
Friday, March 7, 2014


I am not really overly fond of Kris Aquino. In fact she is one of those celebrities who irritates me to the highest heavens with just the sound of her voice. Lately though, I have to admit, that she has taken the foodie scene by storm that when she features a certain restaurant, it would be jam packed with thousands, or even millions of people the next day. 

Yes I'm exaggerating but that is what it felt like when we were at the end of the line.

I'm talking about 8 CUTS BURGER BLENDS which recently opened in SM Megamall's Mega Fashion Hall. 

My very good friend, Mareng Gail invited me and the Chinese Monster.... este... Adonis to try out this restaurant which Kris Aquino described something as "the best burger ever". Mareng Gail and her hubby Jun arrived before us and they were surprised at the number of people still waiting in line even if it was somewhat late. 

Ngiii! And this was somewhat near closing time!


Yeah right as long as you get us a seat... PRONTO! 

I'm not sure how it was like in UP Town Center but in SM Mega Fashion Hall, 8 CUTS was somewhat cramped where the restaurant is like one long mess hall. 

8 CUTS was very casual with the concrete floors and unpainted walls that really sent out that "I just want to enjoy my food" vibe. Still, everything worked for us and we were looking oh so forward to our burgers ahead. 

It did not help that while we were waiting, we could see the freshly ground and grilled burgers on 8 CUTS counter.

Will you just give us a seat already???? This "lady" is almost going to faint from hunger!

Hmmmm.... I just "might". He he he he!

YEY! Finally we're seated!!! I think I used the excuse that my little guy was already starving.



ERICJAZ FOODIES with little lord Mati!

Pareng Jun and my very shy kumare Gail!


8 CUTS boasts of their freshly ground, custom blended, and seared to order burgers. You even get to choose on the type of meat you want to devour. 

8 CUTS menu

8 CUTS meynuh!

The magazine inspired meynuh of 8 CUTS even includes this chart to help you picture where your chosen type of meat comes from.

Now I don't know about you, but I really DON'T like seeing a picture of a live cow before I eat a steak or burger. It is somewhat the only time wherein I don't want to know where or how my meal came to be!

Little Mati was not really fond of burgers and I was recommending that he get the chicken or pasta. But he was so curious with the "create your own" and was deciding whether or not he will go for it. 

8 cuts

Mareng Gail was very hungry and ordered the 8 CUTS Cheeseburger (P195.00). She was actually going for  the double patty but our very tired server made a mistake and just wrote in one.

In the end, mare said it was okay since she was so full after finishing her 8 CUTS burger!


Pareng Jun got the 8 CUTS 4 Cheese burger (single patty P245.00 / double P345.00). He loved the oooey gooey cheesiness of parmesan, yellow cheddar, aged gruyere and mozzarella. It was certainly a winner in his book!


As for me, when I have a burger, I'll always go for the one topped with bleu cheese so I ordered the 8 CUTS Blu (single patty 245.00 / double 345.00).

Oh it was an awesome sight... my mouth just instantly drooled disgustingly with the sight of blue cheese chunks! The fried crispy leeks certainly added that wonderful crunch!!


And since I grew up reading Archie's comics, I couldn't have a fat and juicy burger without a tall glass of strawberry milkshake!

Mmmm...mmm...mmmm... 8 CUTS Strawberry Milkshake (12oz. 150.00 / 16oz. 180.00) perfectly complemented the strong meatiness of my burger by giving me a creamy and fruity finish!


MY kind of love triangle!

Since I didn't want to choke on my burger with a thick milkshake, I had an ice cold glass of Coke Zero for reinforcement!

Tee hee! Well we're all pigging out anyway!

My husband had the 8 CUTS Cheeseburger with an extra topping of crispy bacon (P25.00).


My Chinese Adonis cannot stop admiring his 8 CUTS cheeseburger. I think I actually saw some tears in his eyes. He he he he!

Oops, I stand corrected. THIS bought tears to his eyes.

Don't you all think this is just a beautiful and perfect sight??

Based on the pictures, you would think that my husband was making love with his burger.

Ha ha ha ha! I (sorta) don't blame him though because it WAS all fat and juicy. I'm sure he cannot wait to take a huge bite if it weren't for his hot wife who said she was going to make a little entry about 8 CUTS. He he he he!

Really? Are you sure it's a guy and not this very opinionated talk show host? He he he he he!

I know that we should have pimped up our fries with cheese and bacon but we wanted to see how well 8 CUTS fries fare up against the competition without any sort of dressing. 

Inangko!! That FACE. Ha ha ha ha!

Our verdict? It was good but we might have enjoyed it more with the cheese and bacon toppings! he he he he! Oh well... maybe next time dear 8 CUT fries!

ERICJAZ FOODIES at 8 CUTS with the Campos!

Our server Mark seemed very tired but he was still accommodating and constantly asked what we needed. He said that after 8 CUTS was featured in Kris Aquino's TV show, their restaurant has been overflowing with diners (blessings) for 3 weeks now. 

WOAH! Now THAT'S the Kris Aquino effect! I wonder when will that be for us?

Either that or people will run away when we're near. Tee hee!

Little Mati ordered the plain 8 CUTS cheeseburger and was quite satisfied with it!

My husband can't stop raving and wolfed down his burger in a matter of seconds!

My kumareng Gail loved 8 CUTS as well since she found the meat so flavorful and tasty. She liked that there was a slight crust on her patty which was perfectly grilled!

The same goes for Pareng Jun who ordered another 8 CUTS burger to share with his lovely wife!

I agree! One huge bite and everything just groaned inside of me -- it was surely a DELICIOUS burger! Though I was not willing to wait in a long time anymore, we would certainly return to 8 CUTS to get another round of THIS.

I now understand what Kris was raving about. Yep! This burger WAS a nummy eat!!!

Even Mati agrees! But he finished only the beef though since he was such a carnivore!

My happy chomp has come to an end and this is the last bite!


Le 8 CUTS bill!

Yes we certainly enjoyed the burger at 8 CUTS and agreed with the oohs and aaahs elicited from the TV show. But we would probably just wait until the craze has died down before we come back. Until then, we will just be daydreaming of our awesome and juicy 8 CUTS night!


Going to our car, we saw this poor bear all alone.... 

We can't help but feel sorry for the little bear since he might be scared and hungry...

But with a closer look, we noticed that the bear was enjoying himself a little TOO much all alone in the car with his hand somewhere.


Kidding! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

8 Cuts Burger Blends
SM Megamall
SM Megamall, Julia Vargas Ave
Wack Wack, Mandaluyong

8 Cuts Burger Blends
UP Town Center
UP Town Center, Katipunan Ave
Loyola Heights, Quezon City
(02) 955-2264

Check it out!


  1. Oist, love ko si Kris ha! Type ko ang pagka-bratty to the max niya hahaha! And type ko rin yang mga burger na yan ha. Mabisita nga the next time we "travel" to your end of the world na kabihasnan! ;))

    1. Ay naku! I really don't! As in the sight and sound of her makes me nauseous!!! Ha ha ha ha! But I do have to give her credit for her food reviews! Her feature on Yamato gave me a lot of hits! People went gaga over the internet for it! Miss you! Isama mo naman kami kapag "dumayo" ka!!!! :)
