 2 years ago!

This time, we fried up the JAM FOODS AND CO. Angus Tapa to medium well so that it would still be wet to the bite for the kiddies!

I tell you that the aroma of this scrumptious Angus Tapa is enough to make you reach out for some rice and wolf it down with gusto! Owner Michelle Cu-Unjieng certainly knows how to make good meats!

We also fried up some CHORIZO DE CEBU and I immediately fell in love with the beautiful glistening sweet pork smiling up at me.

Yes, I know they're smiling because only a happy being would taste oh so heavenly. Similar to how they make Kobe beef... Tee hee! I wonder if Kevin Vitug and Justyn Reyes prepare their delicious CHORIZO DE CEBU the same way? He he he!

If I'm not making sense it is because I'm hungry!

I tell you, each bite sized morsel of this CHORIZO DE CEBU Pork Hamonado was fatty, sweet, juicy, and very tasty!

I also fried up some scrambled eggs to go with the CHORIZO DE CEBU and JAM FOODS Angus Tapa!

Of course, the garlic rice will always be here, there, and everywhere!

Mati requested to have the JAM FOODS Angus Tapa since he loved beef!

No additional dipping sauce for him. He would eat this Angus Tapa on its own!

And yes I was right! I also gave him some CHORIZO DE CEBU which he sliced and chewed on happily. But Mati cannot stop raving about the JAM FOODS Angus Tapa since he loved beef and steak. While shoveling tablespoons of rice and meat into his mouth, he kept of saying how the tapa was so tasty, juicy, and just overall delicious. I kid you not! He's such a foodie and really knows how to appreciate food that he really loved!

Since Andrei loved sweet grub more, I decided to give him the CHORIZO DE CEBU!

He is really a finicky eater but I know what he likes and I'm positive that he would love this CHORIZO DE CEBU!

Oh will you look at that?

And as I predicted, my little lord kept on asking for some more of the "sweet meat"!

Usually I would have to make several promises for him to eat. But this time, Andrei ate with gusto... and by himself!!! Yey!

Here's Andrei asking for some more. He wanted me to get everything from the CHORIZO DE CEBU plate and promised to finish it. Wow! 

I left one piece though... Tee hee!

As for me and the hub, we will take door number C... EVERYTHING! Ha ha ha ha!

The Chinese Adonis was extra quiet that morning too! 

Can't talk... Eating!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords eating CHORIZO DE CEBU and JAM FOODS Angus Tapa on Labor Day!

And like I said...







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