
Thursday, January 16, 2014


When it was almost time to greet the New Year we looked forward to doing our usual tradition of (tan tan tanan!) HOTEL HOPPING! Except this TEAM YAP trip will not be on the actual eve of New Year's because we will be somewhere else during that night.

It was a welcome change because unlike before, we were not at the mercy of the maitre d' and wrestle with all the reservations for the New Year's eve hullabalooo. Everything was just easy breezy and it was like how we always had it. The only thing missing was the trumpets and noisemakers offered by Hotel restaurants. But never fear, the kids had so much fun and enjoyed running around that they were the ones who gave the Hotels a blast for that early New Year's celebration!

The streets of Makati were empty.... 

As we made way to our first stop.... 


NEW WORLD HOTEL had a LOT of space!

My Mati and the little Storm Trooper slash Superman enjoyed exploring every nook!

We all loved NEW WORLD HOTEL's tall and simple tree!

We all agreed that it was TEAM YAP worthy!

Isn't Andrei's costume too cute? Yup he really asked to wear it with matching Superman cape for our HOTEL HOPPING! I asked Mati if he wanted to don an "alter ego" also but he just snorted and muttered something about being too old for it.

HEY! Nobody is too old for a costume!!!!

My little growing guy would rather take pictures of his silly family though. Ha ha ha ha!

When we do our Hotel Hopping, we usually have 3 stops equivalent per each meal/course. We decided that for the first stop, we will be having appetizers. The next "hop" will be for the main grub. While the last will be for dessert.

So for NEW WORLD HOTEL being the first stop, we went to THE LOUNGE for some early bites!

The LOUNGE seem very quiet and cozy...


Anyway, I remember when my Dad took me and my sibs out for Hotel Hopping, one of the stops should always be NEW WORLD HOTEL because this lounge had very big burgers. And if memory serves me right, yes, the burgers were huge and very tasty that we would always share so that we will still have room for more drinks and chomps later on. 

Too bad my family, especially my parents cannot join us for our usual HOTEL HOPPING. Of course we understood that at their age, it was not really their thing anymore but they gave us their blessing to always go ahead. Oh well.... We would really love them to be with us to pay... este... to make every thing MORE special. 

TEE HEE! Kidding! Of course we want to treat them this time.... 

While Mati was deciding what to get.... 

Andrei was checking out the fountain!

Isn't that a wonderful view while enjoying drinks and pick-me-ups?

Andrei kept himself company by looking at the Koi fishes too!

When he got back, a tall glass of iced tea awaited the little Storm Trooper!

He insisted on mixing everything himself!

I guess the iced tea gave a lot of confidence to Andrei as he freshly called the waitress "Uy sexy!" Ha ha ha ha ha!

Mati ordered for us and his pizza is here!!!

We did not expect it to be this big when it was just supposed to be our appetizer! We were already full afterwards!

Oh that pizza was GOOEY and cheesy!!!

The kids enjoyed it a lot!

A toast for our first "hop"!!! Here's to a great night ahead!

Such a shame that the picture was blurry but the craziness started when Andrei wanted to plant a wet one on Mati who, of course, violently reacted!

Even Storm Trooper Cody was not lucky that night!

Since he was not able to get a kiss, he just grabbed one of Mati's shoes and tried all his might to take it off. 

Everything was just so funny!!

Not to mention THE LOUNGE'S lamp reminded me of something...



Once again, Andrei was the last one eating!


And to keep up with tradition, here's our picture with the first hotel dog for the night!

Awww... she liked it when we scratched her belly!!!

Next stop for our HOTEL HOPPING... 


Even before getting in, we saw how everything seemed so magical at MAKATI SHANGRI-LA HOTEL!

MAKATI SHANGRI-LA's lobby Christmas display was just breath taking!

Andrei loved the reindeers!

And riding Santa's sleigh!!

Of course my husband was tickled pink over something else!!! Ha ha ha ha!

I don't blame Andrei for loving the sleigh.... 

It did give us a LOT of laughs! Ha ha ha ha!

Look at Andrei HATING that we were "disrespecting" his sleigh! Hehehee!

Looking up, MAKATI SHANGRI-LA's grand chandelier was just glorious!

Come to think of it, it was just Christmas-y glorious everywhere!

Mati and Andrei followed in their Dad's footsteps!

No elevator for us this time... 

We're going up MAKATI SHANGRI-LA stairs OUR way!

Uh... try to keep up little slow Storm Trooper!

It's time for DINNER!

We settled down at this very comfortable red booth!

SHANG PALACE place setting!

Which was immediately destroyed by little Andrei! :)

SHANG PALACE made us feel right at home!



Andrei reqeusted for some SHANG PALACE crunchy noodles!

Hmmm... what is wrong with this picture?

Cough... look at Andrei... cough... 

We loved SHANG PALACE's crunchy noodles as the sauce was so scrumptious while the seafood were just fresh and fat!

I would love to come back to SHANG PALACE just for this!

My plate! My wonderful plate!!!

Mati was an instant fan as well!

Even if I was still full from the pizza earlier at NEW WORLD HOTEL, I had a full serving of the SHANG PALACE noodles!



The manager of SHANG PALACE liked Andrei's costume and asked where we got it.

When we got downstairs... Look who was there waiting for us?


They joined us for a hotel "hop" too!

The kids immediately commandeered Santa's sleigh!


Check out our second Hotel Dog for the night! MAKATI SHANGRI-LA's "guard" dog was a cute little beagle!


Our last stop for the night!

Now this is where TEAM YAP and the CAMPO'S will have dessert! PENINSULA MANILA is famous for their ice creams!!

Inside the PENINSULA MANILA, we bumped into Stonibert Lim (THE FOOD ALPHABET) and his charming wife Joan!! Hope we could do another food trip very soon!

Unlike NEW WORLD HOTEL and MAKATI SHANGRI-LA, the PENINSULA MANILA's lobby did not have a lot of space. 

Still, I could sit here for hours and just enjoy the whole look and feel of it. 

Not to mention the soothing quartet music that would be playing in the background... 

Loved this painting hanging near our heads.

Time to order up!

Mati won't be able to eat since Sky walked all over his placemat!



My husband has a very pretty god child!

Of course, what could you expect from such hot parents.....?

...who have HOT friends too in the name of ERICJAZ FOODIES!!!

Tee hee! Sorry, did I just make you barf?

My order of THE PENINSULA MANILA's Choco Loco!

This was one dessert where it just got "chocolatier" at every scoop!

Mati ordered a Banana Split!

He said it was the best banana split that he has ever tasted!


Let's hear it for the New Year! 2014... WE OWN YOU!

Hope somebody else OWNS this bill though... Ha ha ha ha! Kidding!

Great seeing you mare! Here's to another year of sisterhood!!


Somebody became cranky at this point and did not want to look at the camera. 

Our last dog for the night was this huuuuge but gentle German Sheperd!

I'm normally very cautious of large dogs but PENINSULA MANILA's canine head was like a big teddy bear!

Hmmm... I wonder if this dragon is like the Mouth of Truth (Bocca della Verità) in Rome where you will put your hand in it and the creature will bite it all off when you tell a lie? :)

"I am the most VOLUPTUOUS momma in the planet!!!"

Hmmm... nothing happened. This is the same then with the one in Rome!!!


After 3 hotels we got home to our building's Christmas lights and felt more warm and fuzzy inside. I guess it's because my husband and I were so happy that we were able to do spend another New Year's with a tradition that we promise to do every year with the boys. I can't help but feel sentimental and thankful that my parents have instilled such wonderful memories that I want my children to experience as well.

Till next year of Hotel Hopping then! 

New World Makati Hotel
A. Arnaiz Ave, Makati
(02) 811 6888

Makati Shangri-La
Ayala Avenue corner,Makati Avenue,Makati City 1200,Metro Manila
(02) 813 8888

The Peninsula Manila
1226 Makati City
(02) 887 2888

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