
Monday, October 21, 2013


When my husband and I go out for dinner on our usual date nights, is very convenient for us to eat in mall restaurants since we would watch a movie afterwards. It is very rare that we would just go out on a lone dining establishment UNLESS that place is very, very, special.

And yes, we are very glad to discover that DONU really, really, falls in that category.

We first saw DONU upon the recommendations of the great Spanky Enriquez (JUICE.PH) where he raved about the delicious food at a very cheap price. Then, when we had a Korean craving one night, we knew it was the place for us because he said our favorite keywords -- "delicious" and "cheap".

I'm sure you would say that there are many similar restaurants out there situated in our family favorite malls, but when it comes to Korean food, I would personally forego the commercialized ones and head for the establishment frequented by it's "locals".

And DONU certainly fits that Korean bill! It's a major plus too that they show Koreanovelas while you eat. Teee hee!

I know Koreanovelas won't really seal the deal for some but what the heck. Wouldn't you like to know what happened to the "Coffee Prince" while you eat???

Oh yes... I know my "priorities". Tee hee!


Before even entering DONU, you would immediately be enticed with their colorful food pictures. 

I know I did! So we would be getting that... that... and THAT.

When we got inside DONU it was an empty restaurant save for a couple canoodling at a certain corner. 

I know what you're thinking.

Already got a picture of them but I won't show it here. I'm a lady for crying out loud! 

Tee hee!

But my husband and I DO love looking at it when we review the pictures... Ha ha ha ha ha!

And that is why my very curious husband sat on THAT side. Ha ha ha ha!

Anyway, the reason why it was almost an empty restaurant was because we dropped by AFTER watching a movie. 

Did I mention that DONU is open 24 hours? You betcha! 

That's why everybody was still all smiles and welcoming even at 11:30pm!

We haven't even warmed up to our seats when we were immediately served with plates, utensils, a cold pitcher of water, and stainless steel glass. 

I don't know about you but I am digging that small glass!

My husband, the total carnivore, was deciding whether he will have some beef or pork in DONU....

In the end, he got both! An order of DONU Beef Brisket Point and Fresh pork belly!

As for me, I love the DONU Ban Chan (korean appetizers)! I was rejoicing inside to learn that it was all for free AND refillable!

Me : OPPA GANGNAM STYLE (doing the dance!)

DONU kimchi!

DONU raddish kimchi!

Platters of lettuce for your DONU grilled meat wrap!

DONU spiced greens (onion leeks, shredded cucumber, spring onions, etc) to add to your wrap!

DONU string bean kimchi!

This was my favorite! Just give me a big bowl of this with hot steaming rice and I'm solved for the night!

But I'm on a diet so this half cup of DONU plain rice will do!

I love that our lovely DONU server volunteered to grill the meats for us. 

... and I just love how I could hold my smile for about 5 minutes or until the beef cooks! He he he he!

Okay so here's how I eat the DONU grilled meats...

First off, grill your desired DONU meat! This is the Beef Brisket point.

While it's grilling get a clean piece of lettuce... 

Put some DONU spiced greens....

Place your hot off the grill beef on top of the greens....

Put a small dollop of the DONU special sauce...

(This has a strong pungent sour taste so you may want to ease up on it a bit so that you could still enjoy the flavors of your meat)

This is too much by the way (as I discovered later on....)

Top with your bad breath veggie of choice.... I got a clove of garlic!

On special nights, I also add a small piece of onion and green pepper! Oooh lala!

Wrap it up and put EVERYTHING in my mouth!

Since I did not want you to see me having full chipmunk cheeks, I tried to bite on my DONU korean wrap!

But the DONU greens did not let me cut it in one mighty bite! So here I am gnarling on my DONU Korean wrap... HA HA HA HA!

DONU Korean wrap insides! Tee hee!

And just repeat the process like so!

Can't talk... eating!

The aroma of the DONU beef being grilled along with the onions, garlic, and green chilis is just heavenly!!

To make things better, let's add some DONU pork!

Almost done!

Then our lovely DONU server cut up all the pork!

And grilled it more perfectly for us!

Everything's done so now LET'S EAT!

Actually I'm eating already hence my bulging cheeks!

Yub, why so serious?

I was so full beyond words in DONU but there's nothing that meat, topped with garlic and chili, cannot cure!

And some DONU pork with rice!

Then wash all that DONU goodness down with an ice cold glass of Coke zero!

Oh that was so DONU good that you'll fall into a "food coma" for sure!

Our DONU grill was done...

But we still had some DONU ban chan fit for 2 more people!


Maybe next time... he he he he!

That "next time" was yesterday. And wow... the addition of the noodles made our DONU dinner an unforgettable feast!

The Korean owner of DONU was also there and he even helped us get out of our parking by stopping traffic. VERY hands on right?


DONU Pork and Beef Grill
Polaris Street, Bel-Air, Makati City

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